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Susanna Bigger. « What a lioness was your mother among the lions ! She lay down among them and reared her cubs . She brought up one of her cubs , and he became a strong lion .» T he Bible , Ezekiel 19:2-3. « Anyone who stops learning is old , whether at twenty or eighty !»
«What a lioness was yourmotheramongthelions! Shelay down amongthemandreared her cubs. Shebroughtuponeof her cubs, and he became a strong lion.» The Bible, Ezekiel 19:2-3
«Anyonewhostopslearningisold, whetherattwentyoreighty!» Henry Ford
Greetingkiss: Youare not alone!
«Wherethereisnorevelation, peoplecast off restraint; but blessedarethosewhoheedwisdom’sinstruction.» The Bible, Proverbs 29:18
«Thereforeencourageoneanotherandbuildeachotherup, ... » The Bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Groomingwithencouragementconsistsof: • Supporting
Groomingwithencouragementconsistsof: • Supporting • Elevating
Groomingwithencouragementconsistsof: • Supporting • Elevating • Celebrating
Groomingwithencouragementconsistsof: • Supporting • Elevating • Celebrating • Praying
Groomingwithadmonishment: “I can” ... bringsaboutmiracles.
«Havingcanceledthechargeofour legal indebtedness, whichstoodagainstusandcondemnedus; he hastakenitaway, nailingittothecross.» The Bible, Colossians 2:14
Head-lickingconfession: Getridofyourbadhabits.
«Thereforeconfessyoursinstoeachotherandprayforeachother so thatyoumaybehealed.» The Bible, James 5:18
Head-lickingexplanation: Allowotherstotellyouthings.
«The greatestmistakeof all is not beingawareofany.» Thomas Carlyle, scottishessayistandhistorian
Head-lickinglearning: Mistakeshappen, getupagain.
«Ifthey fall down, theycanhelpeachotherup. But pitythosewho fall andhavenoonetohelpthemup!» The Bible, Ecclesiastes 4:10