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Solar Thermal Technology in India- Issues and Opportunities. Prof. Piyush Trivedi, Vice Chancellor , Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, M.P. Prof. V K Sethi, Director, UIT-RGPV & HOD (Energy) Prof. Mukesh Pandey, Dean- Energy Technology, RGPV. INTRODUCTION.
Solar Thermal Technology in India- Issues and Opportunities Prof. Piyush Trivedi, Vice Chancellor , Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, M.P. Prof. V K Sethi, Director, UIT-RGPV & HOD (Energy) Prof. Mukesh Pandey, Dean- Energy Technology, RGPV
INTRODUCTION • The present paper deals with Energy Efficient & Environmentally benign technologies, the Green Power Technologies of concentrated solar power for a sustainable energy security. • Solar Thermal Technology related Issues and Opportunities discussed • Reduction of Coal Consumption in Thermal Power Plant through Cross Linear - CSP system, capable of producing steam at high (>=6000C) temperature. • Also demonstrating the Cross Linear - CSP technology as a viable mean for the Energy Security & achieving the targets of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.
Mission Energy Security and Energy independence • Climate Change – Nature’s Fury • Solar for Power generation & irrigation • High Efficiency CNT Based PV Cells • Hydrogen as Fuel for future • Accelerated Program on Thorium based Nuclear Reactor • Clean coal Technologies like SCR, IGCC • Bio-fuels for Railways and Mass Transport • Energy Security by 2020, Energy Independence by2030 ….Ref.: Address by President of India on the eve of Independence Day
Stabilization Wedges Billions of Tons (GtC) Carbon Emitted per Year 16 GtC/y Current path = “ramp” 16 Eight “wedges” Goal: In 50 years, same global emissions as today 8 GtC = 8000 Million Tons Per Annum of Carbon = 8000x44 / 12 = 29300 MTPA of CO2 Historical emissions 8 Flat path 1.6 0 1950 2000 2050 2100
Wedge Strategies in 4 Categories A “wedge” is a strategy to reduce carbon emissions that grows in 50 years from zero to 1.0 GtC/yr. The strategy has already been commercialized at scale abroad. Fossil Fuel-Based CCT Strategies Energy Efficiency &Conservation Stabilization Stabilization Triangle Triangle Renewables & Bio-storage 2012 2062 Nuclear Power
The Four Dimensions of Low Carbon Technologies • 1: Low Carbon Technologies (LCT) Renewable Energy Technologies - Plans for Energy security and Environmental Sustainability • 2: Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM)/ Green Certificates / RPO Barriers, Policy & Action Plans and Roles of Market Players- Impact of Low-Carbon Life Style on Climate Change, Other Mechanisms beyond Kyoto Regime : 2012 • 3: Clean Coal Technology (CCT) Mega Power Projects based on Supercritical & IGCC Technologies • 4: Carbon Capture& Sequestration (CCS) Impact R & D Projects & Technology Issues – Technology Transfer Strategies.
CAPACITY ADDITION -12TH PLAN IN INDIA (2012-2017) Report of Working Group on Power for 12th Plan expected shortly. Likely requirement of capacity addition during 12th Plan - about 80,000 MW. ( RES – 29,000 MW; 55% Capacity - Private Sector; 40% - coal based supercritical technology) Target of energy saving through DSM and Energy Efficiency measures about 60 BU at bus-bar, avoided peaking capacity about 12,000 MW. Proposed targets in JNNSM: 22,000 MW by 2022 100 GW (100000 MW) by 2030 or 10-12% of total power generation capacity estimated of that year 4-5GW of installed solar manufacturing capability by 2017
Thermal storage • All CSP plants have some ability to store heat energy for short periods of time and thus have a “buffering” capacity that allows them to smooth electricity production considerably and eliminate the short-term variations other solar technologies exhibit during cloudy days. • Recently, operators have begun to build thermal storage systems into CSP plants. The concept of thermal storage is simple :throughout the day, excess heat is diverted to a storage material (e.g. molten salts). When production is required after sunset, the stored heat is released into the steam cycle and the plant continues to produce electricity
Project Objectives Broad Objective Technology Demonstration of Cross Linear – Concentrated Solar Power in Indian conditions through a 30 kWthTest Unit at RGPV, Bhopal Specific Objectives • Demonstrate High Temperature (>=6000C) attainment of CL-CSP • Optimize Simulation Technology of CL-CSP • Utilize to develop 1 MWeTest Plant and Commercial Plant of 20 MW size • Strengthen Indian-Japanese technical collaboration • Promoting Industry – Academia joint venture project in true sense
Collaborating Partners Universities/Institutions • Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal • Delhi Technological University, Delhi • SolarFlame Corporation, Tokyo, Japan • Asia Sunbelt Development Association, Japan Industrial Partners • Bergen Solar Power & Energy Ltd, Gurgaon • Toyo Engineering Corporation, Japan • RICOH Corporation, Japan
Concept of CL (Cross Linear) solar concentration system Linear Fresnel (LF) system Low construction cost Hybridization High concentration (High efficiency) Cross Linear (CL) system Central tower system
Bird view of CL system for large scale (30MW) CSP plant Receiver CO2 (600 ºC) High temp. concentration field Low temp. concentration field CO2 (200 ºC) 300 m 250 m Heliostat field
High temperature with CL solar concentration system Receiver line (E-W) Mirror line (N-S) W S S S S E S S S Increase in mirror facet S Increase in mirror line N N N N N N N N Larger concentration More Solar Energy
Sun tracking mechanism on CL solar concentration system Linear Fresnel (LF) system E W Receiver with reflector Mirror with curvature S Mirror line Sun tracking Individual mirror facet Sun tracking N
Structure of CL solar concentration system receiver CPC E Receiver tube W Quartz glass Receiver with reflector S N
N N N S S S Comparison of solar concentration on CL and LF systems Optical simulation based on Monte Carlo Ray-tracing method Mirror: 1m×8m×8 =64m² Mirror: 1m×1m×64 =64m² 8m 14.1m 1×8+0.2×6+0.5=9.7m Mirror: 1m×1m×64 =64m² 1×8+0.2×6+0.5=9.7m • Mirrors on the north side have higher cosine efficiency than those on the south side. 1×8+0.2×7=9.4m 1×8+0.2×7=9.4m
Simulation result of solar concentration for CL and LF systems Daily Collected power on receiver plane ・②CL system:①LF system 1.52 times on culmination 1.22 times on 1-day ・③Improved CL system: ①LF system 1.76 times on culmination 1.25 times on 1-day LF system CL system Improved CL system Collected power (kW) Time (h)
Application – Cross Linear/CSP CL-CSP Technology has the ability to produce temperatures in excess of 650 deg C, hence it has widespread application in replacing costly Coal used by Thermal plants in India
Fuel Switching CSP Solar Thermal Power for Feed Heating Coal saving 8 – 10 % CSP Solar Thermal Power for Auxiliary Steam Production / Auxiliary Power Generation Fuel Substitution in Old Polluting Thermal Power Plants having low PLF by Solar Thermal …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Saving potential in 30% Old capacity burning 120 Million Tons per Annum Coal :by 10% Coal Substitution= 12 Million Ton x Rs. 6000 per Ton = 7200 Cr/ Annum
Role India can play in CSP • Global hub for manufacturing CSP in our Heavy Industries • Global test facilities • Different climatic conditions in MNRE Centers • Technical man power • Large scale Power plants • 4-5 GW by 2020 is easily possible • Potential States -Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, MP, Haryana, AP, TN Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya , MP, India
Mile Stone of CSP Technology • CSP is poised to become a significant player in the renewable electricity generation in countries where a significant solar energy resource is available, such as those near desert and equatorial regions. • Combined generation of electricity and heat by CSP is particularly interesting, as the high value solar input energy is used with the best possible efficiency, exceeding 85 %. • CL-CSP can be game changer in CSP Technology
MAJOR ISSUES Optimization of Water Supply for Power Generation. Low Turbine efficiency due to low steam parameters. Availability of Power Grid in the vicinity. Land availability Poor infrastructure in the remote deserts for material transport and habitat of work force. Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya , MP, India
Technology Assessment ……… • Viability/grid parity is a question as far as CSP is concerned. It will take a little longer than PV. • A careful analysis needs to be carried out for the determination of an economically optimized project site that not only depends on the solar irradiance (DNI) but on many other influencing parameters. • Designing the projects to meet specific needs at an economic benefit using high efficiency CSP technology. • Land is a scarce resource in India and per capita land availability is low. The amount of land required for utility - scale solar power plants, currently is about 6 acres per MW.
Conclusion • CL-CSP is perhaps the only technology in the world which can readily give temperature in excess of 650 deg C. The 30 kW Pilot Plant at RGPV will pave way for 1 MW to 20 MW commercial plant under planning at Panipat Thermal Power Station. • In India it can be used to replace costly Coal in Thermal Power Plants • Going by the current installed capacity of Coal Fired Thermal Power Plants of 105 GW, around 400 Million Tons of coal. And if we target 10% of the dormant plants (30% of total plants, which are old) the total coal saving every year comes out to be 12 Million Tons every year amounting to around Rs. 7200 Cr.
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