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Postpaid IN Services. AMC Team Gurgaon. Scenarios: 1. IN Sales Order 2. IN Service Order 3. IN Disconnect Order 4. IN Service Disconnection 5. IN Complaints. Creation of IN Sales Order: a)Login to SAP CRM to create the Sales Order.
Postpaid IN Services AMC Team Gurgaon
Scenarios: 1. IN Sales Order 2. IN Service Order 3. IN Disconnect Order 4. IN Service Disconnection 5. IN Complaints
Creation of IN Sales Order: a)Login to SAP CRM to create the Sales Order. b)In the Sales Cycle a link is provided for Search and Create Intelligent Network.
c)Create IN Sales order through: Create--->Intelligent Network.
d)The IN Number can be entered by the User: Note: Validations present for IN Number: 1)Toll Free Number:11-13 digit number (1800-XYZ-ABCD-XY) 2)UAN:11-13 digit number (1800-XYZ-ABCD-XY) 3)Tele Voting:11-13 digit number (1803-424- ABCD-XY, 18061/62-424- ABCD-XY)
e)After entering IN Number ,the Service Subtype is need to be provided. On the basis of which IN Plan be generated.
f)Before pressing Save,need to enter at least one destination number. After entering destination number ,while saving the data a pop up will appear as shown below. • Note: In case of Tele Voting Service no destination number is mandatory. • Note: For Toll free and UAN destination number is mandatory but for Tele Voting destination number is not mandatory.
If selected the pop up option as Yes we need to enter the BA and if selected NO same CA,BA will be saved. • Note: Only BA field will be enabled ,if we enter BA ,the CA field will be automatically fetched out.
g)If pop-up is selected with the option No ,CA and BA of the destination number will be populated. The demand note need to be generated after the above step.
h)Demand Note generation is shown below: Note: • Based on the deposit amount present for the plan the amount of demand note will be reflected. • As the below Order has demand note of 0 after saving it will be directly assigned to ROI for approval.
i)If some amount is present on demand note it will be taken first for payment from PMS then it will be Assigned to ROI for approval. j)Login with ROI Role
m)We can search the IN Sales Order from Intelligent Network Search Option .We can search by IN Sales Order id or by Billing Account or by the IN Number.
o)IN Sales Order gets completed and its Ibase is generated. We can search its IBASE as shown below:-
Creation Of IN Service Order : 1)There are 2 ways to create Service order: • By directly going through Create Service Order • By going through Ibase Screen.
a)We enter IN Number and select Service Type---->IN Order Type------>Modify Order Sub Type-->Change of Plan and Destination Number Change
Note: Same screen will come when we create service order by use of Modify button in IBASE screen:-
b)By clicking Modify Button,we are creating order for Change of Plan.
c)A list of plans related with the service will appear and by selecting it will get displayed. Order Type---------->Change of Plan
d)Order is to be Saved first and then Submit button is selected ,it will be assigned to ROI for approval.
f)Ibase of the IN Number will be updated with the New Plan selected.
g)Order Type---------->Destination Number Change Creation of Destination Number Change Order: Note: - • We can add and delete destination numbers. • Need to select status as Add/Delete. • Maximum 5 destination numbers are allowed. • Destination Numbers can be of same zone and of different zone but for UAN and Tollfree one destination number is mandatory.
h)After Save and Submit Order will be assigned to ROI for approval.
i)After Approval from ROI new destination number will be updated on the IN IBASE.
Creation of IN Disconnect Order a)Selecting Disconnect Button from IN IBASE
b)We will save and submit the order,after saving the order will be assigned to ROI.
Creation of IN Complaints: 1)Creation Of Technical Complaints: a)Enter the Telephone number as IN Number and select Complaint Type as Technical.
b)After pressing Save the order will be assigned to ROI for approval.
d)After being approved ,the technical complaint status becomes Approved By ROI.
2)Creation Of Billing Complaint: a)User will enter IN Number and select the • Service Type----->IN • Complaint Type-->Billing
b)After Saving the Billing Complaint ,it will be assigned to AOTR for Approval c)AOTR will enter the adjustment amount and adjustment id(similar to normal Billing Complaints flow)