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The Ridiculous!

Why humans could evolve to have gills in the future. The Ridiculous!. 1: Nuclear core.

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The Ridiculous!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why humans could evolve to have gills in the future. The Ridiculous!

  2. 1: Nuclear core Someone could try to cook a fish using a nuclear reactor, causing a massive explosion affecting the whole earth and causing earthquakes and tsunamis everywhere, lowering the land and letting the ocean be much, MUCH bigger, until only 1 island remains, that is only 1 acre across.

  3. 2: Fishman Based off the movie Spiderman, someone gets bit by a radioactive fish, and grows gills. Everyone then wants his blood, and everyone gets it. He eventually dies from loss of blood but everyone else in the world gained gills.

  4. 3. Evil Scientist An evil scientist could have made a machine that makes the whole universe reverse, making time go backwards, instead of forwards. Causing evolution to go backwards and turning everyone into fish.

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