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Social Impact Assessments Brief Guidance Third Sector Interface Network National Conference

Social Impact Assessments Brief Guidance Third Sector Interface Network National Conference October 2012. Social Impact Assessment Framework a Framework to aid Assessments of Impacts on people as Social beings an Assessment Framework to analyse Social change

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Social Impact Assessments Brief Guidance Third Sector Interface Network National Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social Impact Assessments Brief Guidance Third Sector Interface Network National Conference October 2012

  2. Social Impact Assessment Framework a Framework to aid Assessments of Impacts on people as Social beings an Assessment Framework to analyse Social change a Framework for analysing and understanding Social Impacts a conceptual and structural aid for Social Impact Assessments

  3. Social Impact Assessments "Social impact assessment includes the processes of analysing, monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies, programs, plans, projects) and any social change processes invoked by those interventions. Its primary purpose is to bring about a more sustainable and equitable biophysical and human environment.“ The International Association for Impact Assessment

  4. Social Impact Assessments Key Words Evidence Judgement Trust

  5. Social Impact Assessments Some Core Assumptions Impact is what Counts A structured assessment is better than an educated guess Capability Theory The Equality Act 2010 Triangulating Domains – Ranges – Characteristics yields a rich ‘triple-bottom-line’ assessment of impacts

  6. Social Impact Assessments ?

  7. Social Impact Assessments Brief Guidance Third Sector Interface Network National Conference October 2012

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