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Meeting the Nation’s Needs for Personal Assistance Services: Center for PAS

Charlene Harrington, Ph.D. Robert Newcomer, Ph.D. Mitch LaPlante, Ph.D. Steven Kaye, Ph.D. Martin Kitchener, Ph.D. University of California San Francisco. Meeting the Nation’s Needs for Personal Assistance Services: Center for PAS . Taewoon Kang, Ph.D. Joseph Mullan, Ph.D. Terence Ng, MA

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Meeting the Nation’s Needs for Personal Assistance Services: Center for PAS

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  1. Charlene Harrington, Ph.D. Robert Newcomer, Ph.D. Mitch LaPlante, Ph.D. Steven Kaye, Ph.D. Martin Kitchener, Ph.D. University of California San Francisco Meeting the Nation’s Needs for Personal Assistance Services:Center for PAS

  2. Taewoon Kang, Ph.D. Joseph Mullan, Ph.D. Terence Ng, MA Teresa Scherzer, Ph.D., MSW Rani Eversley, Ph.D. Alice Wong, B.S., M.S. Toby Adelman, Phil.C. RN Brian Grossman, Phil.C. Mauro Hernandez, Ph.D. Micky Willmott UCSF Center Team

  3. Susan Stoddard, Ph.D., Lewis Kraus, MPH, MCP, Lita Jans, Ph.D., David Linnard, Ph.D., Joan Ripple, InfoUse, Berkeley, CA Mike Oxford, B.A. Topeka Independent Living Resource Center, Topeka, KS Vera Salter, Ph.D. Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute, NY, NY Robyn Stone, Dr.P.H. Institute for the Future of Aging Services PAS Center Partners

  4. Nancy Miller, Ph.D. University of Maryland, Baltimore County Brant Fries, Ph.D, and Mary James, MA University of Michigan D.J. Hendricks, Ed.D., Louis Orslene, MSW, MPIA, and Sita Misra, Ph.D., Job Accommodation Network University of West Virginia PAS Center University Partners

  5. Ian Basnett Michael Blatchford Judi Chamberlin Michael C. Collins Maggie Dee Alfred H. DeGraff Stephen Gold Linda Gonzales Douglas Holtsoi Michael Humphrey Bob Kafka Paul Longmore Laurence Paradis Jane Robertson Lee Schulz Fernando Torres-Gil Douglas Usiak Gale Whiteneck Blue Ribbon Advisory Committee

  6. 5 Year program established at the University of California San Francisco in 2003 To ensure that people with self- care limitations can live independently by providing formal and informal help PAS Center Overall Goal

  7. PAS Center Goals • Intermediate goal: To expand access to high quality PAS at home, at work, and in the community • Short term goal: To advance knowledge by contributing new findings about the nation’s increasing demand for formal and informal PAS at home, in the community, and in the workplace

  8. The Center provides research, training, dissemination & technical assistance on four main issues: Project 1: Formal & Informal PAS Project 2: PAS in the Home & Community Project 3: PAS Workforce Project 4: Workplace PAS Center for PAS Research Projects

  9. PAS Center’s On-going Plans • Producing high quality research of value to PAS users, advocates, and policy makers • Ensuring wide dissemination, training, and technical assistance • Impacting PAS policies at the local, state, and national levels

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