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Fun Times with My Best Friends!

Dive into a presentation showcasing my dearest friends, filled with laughs, adventures, and unforgettable memories. Meet Sydney, Deni, Brooke, Emily, Laekin, and Summer, each bringing their unique charm to our group. Discover the bonds that make us inseparable!

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Fun Times with My Best Friends!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TARISSA LYNN REED • Hey my name is tarissalynnfreakinreed.but u can call me riss or rissa.i gave a ton of hobbies and one of thoses hobbies is to hang with friends.in this powerpoint thingy u will see some of my best friends ever like in this world.theyarent in any type of order at all.so if yall are readin this don’t get affended………………….

  2. SYDNEY LINDSEY!!! • There is this girl in my chorus class and she can’t sing at all.hahahahahahahahahahah just kiddin I love her shes like my best friend at times and we have our ups and downs.she can sing but only certain songs.i have to admit that I cant sing every song either.she can sing the sailor song that she got the solo.hey sydgo.i love this gurly !!!

  3. DENI FABINA!!! • Hey this gurl is like my bff.shes not my favorite but I love her.me and her used to be like the closest out of everyone,but now we arnt.i don’t really know why though.we are still close but not that much no more.we used to talk like everyday on the phone but now we just talk in school.butshes my chicka and I love her!!!

  4. Brooke madisongaudlip!!! • This gurl right here is mytbff.ifreakin love this gurl.we have our ups and downs but we love each otha!!!we had an awesome sleep ova that was the freakinbest.this kid named brandon was a total creeper but it was soooofunny.we have only 3 periods together in school but for sure we make the best out of them.keep up with this gurl or shell leave u in her dusk!!!!

  5. EMILY RENEE PENROD!!! • This gurl right her is like my freakinlittle sis.she can get mad but I will always love her.we have some crazy times that I couldn’t compare with anyone.we no that when one of us gets mad to back up because something bad is gonnahappen.she may be small but she is one of the feistiest gurls u will evameet.i will love this gurl when im in heaven like the rest of them!!!

  6. LAEKIN MAE MARTIN!!! • This gurl right here I don’t even no wat to say.she don’t care wat she say when she say it or how long it will take.but somehow though all that I love her.she can be a real something else but shes still one of my best friends I love her and always will.you may thing that you no her but u or me don’t know anything.shes unexpected and does wat she wants when she wants to do it peace!!!

  7. SUMMER ICKES!!!! • This gurl likes just about everyone in our group.i recently had a fight with her over dodgeball.which is sooooo stupid but to be honest I really love her.yah she seems alittle weird but shes so funny and full of life.she can get on ur nerves but hey you have to love her.she is like my best friend or my enemy but I have to learn to live with her but I already have cuz her personality is the best …

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