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AGENDA Tues 8/30 & Wed 8/31. RAP #5: Dreadful Development Origins of the State Political Theory HW: Theorists Shutterboards Study for Theorists Quiz. Essential Question: What ideals and principles inspired the creation of our democratic government? Content Objective:
AGENDA Tues 8/30 & Wed 8/31 • RAP #5: Dreadful Development • Origins of the State • Political Theory • HW: Theorists Shutterboards • Study for Theorists Quiz Essential Question: What ideals and principles inspired the creation of our democratic government? Content Objective: Compare major political theorists contributions to our current system of government. Language Objective: Create a shutterboard to review major political philosophers’ theories.
RAP #5: Dreadful Development “Responsibility is the thing people dread most of all. Yet, it is the one thing in the world that develops us…” --Frank Crane • Reflect upon your personal development in the past few months, past year, and past four years. • Include your feelings/thoughts on the idea of “dreading responsibility.” • What are ways we develop via responsibility? Give specific examples.
Origins of state • Dominant political unit in world today (190+) • Sometimes called: nation, nation-state, country • Definition of state: • Body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically, and the power to make and enforce laws w/o the consent of any higher authority. • Body of people: population ex. Vatican City v. China • Territory: land w/ borders ex. Vatican City v. Russia • Organized politically: government ex. Anarchy Dictatorship • Sovereignty: supreme and absolute authority to govern ex. United States v. California; Israel v. Palestine
Origins of state • How did states form? • Force Theory:one person/group claimed control forced all w/in to submit ex. European colonization of Africa / Machiavelli • Evolutionary Theory:families developed into state ex. Family Clan Tribe State (nomadic agrarian) • Divine rights Theory:ruler chosen by God (15th-18th century) ex. Japan (1945), Egypt, Aztec, Maya, Chinese • Social contract Theory:state exists to serve will of people ex. Enlightenment thinkers: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu
How did your group do compared to Thomas Hobbes? Leviathan(1651) State of Nature = anarchy resulting in “war of all against all” • Life would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short” • Escape this condition by voluntarily entering into a social contract • Give up some of freedom and agree to obey absolute ruler Lasting impact on American philosophy: Alexander Hamilton = strong executive
How did your group do compared to John Locke? 2nd Treatise on Govt(1689) State of Nature = natural rights (ie. Life, Liberty, property) • A legitimate government cannot exist until the people have given their consent to be ruled by it. • Self-interest to enter social contract • If not protected by ruler, have right to overthrow and start again Lasting impact on American philosophy: Thomas Jefferson = Dec. of Independence & opposed to elitism of Senate
How did your group do compared to baron Montesquieu? The Spirit of Laws (1748) State of Nature = governments should not dominate or oppress others • Separate branches in govt to divide / limit power Lasting impact on American philosophy: James Madison = 3 branches / Constitution
How did your group do compared to Jean-Jacques Rousseau? The Social Contract(1762) State of Nature = govt must serve will of people • “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains” • If govt fails to serve general will, should be dissolved Lasting impact on American philosophy: Revolutionaries = limited govt & popular sovereignty
Homework • Create shutter board including each theorist: • Hobbes • Locke • Montesquieu • Rousseau • Each theorist will have two shutters w/ following info: • Writing/Philosophy or view on Human Nature • Impact on American Political Philosophy
John Locke’s ideas • Locke believed that people are basically reasonable and sociable, but they are also self-interested. • People who are stronger or smarter might try to take the life, liberty, and property of the weak. • Weaker people might band together to fight against the strong.
John Locke’s Social Contract Theory • To get something you must give up something. • In a social contract everyone promises to give up the absolute right to do anything s/he would do in a state of nature. • In return everyone receives the security that can be provided by a gov’t. • Everyone has her/his natural rights preserved.
4 Different types of rights • 1. Basic rights- a claim to have or obtain something, or to act in a way that is justified on legal or moral grounds. • 2. Natural rights- life, liberty & property- what is considered essential to humanity; what makes us human beings and what defines our purpose in life. • Locke said that natural rights are unalienable – cannot be taken away by someone else!
3. Civil rights – Personal rights guaranteed and protected by the Constitution, ie, freedom of speech, press, freedom from discrimination.www.uri.edu/affirmative_action/definitions.html • The protections and privileges of personal liberty given to all US citizens by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.www.nmlites.org/standards/socialstudies/glossary.html • 4. political rights- right to vote, run for office- which give you control over the gov’t.
Natural Rights Review • Life- people want to survive, they want to feel safe. • Liberty- People want to be free from domination by others, to make their own decisions, & to live as they please. • Property- People want to work and gain economic goods such as land, houses, tools, and money, which are necessary for survival.
References • Center for Civic Education. (1995). We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution. Calabasa, CA: U.S. Department of Education • http://www.spaceandmotion.com/Images/philosophy/john-locke.jpg