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Cell Division Quiz

Cell Division Quiz. Jeopardy Review Game. What happens during metaphase?. The chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell. The cell actually splits in two during this phase. Cytokinesis. After the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell, what happens next?.

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Cell Division Quiz

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cell Division Quiz Jeopardy Review Game

  2. What happens during metaphase?

  3. The chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell.

  4. The cell actually splits in two during this phase

  5. Cytokinesis

  6. After the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell, what happens next?

  7. The spindle fibers pull the chromatids apart and move them to opposite ends of the cell. This is anaphase.

  8. In telophase, what two things happen that involve the DNA?

  9. The DNA uncoils and returns to chromatin form. New nuclear membranes are formed around the DNA.

  10. What happens during prophase?

  11. The DNA condenses, the nuclear membrane dissolves, and spindle fibers begin to form at opposite ends of the cell

  12. A cell spends most of its life in this phase.

  13. Interphase

  14. What two things happen during Interphase that prepare the cell for division?

  15. The cell grows and the DNA is replicated.

  16. What would happen if a cell did not grow before dividing?

  17. It would get smaller and smaller at each division, until it could no longer function.

  18. What is the main thing that is happening during the four stages of mitosis?

  19. The nucleus and its DNA are dividing.

  20. List, in order, the six stages of the cell cycle.

  21. Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis

  22. In osmosis and diffusion, molecules always move from an area of ______ concentration to an area of ______ concentration.

  23. High; low

  24. What is equilibrium?

  25. Equilibrium is when the concentration of a substance is the same everywhere (the substance is evenly spread out.)

  26. A carrot cell is placed in a solution of salt water. What will happen?

  27. Water will leave the cell, due to osmosis. The central vacuole will shrink and the cell will collapse.

  28. A skin cell is placed in a solution of pure water. What will happen?

  29. Water will enter the cell, due to osmosis. The cell will swell and may eventually burst.

  30. In order for a large molecule (such as glucose) to enter a cell, the cell must use _____________.

  31. Energy

  32. The variable in an experiment that is changed by the scientist is called the _____________ variable.

  33. independent

  34. The variable in an experiment that is measured or observed by the scientist is called the _______________ variable.

  35. dependent

  36. Andy wants to know if going to bed an hour early the night before will help him get a better grade on tests. What is the independent variable?

  37. The time he goes to bed.

  38. Alice wants to know if warm water freezes faster than cold water. What is the dependent variable?

  39. How long it takes for the water to freeze.

  40. Restate this hypothesis in the correct format. Mixing seaweed into the soil causes plants to grow taller.

  41. If seaweed is added to the soil, then plants will grow taller because seaweed contains plant nutrients.

  42. Why is it a problem if a cell gets too big?

  43. The volume is too big for the size of the cell membrane and the cell can’t get enough materials.

  44. In what section of a lab report do you state whether the hypothesis was supported or not?

  45. In the conclusion

  46. Why doesn’t the statement “My results showed an increase in temperature.” belong in a lab report?

  47. You shouldn’t use words like “I”, or “my” in a lab report.

  48. Which of the following does not belong a lab report: Results, Purpose, Opinion, Hypothesis

  49. Opinion

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