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Bryophytes. Topic 8 BOT 3015. Bill Outlaw, Instructor. Scope of Coverage in BOT 3015.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bryophytes Topic 8 BOT 3015 Bill Outlaw, Instructor

  2. Scope of Coverage in BOT 3015 **Bryophytes are a polyphyletic group, somewhat artificial.We will look at only one group, as a representative. Other groups (hornworts, liverworts) are quite different.**They share in common lacking well developed vascular tissues, but some vascular-less extant organisms have evolved from vascular ancestors.**The distinguishing characteristic is the presence of only one sporangium on an unbranched sporophyte.

  3. Other Bryophytes Green Alga Evolutionary Relationships

  4. Bryophytes vs. Algae

  5. Bryophytes vs. Other Plants

  6. Moss Gametophyte

  7. Moss Sporophyte

  8. Moss Life Cycle

  9. End End

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