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20/20 “SOAR WITH ELVIS” TRAINING. Garry Puetz, Director of Transportation, Forsyth County Schools, GA Email: gpuetz@forsyth.k12.ga.us Office: 770-888-1234 (220106). Let’s Start With A Question.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 20/20“SOAR WITH ELVIS” TRAINING Garry Puetz, Director of Transportation, Forsyth County Schools, GA Email: gpuetz@forsyth.k12.ga.us Office: 770-888-1234 (220106)

  2. Let’s Start With A Question In 21 Georgia school bus accidents over the last 13 years that involve student fatalities at the bus stop, what is the single common denominator? *My thanks to Mr. Steve Monroe of the Georgia State Department of Education who provided this information and the subsequent charts, and who works tirelessly to provide high quality training materials and support to pupil transportation providers

  3. Loading & unloading are the most dangerous times during a school bus route. • In Georgia, 21 school bus related deaths occurred at or near school bus stops from 2000 to 2013. • 9 struck by school bus • 12 struck by other motorists • Can we identify any common factors that contributed to the accidents? • Who could have done something differently? • What might have been done differently? • How can we make that happen? • Let’s take a closer look…

  4. Where Could You Focus? 4 of Last 21 Bus Stop Fatalities May Have Been Prevented By Improved…

  5. Where Could You Focus? 57% 12 of Last 21 Bus Stop Fatalities May Have Been Prevented By Improved…

  6. Where CouldYou Focus? 62% 13 of Last 21 Bus Stop Fatalities May Have Been Prevented By Improved…

  7. Where CouldYou Focus? 71% 15 of Last 21 Bus Stop Fatalities May Have Been Prevented By Improved…

  8. What Is The Answer? In every case, the student may have been able to prevent the accident if they had been trained, and followed one or more of the student, school bus safety behaviors! What is the only common denominator in ALL Georgia school bus accidents over the last 13 years that involve student fatalities at or near the bus stop?

  9. Where SHOULDYou Focus? Improved Student Training 100% 21 of Last 21 Bus Stop Fatalities May Have Been Prevented By Improved…

  10. Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. Alexander Graham Bell FOCUS! • Students are the ONLY group that can possibly provide a failsafe in every fatal accident at or near a bus stop. • Effective student training could prevent future tragedies by helping students learn how to help PROTECT THEMSELVES on and around school buses. • Effective hands-on student training by teams of bus drivers results in better understanding, increased commitment, and more appropriate behaviors…by students, drivers, parents and administrators.

  11. What Is It? • 20/20 began as “20 in 20” (20 schools in 20 days) • Developed as a program to enhance the way we teach students about school bus safety. • Evolved from numerous attempts to more effectively teach students about school bus safety. • On school bus (Drivers) • In classrooms (Staff) • In assemblies (Director and Elvis) • Online (websites and “you tube”)

  12. Safe, Orderly And Respectful 100% of the Time • “SOAR” on and around the school bus • To and from the stop • on roadways • on sidewalks • if danger or problems occur • At the stop (AM & PM) • In the bus • In the seat (safe, orderly and respectful) • In a civil and respectful environment • In an emergency • In alignment with family, classroom, community and societal values

  13. Effective Teaching Methods for K-6 By Renee Williams (link) • Younger children generally have shorter attention spans, less experience with social interactions and basic learning skills, and an inability to understand lengthy, complicated directions. • Although children use a variety of skills to learn new information, younger children have a limited vocabulary, hence it is important to teach without relying solely on verbal instructions. • Children learn best when having fun. Interactivity helps students stay engaged with the lesson. We believe our “20/20” program is successful because… Check the slides after the “class picture” (slides #27-35) for more info and tips)

  14. ENTERTAINS WHILE CHILDREN LEARN • Is Fun for Teachers and Students • Modeled after “field days”! • Multiple stations. Involves movement and participation. • Positive • Asks for the positive (what you expect), rarely prohibits the negative (“Sit bottom to bottom”, not “don’t get up”) It limits “dont’s”! • Helps develop a “teacher/student”, learning relationship rather than a “follow the directions of the driver” relationship. • Teachers and students learn in a Safe, Orderly And Respectful environment. • Allows for enthusiasm and drama by teacher Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo Emerson

  15. Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. -Albert Einstein SIMPLIFIES • Uses appropriate wording and phrases • Safe, Orderly And Respectful is familiar to all students • Language they have heard before • Related it to “their world” (home, classroom, etc) • Scripted. Frees “teacher” to focus on engaging students, not content • Consistent from lesson to lesson, teacher to teacher • Limits each station to the 3-4 most important points.

  16. REPEATS, REPEATS, REPEATS • Reinforces important lessons and vocabulary (Danger Zone, for example). • Use phrases and words that “condition” responses…”before you move” (across the road, off the curb, off your bus, from your stop) “look both ways”. • Asks groups to repeat instructions, correct answers and/or visual signals (6 giant steps, “two-finger sweep”, “STOP”).

  17. SHOWS AND TELLS • Involves visual, auditory and tactile learning. • Demonstrates what you would like the students to do. • Asks them to demonstrate important behaviors. • Allows you to imitate them when correct. • When teaching children, actions often teach better than words. • Teaches by example.

  18. MAINTAINS ORDER • Is planned in detail. • Includes a plan for the unexpected. • Scheduled for success; better to “under-promise” and “over-deliver”. • “KISS” Keeps It Short, Simple • Transitions smoothly (moving students provides a break and helps refocus them; but only if it’s done smoothly)

  19. REWARDS • Gives children immediate positive reinforcement for success. Young children love to be acknowledged for their progress. We praise and encourage throughout the program. • A simple smile or “thank you”, “well done” or “great job” tells students we’ve noticed their work and value it. We also reward students with a class picture with Elvis and poster for the classroom. • We follow up with recognition for the teachers and principal for their successful training and having such “model” students.

  20. What Did We Learn? The benefits of this program were… • Increased enthusiasm for SOAR, Elvis and school bus safety training among… • Students • Drivers • Teachers and staff • Parents • Improved student behaviors on the school bus. • Renewed commitment by drivers towards teaching on the bus.

  21. FOCUS on Student Training FOCUS on Building Teams FOCUS on Changing Your Culture FOCUS on…

  22. Protecting 100% of YOUR Students 100% of the Time

  23. App endix • Some links and information related to the presentation • Student Learning • Advantages to program (outlined) • Links and Files that may interest you • Guiding Principles to develop high-performing culture ("A Vision for Public Education: Equity and Excellence“) • “I See The Driver” (lyrics) • “SOAR All The Time” (lyrics)

  24. THE LEARNING CONE By William Glasser.“HOW TO TEACH CHILDREN LESSON PLAN” • GUIDELINES FOR TEACHING: (My thoughts about applications for us in red.) • 1. Make it fun. If your not fun, you're doing something wrong & learning isn't happening. (‘Nuff said) • Never drill, get angry & cold. • Teach excitement and enthusiasm for learning. • 2. Learning should be a walk of discovery, not a race to the finish line. (A “journey of a thousand steps”; not one session on the bus or in the classroom or even in the bus lanes is sufficient. Teach many times in many places.) • 3. Child must be actively involved to learn. The object is not the story but the child's response to it that counts. (Reinforcing correct responses builds appropriate behaviors and habits; question, model, imitate and invite repetition of correct behaviors and responses.) • 4. Be sure the message of love gets through. Be loving (Caring). • 5. Risk looking silly, losing perfect discipline, and showing emotion (A fine line sometimes…enlarge your inventory of tools for delivery. There is some risk of “loss of focus”. Reengage using interventions, not commands or threats. Teachers can help.) • 6. Eye to eye contact. (Bend, stoop, whatever it takes.) • 7. Attention span: 5 to 10 min. on one thing. Change often. (we use 3-5 minutes as a guideline.) • 8. Reward accomplishments - treasure box and certificates (intrinsic (praise and recognition) and extrinsic (certificates, goodies, “treasure box”) if possible.)

  25. THE LEARNING CONEBy William Glasser Click link in “THE LEARNING CONE” to see a fuller explanation.

  26. BASIC CONCEPT • Elementary school students benefit most from instruction that is direct, moderate to fast paced and involves them in the learning process. Teachers of elementary age children need to utilize techniques that promote active learning through hands on projects and manipulatives that demonstrate concepts. Teachers also can review, reinforce and practice reading and math skills with children in small groups to increase overall achievement. • “Effective Teaching Methods in Elementary Public Schools” Read more: http://www.ehow.com/list_7263752_learning-methods-children.html#ixzz2XZSsukgj

  27. I Learn by “Listening” • Auditory Learners • Auditory learners gather information best by repetition. These children like to read aloud and are generally not afraid to speak in class. The LearnPlus website says repetition is the best practice for learning. Listening to the voice helps reinforce knowledge. Children who are auditory learners should practice reciting information to themselves before an exam. These learners can also teach themselves to complete a task by reciting instructions aloud. Use words along with actions and pictures to help children who learn by auditory methods. For example, Brainy-Child suggests parents teaching young children to say, "These are your fingers," while touching the child's fingers. The child will remember the audible words and associate them with fingers. • Read more: http://www.ehow.com/list_7263752_learning-methods-children.html#ixzz2XZSsukgj

  28. I Learn by “Watching” • Visual Learners • Visual learners acquire information best by seeing it. Student who benefit from this are good at remembering people's faces but not their names. These children may also think in pictures and learn best from visual displays. Dr. Melanie Hartgill, educational psychologist says using illustrations, diagrams, flipcharts, overhead transparencies and video will help visual learners grasp concepts quickly. Teachers can identify visual learners by those children who like to read quietly and often observe rather than talking. Hartgill also identifies these children by their ability to close their eyes and recall information or spelling. A final key method to teach visual learners is to have them memorize what they have seen. • Read more: http://www.ehow.com/list_7263752_learning-methods-children.html#ixzz2XZSsukgj

  29. I Learn by “Doing” • Tactile Learners • Tactile learners are also called kinesthetic learners. Hartgill differentiates these children from visual learners by seeing which do not sit still for long periods of time. They are typically good at sports and physical activities. Children who are tactile learners may tap their pen or pencil when working, touch people when in conversation or study with loud music on. • Hartgill also identifies tactile learners by those who enjoy taking breaks when studying and children who are fidgety in the classroom. A suggested study method for a tactile learner is to study in short blocks. Encourage this type of learner to take frequent breaks. Role-playing is another suggested method for teaching a tactile learner. This will help the child remember information based on the performance. Hartgill also recommends writing while reading or talking. The act of writing keeps the tactile learner engaged for longer while reading. • Read more: http://www.ehow.com/list_7263752_learning-methods-children.html#ixzz2XZSsukgj

  30. INTERACTIVE • Active Engagement • Elementary students will learn more if they can have fun while working. Teachers should give their kids many opportunities to interact with each other about what they are learning. Partner reading, think pair share and writing workshops are cooperative activities that give students a chance to practice concepts and allows the teacher to assess their understanding. • Teachers also can help their students by allowing them to engage in hands on learning. For example, when introducing the concept of multiplication, the teacher can assign partnerships and give each team a bag of seeds or beans and have them pull out the targeted number and place in a row. If multiplying by two, the teacher can have the kids add two seeds to the row. This helps students with math skills and shows them that adding and multiplying are directly related. • Read more: http://www.ehow.com/way_5529755_effective-methods-elementary-public-schools.html#ixzz2XZUrBHY9

  31. Advantages to program • Fun • Modeled after “field days” • Multiple stations • Includes movement, group participation and enthusiasm • Positive • Focuses on expected behaviors, nor prohibited ones • Encourages and demonstrates expected behaviors • Reinforces successes with positive rewards (smiles, enthusiasm, verbal feedback (great job, nice work, good answer) • Simple and clear • Uses consistent, effective vocabulary and phrase • Scripted. Frees “teacher” to focus on delivery, not substance • Drivers and students “model” concepts and follow examples • Reinforces important ideas through repetition • Interactive • Encourages student/driver dialogue • Builds relationships

  32. Other Links and Files • Philosophy: • The Elvis Way (The booklet that explains SOAR, Elvis the Safety Owl and our philosophy about protecting students)  • SOAR/Performance Document ((summary doc to explain our “SOAR” concept and our performance over time to our community) • Training Summary Doc with links: • The SOAR Times (The compilation of links to websites and documents that we showed in our classroom presentation) • SOAR Fundamental Scripts (Alternate) (a more complete explanation of scripts and actions that we may use) • Supporting links:  • soarwithelvis.com (school bus safety website for K-3) • gotsoar.com (school bus safety website for K-5) • http://www.youtube.com/user/GotSOAR (our "you tube" channel containing some of our training videos) • Know When To Stop (app that explains when motorists must stop for a school bus)   • Sample Proposal (executive summary type doc to propose training to schools (decision-maker)

  33. Continued (Links and Files) Media: Headline News Video (A link to the production filmed at Big Creek Elementary by Headline News Network) School Bus Fleet (SOAR With Elvis Article) (School Bus Fleet article highlighting our student training program) Georgia School Bus Magazine Article ("Stop Worrying" an article about using your "circle of influence" to improve results. pgs 16-17) Georgia School Bus Magazine Article (an article about the importance of including stakeholders as partners (pg 5) and the Introduction to The Elvis Way (pg 12)) Facebook: GAPT Facebook Page (Advocates for pupil transportation and educates stakeholders throughout the State of Georgia) Elvis The Safety Owl Facebook Page (Explains the concepts behind, and advocates for Safe, Orderly And Respectful behaviors on and around the school bus)  Hello Yellow Facebook Page (Page dedicated to raising awareness and support for Safe Orderly And Respectful (SOAR) practices by all students, motorists, and communities in and around school buses) Twitter: Elvis The Safety Owl Twitter feed (Alternative delivery system for Elvis' message of SOAR) GAPT Twitter feed (Alternative delivery system for GAPT messages) Garry Puetz Twitter feed (Personal feed that includes thoughts on pupil transportation, Elvis The Safety Owl and more)   LinkedIn: Garry Puetz

  34. All organizations have a culture and a climate. A proactive approach to making them both as positive as possible will provide Georgia’s educational system the greatest opportunity to achieve a high level of organizational efficacy. Guiding Principles: Nine principles underlie the recommendations in this section: • Trust, collegiality, and teamwork strengthen collective efforts. • Organizational culture is an important determinant of climate and is a distinguishing factor between effective and ineffective schools and districts. • Effective leadership is crucial to creating organizational climates that are conducive to learning. • A healthy culture is devoid of blame and fosters engagement of all stakeholders in finding solutions to challenges. • Organizational change and improvement occur only when individuals within organizations make needed changes. • Innovation and purposeful change in organizations are necessary to achieve sustainable competitiveness. • Highly reliable organizations are consistent in holding high expectations for all members. • High-performing organizations recognize, appreciate, and address cultural differences; strength can be derived from the rich diversity of our public schools. • Safety, order, and respect are necessary conditions for teaching and learning to occur.

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