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Manish Sharma
's Uploads
121 Uploads
Herbs Benefits for Our Physical Mental Health
8 vues
Effect of Yoga & Ayurveda On Self-Assessment of Sleep in Old Age
11 vues
Explain Yoga Poses For Abs And Strengthens Your Core
1 vues
Yoga & Meditation For Anger Management: Explain Yoga Poses For Control Anger
39 vues
Health Benefits of Consuming Ashwagandha That You Need To Know
1 vues
Fenugreek Seeds Health Benefits
11 vues
10 Min Yoga Tips for Neck Pain
12 vues
Differences between Ginger and Green Tea – Explain Both Health Benefits
3 vues
yoga can improve your mental health and the obvious physical benefits.
19 vues
Health Benefits of Coconut Tonic- Water, Oil And More
1 vues
10 tips to deal with sensitive and weak teeth
1 vues
Healthy Habits to Enjoy Working from Home - Yoga Routine
9 vues
Easy Guide to Kapotasana The Pigeon Yoga Pose
3 vues
Yoga important for your kids
2 vues
Best 5 Yoga Poses or Exercises for Cholesterol Control At Home
0 vues
Online Yoga can Help You Learn Advanced Yoga Poses
2 vues
Tell About Cow Panchagavya & its benefits in health
149 vues
Benefits of Conducting Breath Meditation And Pranayama Yoga
8 vues
Bhastrika Pranayama Is Effective In Strengthening the Lungs
8 vues
Suffering from Depression and Stress, Then Follow These Yoga Methods
10 vues
Yoga Asanas Can Prove To Be Helpful In Controlling Blood Pressure
24 vues
5 Yoga Asanas Are Helpful In Removing Irregularities of Period
10 vues
Suffering from Depression And Stress, Then Follow These Yoga Methods
12 vues
What Should Be The Diet for Weight Loss (To Reduce Obesity)?
7 vues
4-7-8 Meditation Breathing and Explain the Benefits
83 vues
Precautions Should be Taken for Good Yoga Practice
20 vues
15-Minute Stretching Routine to Reset Your Mind and Body
3 vues
Benefits of Multani Mitti Face Pack
69 vues
Surya namaskar types and benifiets
26 vues
Yoga And Pranayama for Fatty Liver
101 vues
7 Effective Yogasanas That Will Help Diabetes
31 vues
Meditation Rules and Advantages By Pranayama Specialist
23 vues
Explain the Vitamin “C” Ayurveda Benefits in Our Body
10 vues
Required Daily diet to boost Nutrition and Immunity
23 vues
Increase Immunity Against Covid-19 With Yoga & Pranayama
0 vues
Balance Your Root or Muladhara Chakra
6 vues
Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing), Explain it's Benefits
0 vues
Benefits of Super Brain Yoga and How To Do It
1 vues
What Is Kapalbhati Pranayama and Its Benefits
37 vues
What is Bhramari Pranayama and their Benefits
15 vues