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We Are Manufacturer And Supplier Of Organic Feed Additives, Veterinary Products, Animal Feed Supplements, Herbal Methionine, Herbal Choline, Liver Stimulants, Organic Anti-Diarrhoeals Immunity Boosters, Toxin Binders, Acidifiers, Chelated Calciums, Broilers & Layers Premix, Metho / Amino Chelated Mineral Mixtures For Poultry, Cattle and Livestock<br>
DIERENVOEDERS TI ERFUT T ER Research BasedNewGeneration Feed Additives&Herbal Products Cattle Feed Additives for www.alphafacts.eu
el s , s. od nd o l ALPHASANCAL BioavailableformofCalcium&Phosphoru forinstant absorptiontoProtectFromMilkFever &Hypocalcemia ALPHASAN CAL GEL helps in improving mobilization absorptionandutilizationofcalciumincattlebodyreserve Ithelpstosupportkeymetabolicfunctionstomaintainblo calciumlevel.Itsupportsmuscletone,bonesstrengtha supportshighmilkyieldandhealthyconception.Ithelpst boostfeedintake,feedefficiency,immunityandgenera healthstatus BENEFITS: InstantSourceofCa,P&essentialvitamins&minerals HelpsinimprovingenergylevelImproveproductionandperformanceHelpsinenhancingmilkyieldandqualityKeepsfreefromriskofstressandanxiety Strengthenmuscularandskeletalstructure Helpsinboostingupimmunity Very Effective Product COMPOSITION: Each 100 gm contains: Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Calcium Chloride Vitamin B12 Vitamin D3 Puereria Marifica Excipients Qty 6600 mg 3400 mg 1000 mg 500 mg 400 mcg 32000 I.U. 250 mg q.s. www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: To Prevent Milk Fever: Give one bottle at the first sign of calving and give another bottle for 6 to 12 hours post calving, repeat every 12 hours as needed or as directed by veterinarian.Apost calving dose of Alphasancal Gel is beneficiary or as directed by veterinary consultant. PRESENTATION: 500 gms WARNING:NOT FOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENT ONLY Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ION: ALPHASAN Milk Liquid&Powder MilkBoosterEnrichedWithBioavailable SourceofCalcium&Phosphorus ALPHASAN MILK supports maximum availability of bioavailableCalcium,Phosphorus,vitamins&galactogogue herbs. It supports better milk yield and quality. It helps to maintain vitality, productivity, immunity, growth and performance. It helps to support strength and general health statusinlactating animals.Milkincreasecanbeobserved fromthefourthdayoffeeding. COMPOSIT Each 100 ml contains: Leptadenia reticulate Asparagus racemosus Calcium Chloride Additives: Nutritional additives: Vitamins and Provitamins: VitaminA(E 672) Vitamin D3(E 673) Vitamin B 12 Technological additives: Preservatives: Orthophosphoric acid Sensory additives: Flavoring compounds: Silybum marianum Base Qty. 1000 mg 1000 mg 1628 mg 45000 I.U. 8000 I.U. 100 mcg BENEFITS: Powerful milk booster Helps in improving energy level Helps in enhancing milk yield and quality Strengthen muscular and skeletal structure Helps in boosting up immunity www.alphafacts.eu (E 338) 830 mg 500 mg q.s. to 100 ml PRESENTATION: POWDER: 500gm, 1 kg and 5 kg LIQUID: 500ml, 1 Ltr and 5 Ltr DIRECTIONSFORUSE: LIQUID: Camel Cow &Buffalo Calf Sheep & Goat : 100 - 150 ml daily : 50 ml twice daily : 40 ml daily : 20 ml daily WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY Manufacturedby: POWDER: Lambs and pigs : 1 kg per ton of feed or as directed by veterinary consultant. IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ALPHASAN CAL Liquid Chelated Milk Booster Formula SuperPowerChelatedTonicEnriched WithCalcium&Galactogogue Herbs AlphasanCalChelated Tonicisauniqueconceptofchelated animalfeedsupplementenrichedwithessentialvitamins, mineralsandgalactogogueherbswhichisreadytouseand highlybioavailable. Itshowsapropertyofdoublestrength that helps in acquiring body capacity to maintain its functioning and immunity. It helps in enhancing maximum absorptionandbioavailabilityofCalciumandPhosphorous, protectfromtheriskofstress,painandinflammation,guard skeletal structure from rickets, improve milk yield and its quality, support muscular system and stimulates proper growth. It support udder health and enhance resistance againstmostpossibleinfections.Itaidasnaturalrevitalizing, energizingandrejuvenativeanimalfeed. BENEFITS: Enhances milk production and Fat percent Keep udder healthy Keep free from risk of milk fever and mastitis Improve calcium Phosphorous absorption Improves bone strength and muscle tone Support healthy growth of fetus and breeding mothers Support healthy growth and performance COMPOSITION: Nutritional value per100 ml Calcium Phosphorous VitaminA Vitamin D3 Vitamin B12 Copper Zinc Leptadenia reticulata Asparagus racemosus Silybum marianum Puereria marifica Carbohydrate Flavored Base 3600 mg 1800 mg 160000 I.U. 16000 I.U. 200 mcg 50 mg 150 mg 1000 mg 1000 mg 500 mg 250 mg 40000 mg q.s. www.alphafacts.eu Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use PRESENTATION: DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Powder: 1 kg & 20 kg pack Liquid: 1 liter bottle and 5 liter jar Manufacturedby: Cow,Buffalo&Horse : 50ml twice daily orally Calf,Foal,Colt&Pig : 20ml twice daily orally Sheep,Goat&Dog Camels : 10ml twice daily orally : 50-80ml twice daily orally oras directed byveterinary consultant IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu WARNING:NOT FOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENT ONLY
LACTASAN Powder Herbal Galactogogue Powder for higher milk production LACTASAN herbal cattle feed supplement composition helps in improving productivity and milk quality with improvedbioavailability.Itisamultipurposefeedmixthat helps in improving milk quality, enhances milk yield, & supportmetabolicevents. Composition : Each 100 gm contains: Silybum marianum Asparagus racemosus Dioscorea opposita Cyperus rotundus Anethum graveolens Pueraria tuberosa Leptadenia reticulata Zingiber officinalis Pimpinellaanisum Boerrhaviadiffusa Vitis vinifera Excipients BENEFITS: Improve milk yield and fat content Improve appetite, feed intake and immunity Improve udder functioning Improve strength of lactating animals Improve body physiological condition Improve body metabolism processes 10 gm 25 gm 10 gm 10 gm 2 gm 10 gm 10 gm 10 gm 2 gm 1 gm 5 gm q.s. www.alphafacts.eu Directionsforuse: Cow& Buffalow Camels EweandGoat :50-70gmdaily :50-70gmdaily :10-15gmdaily or as directed by veterinary consultant. Presentation: Inculusion : 2-3 kg/ton of feed 500 gm, 1 Kg. & 25 Kg. Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use Manufacturedby: IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu WARNING:NOTFORHUMANUSE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEEDSUPPLEMENTONLY
Alphaliv Powder & Liquid Qty 3% 4% 2% 2.50% 3% 2% 1% 2% 2% 0.5% 2% 1% 1% 2% 2% q.s. COMPOSITION Solanum nigrum Tephrosia purpurea Fumaria officinalis Cichorium intybus Andrographis paniculata Terminalia chebula Pimpinella anisum Terminalia arjuna Emblica officinalis Picrorhizakurroa Eclipta alba Swertiachirata Glycyrrhiza glabra Ferula asafoetida Boerhavia diffusa Excipients Herbal LiverStimulant LiverBoosterTonic & Alphaliv-Herbalisanherbalcompositionpreparesto support the crucial functioning of the liver in a good condition.Alphaliv-Herbalsupportstheactivitysuchas Hepatostimulant, Hepatogenerative &Hepatoprotective that helps in boost up the Liver and optimizes hepatic functions. It supports a profit margin for the health of target species as well as the farm productivity. It is a suitablefeedgradealsohelpsinimprovingappetite,feed utilization, and immune response, herbal rejuvenative, andimprovesenergylevel,supporthealthydigestionand excretory activity,aid asdiuretic andoverall enhances growthproductionandperformance INDICATION: Hepatotoxicity Diminish feed intake and appetite Impaired digestion and excretion Risk of microbial infections Stunted growth and productivity www.alphafacts.eu BENEFITS: Better FCR Helps to maintain metabolism process Reduces risk of toxins, inflammation and stress Support proper feed utilization, digestion and Growth Maintains immune response Maintains peak performance. Maintains appetite and body weight PRESENTATION: Liquid: 500ml, 1 ltr & 5 ltr Powder: 1 kg & 25 kg WARNING:NOTFORHUMANUSE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEEDSUPPLEMENT ONLY Storebelow30°C Storeinacool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keep outofreachofchildren,Shakewellbeforeuse, Not forhumanuse/Medicinaluse DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Camels : 40 ml daily Manufacturedby: Cattle,Buffalo&Horse Calf,Colt,Sheep,Goat :20-25mldaily :10-15mldaily or as directed by the veterinary consultant. Inclusion: Powder: 500 gm-1 kg ton of feed Liquid: 1 ltr /1000 ltr of water IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ALPHALIV-S COMPOSITION: Each 5 ml Contain: Sorbitol Azadirachta indica Andrographis paniculata Silybum marianum Vitamin B12 Choline chloride (3a890) Inositol (3a990) Biotin Betaine dl-methionine (3c301) l-lysine (3.2.3) Aqueous base Liquid & Powder 50 mg 20 mg 30 mg 20 mg 30 mcg 50 mg 50 mg 0.20 mcg 2.00 mg 50 mg 50 mg q.s. Ideal Liver Tonic To Support Better Digestion, feed Conversion, weight, production & Metabolic Process ALPHALIV-S naturally helps in motivating the proper functioningofvitalorgansforacceptable growthand performance.Healthoftargetspeciesmaygetaffectedeither byvariousmycotoxins,feedcontaminants orimpaired various metabolism processes. ALPHALIV-S helps in improving liver function, enhances bile secretion thus supportmetabolism process,supportsproperdigestionand assimilation of feed, improves appetite, promotes detoxification oftoxins, creates a shield to protect from the riskof microbialinfections,strengtheninflammatory responses and helps in regenerating liver cells and in restoringliverfunctioning.ThiswayALPHALIV-Sprovides ahealthylifeforanimal. INDICATION: Impaired liver functioning Helpful during any infection Heat and oxidative stress Reduced feed intake and FCR Reduced growth and performance Wound and Inflammation www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: For Cattle Powder Liquid : 500 gm to 1 kg/Ton of prepared feed. : 1 liter in 1000 liters of drinking water. or as directed by veterinary consultant. Large Cattle: 100 gm / day Small Cattle : 50 gm / day WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY PRESENTATION: Powder: 1 kg & 20 kg pack Liquid: 1 liter bottle and 5 liter jar Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
AlphaPlex-C B Liquid VitaminBComplexTonicWith AminoAcidToKeepAnimalEnergised Vitamin VitaminBComplex TonicToKeepCattleEnergised ALPHAPLEX-CisacombinationofVitaminBComplex withVitaminCflavonoids.Ithelpsinfeedconversionintofuel that helps in keeping them energetic as well as promotes scavengingoxygenfreeradicalswhichinotherhandhelpsin generating new cells. It supports normal functioning of nervoussystemandimmunesystem.Ithelpsinkeepingtarget animalsfreefromriskofstressandinfections,supportbetter growth and performance qualityandshelflife. and improves milk yield, meat Ltr 6.25 mg 1.25 mg 0.65 mg 0.26 mg 500 mg 5 mg 18.75 mg 10 mg 10 mg q.s. COMPOSITION Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 D-Panthanol Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Niacinamide Choline chloride L-lysine Base BENEFITS: For better livability For better growth and production For new cells formation For healthy breeding and immune system For proper metabolic processes For optimum milk yield and meat quality www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Cows,Buffaloes,Horses Camel Sheep,Goats,Calves : 30–40ml daily : 50ml daily : 20ml daily PRESENTATION: 500ml, 1 ltr and 5 ltr oras directed byveterinary consultant. Inclusion:1ltr/1000ltr ofwater Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Storeinacool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keep outofreachofchildren,Shakewellbeforeuse, Not forhumanuse/Medicinaluse IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY
Alphacool COMPOSITION: Each 100 gm contains Mangifera indica Mentha piperita Ocimum basilicum Withania somnifera Bacopamonnieri Emblica officinalis Convolvulus alsinoides Qty 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10% Powder & Liquid HerbalHeat& StressGuard Oxidative ALPHACOOLisanaturalherbalcombinationenhancesthe non-specificresistancetoprotectfromstress.ALPHACOOL deliversacombinationofcomplementaryherbstoachievea comprehensive,balancedapproachtostresstolerance,keep themhydratedandenergyproduction.Itimprovesnutrition absorptionandmetabolicprocesses,andmaintainsgrowth, strengthandimmunity.Itmaintainthebodyasperexternal temperature. DIRECTIONSFORUSE: ForPowder: Camel : 30-40 gm twice daily Large Cattle : 20-25 gm. twice daily Swine & small cattle : 15-20 gm. twice daily Inclusion: 1 kg/ton of feed BENEFITS: Maintainbodyasperexternaltemperature Helpstomaintainenergylevel Helpstomaintainstrengthtocombatstress Helpstomaintainion-waterbalance HelpstomaintainFCR,immunityandlifespan www.alphafacts.eu ForLiquid: Camel : 40 ml twice daily Large animals : 25 ml twice daily SmallAnimals : 15 ml twice daily or as directed by veterinary consultant. Inclusion: 1 ltr/1000 ltrs PRESENTATION: Powder Liquid - 1 Kg. and 25 Kg. Paper Bag - 1 Liter Bottle and 5 Liter Jar Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use Manufactured by: WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ESEL FACTS Powder HerbalReplacementof Vitamin-EWithSelenium ESEL-FACTS blend of selective herbs that help in fulfilling the essential vitamin E & Selenium requirement and absorption. ESEL-FACTS promote scavenging of oxygen freeradicals, showsantioxidant property,helpsinformation andgeneration ofnewcells,maintain variousmetabolism processes.It improves reproductivity and performance and supportsoverallprofitabilityincattle. COMPOSITION: Each 100 gm contains: Wheat Germ Asphaltum punjabinum Withania somniferum Emblica officinalis Aloe vera 10% 10% 20% 40% 20% BENEFITS: Proper Growth, Shape & Size Improve Strength ,vigor &Vitality Enhance Body resistance & Immunity Enhances production & performance Increase inWeight and Growth www.alphafacts.eu PRESENTATION: 500 gm, 1 kg and 25 kg bag DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use Cow, Buffalo and Horse Camels Calf, Foal and Colt Sheep, Goat & Camel : 40 – 50 gm for 2-3 times daily : 50 gm twice daily : 10 – 15 gm for 2-3 times daily : 8-10 gm for 2-3 times daily or as directed by veterinary consultant. Manufacturedby: WARNING:NOTFORHUMANUSE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEEDSUPPLEMENTONLY IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ALPHAMIX ChelatedPowder MutiVitaminMultimineral AnimalFeedSupplement ALPHAMIX CHELATED animal feed powder supplement enriched with essential minerals and vitamins that helps in providing proper growth and performance to the growing, adultandlactatinganimals.Itsupportpropermilkproduction, metabolism process,stimulate musclescontraction, helpsto maintain integrity of bones and teeth, maintain acid-base equilibrium, andenhances protein synthesis,supporthealthy reproductionandgrowthofanimals Composition Each Kg contains: VitamnA Vitamn D3 Vitamn E Folic acid Niacinamide Iron Cobalt Iodine Zinc Mangnesium Manganese Selenium Potassium Sulphur (max.) Calcium Phosphorus Copper Fluorine (max.) Excipients Qty. 700000 I.U. 140000 I.U. 250 mg 100 mg 1000 mg 1500 mg 150 mg 325 mg 3000 mg 6000 mg 1500 mg 10 mg 100 mg 7.2 gm 270 gm 130 gm 1200 mg 300 mg q.s. BENEFITS: HelpfulinHbsynthesisandmaintainimmunity Helpsinhealthygrowthandreproduction Helpsinproteinsynthesisandnormalmetabolism Helpsinmaintaindailynutritionalrequirement Helpstoprotectfrommicrobrisk&stress Helpsinimprovingappetite&properdigestion Reducesintercalvingperiodandsupportmoreproductivelife www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONS FOR USE: TARGETSPECIES&DOSAGE LIVESTOCK:20-40gmdaily mixed withfeed CAMEL:50gm–80gmdaily mixed withfeed HORSE:30gm–50gmdaily mixed withfeed SHEEP:15gm–20gmdaily mixed withfeed The givendoseshouldbeadministered withfeedregularly oras directed byveterinary consultant PRESENTATION: 500 gm, 1 kg pouch, 20 Kg & 25 Kg WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
AD3E ALPHA WithVitaminC&K MULTIVITAMINFEEDSUPPLEMENT Comprehensiveformulation offatsolublevitamins ALPHA-AD3E with C & K is a comprehensive preparation to enhance natural protective mechanism and improves physiological resistance against infections. It betterreproductionandnormalgrowth,helpsinimproving resistance against infection and enhances the growth of intestinalmicrofloraforbetterfeedintake,absorptionand COMPOSITION: ALPHAAD3EC Content Perltr: VitaminA VITAMIN D3 VITAMIN E VITAMIN C AQ. BASE 25000000 IU 400000 IU 2500 mg 5000 mg Qs. to 1L digestion. It Support healthy reproduction, promote fertilityandnewborn,improvemilkproduction,appetite, helps to overcome stress and inflammation, improve endurance activity muscles. and strengthen udder tissues and ALPHAAD3EC Content Perltr: 125000000 2500000 4500 mg 700 mg 100 mg Qs. to 1L VitaminA Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin K3 Zinc Sulphate AQ. BASE BENEFITS: Helpstokeepfreefromstress Maintainsgrowthandstamina Supportsoptimumnutrientabsorption Maintainfertility SupportsbetterfeedefficiencyandFCR Helpstostrengthenbones,musclesandtissues www.alphafacts.eu PRESENTATION: 500ml, 1 ltr and 5 ltr DIRECTIONSFORUSE: Cows,Buffaloes,Horses,Camels : 10ml twice daily WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY Sheep,Goats,Calves : 5ml twice daily oras directed byveterinary consultant. Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Storeina cool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keepoutofreachofchildren,Shakewellbeforeuse,Notforhumanuse/Medicinaluse IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ELECTROSAN Liquid&Powder ElectrolytesForStressand MetabolismManagement ELECTROSANasfeed supplement enriched withoptimum concentration of electrolytes to protect poultry and cattle from the riskofdehydrationandacid/baseimbalance.Ithelpsinmaintaining body pH, protects body from water and salt loss, promotes replenishment of daily requirement of essential salts and ions, support better digestion, diminish chances of diarrhoea and dysentery,keepsanimals hydrated andfree fromriskofanxiety, various environmental, physical and mental stresses and enhances strength and rigor. Feed mixed with instructed ratio of ELECTROSAN supports body normal metabolic functioning and mortalityrateandhelpsinpromotinggrowthandperformance. BENEFITS: Helpsinstabilizingintestinal/rumenpH Protectfromdehydration,anxietyandstress Improvetheconcentrationofsaltsandions Promotesgrowthanddevelopment Promoteintestinalabsorptionandassimilation Improveappetiteandstrength COMPOSITION: Liquid Each 100 ml contains Sodium Chloride Potassium chloride Sodium acid phosphate Sodium Citrate Calcium Lactate Vitamin C Magnesium Sulphate Dextrose Aqueous base 0.8 gm 5.0 gm 0.8 gm 1.5 gm 1.7 gm 300 mg 1 gm 30 g q .s 100 ml COMPOSITION: Powder Each 100 gm contains Sodium Hydroxide Potassium Hydroxide Sodium hydrogen Carbonate Sodium citrate Calcium lactate Disodium Dihygrogen Diphosphate Magnesium sulphate Vitamin C Dextrose 800 mg 5000 mg 3000 mg 6000 mg 1700 mg 800 mg 1000 mg 1300 mg q.s. www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: LIQUID: Cow/ Buffalo/ Horses: 30 - 40 ml twice daily PRESENTATION: LIQUID: 500 ml, 1ltr and 5 ltr POWDER: 500gm, 1kg, and 25 kg Calves/ sheep/ Goat Camel Inclusion : 20 ml twice daily : 50 ml twice daily : 1 ltr/1000 ltr water POWDER: Cow/ Buffalo/ Horses: 40- 50 gm daily WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY Calves/ sheep/ Goat Camel Inclusion : 10 – 20 gm daily : 40 gm twice daily : 1 kg ton of feed Manufacturedby: The given dose of ELECTROSAN can be taken as drench or mix with feed or administer as directed by veterinary consultant. Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
M ASTISAN Granules VITMAINS+MINERALFEEDSUPPLEMENT MASTISANgranulessupportuddermanagementandprotect animal from the risk of mastitis and other udder related problems.Addedconstituents'mainlytrisodiumcitratealong with minerals, vitamins and probiotics helpful in keeping normalmilkpH,milkyield,strengthenuddermuscles,reduce painandinflammationandkeepimmunitysafe. COMPOSITION: Each 60 gm contains Biotin Lactobacillus Trisodium citrate Potassium iodide VitaminA Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin C L- Lysine Copper Zinc sulphate Manganese sulphate Selenium Cobalt Serratiopeptidase Bromelain Methionine Live yeast Qty 200 mcg 200 million CFU 35 gm 4000 mg 10000 I.U. 2000 I.U. 800 mg 100 mg 3000 mg 960 mg 825 mg 3000 mg 4 mg 40 mg 60 mg 320 mg 1500 mg 50000 million CFU BENEFITS: Reduces chances of Mastitis Reduces pain and inflammation Reduces stress and anxiety condition Reduces convalescence period Strengthen udder muscles Helpful in milk pH management www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: Camels CowandBuffalo :60-100gmtwicedailyfor3-5days :60gmtwicedailyfor3-5days Thegivendoseshouldbeadministeredwithfeedregularlyoras directedbyveterinaryconsultant. PRESENTATION: 60 gm X 4 Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use Manufacturedby: WARNING:NOTFORHUMANUSE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEEDSUPPLEMENTONLY IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
M ASTISAN Spray &Ointment A Topical Herbal Spray & Ointment for Mastitis MASTISANherbalSprayandOintmenttopicallyappliedon thesusceptibleoraffectedpartthatsupportandstrengthto combatandprotectanimalfromtheriskofmastitisandother related problems. Added herbs play an efficient role in keepingnormalmilkpH,strengthenuddermuscles,reduce painandinflammation,preventmicrobestoactontheteats andkeepimmunitysafe. COMPOSITION: Each ml/gm contains Azadirachta indica Cinnamomum camphora Curcuma longa Ocimum sanctum Essential oils Qty 2% 1% 0.5% 0.5% q.s. upto 100 % BENEFITS: Reduces chances of Mastitis Reduces pain and inflammation Reduces stress and anxiety condition Reduces convalescence period Strengthen udder muscles Helpful in milk pH management PRESENTATION: SPRAY- 100 ml & OINTMENT- 50 gm DIRECTIONSFORUSE: CleantheaffectedpartofudderandapplyMASTISANin sufficientquantityfor2-4daysuntilcompletereliefis achievedorasdirectedbyveterinaryconsultant. WARNING:NOT FOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE FOR EXTERNALUSE ONLY Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
Alphaudder Powerfulsupplementhaving Vitamin-Hwhichpromotefaster developmentofudder Alphaudderanimalfeedsupplementisanexcellentproduct highlybioavailable,providessupportandfastergrowthtothe udder. Alsoprovidestrengthtocombatandprotectanimal fromtheriskofmastitisandotherrelatedproblemsofudder. Addedvitamins,aminoacidshelpfulinkeepingnormalmilk pH, milk yield, strengthen udder muscles, reduce pain and inflammationandkeepimmunitysafe. BENEFITS: Helps to support better udder health & growth Helps to protect from microbial risk Helps to maintain immunity and resistance Aid as anti-inflammatory Helps to protect from stress Protect from stress and anxiety Helpful in milk pH management Liquid COMPOSITION: Each ml contains: VitaminA Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin C Vitamin B12 Vitamin H L- Lysine DLMethionine Choline chloride Selenium Aqua 20000 I.U 10000 I.U 50 mg 5 mg 20 mcg 25 mcg 5 mg 2.5 mg 10 mg 6 mg q.s. www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: Camels Cow,BuffaloesandHorses :20-30mldaily :10-15mldaily Therecommendeddoseshouldbemixedwithfeedregularly orasdirectedbytheveterinaryconsultant. WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY PRESENTATION: 500 ml, 1 ltr & 5 ltr Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Storeinacool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keep outofreachofchildren,Shakewellbeforeuse, Not forhumanuse/Medicinaluse IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
RUMISAN Powder AnAppetiteStimulantDigestive Powderforlivestock RUMISANherbalanimalfeedsupplementthatsupportproper functioning of digestive system and promotes efficient digestion in ruminants. It helps in improving appetite and FCR,enhancessalivaryjuiceaswellasgastricjuicesecretion, improves essential minerals absorption and assimilation, improves gut performance. microflora, promotes better growth and COMPOSITION: Each 10 gm contains: Pueraria tuberosa Hemidesmus indica Phyllanthus niruri Terminalia chebula Andrographis paniculata Trachyspermum ammi Pimpinella anisum Zingiber officinalis Leptadenia reticulata Boerrhaavia diffusa Eclipta alba Sindhav salt Beed Lavan Excipients Qty 10% 5% 10% 5% 15% 4% 4% 2% 5% 4% 5% 14% 5% q.s. BENEFITS: Helpsinefficientdigestion HelpsinimprovingappetiteandFCR Helpsinimprovinggutmicroflorapopulation Helpsinenhancinggutgastricjuices Helpsinimprovingessentialmineralsandvitaminsabsorption www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: Camels Cow,BuffaloandHorses Calf,sheepandGoat :30–40gmtwicedaily :20-25gmtwicedaily :10-15gmtwicedaily Thegivendoseshouldbeadministeredwithfeedoras directedbytheveterinaryconsultant. Inclusion:2kg/tonoffeed PRESENTATION: 500gm, 1kg and 5kg Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use Manufacturedby: IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY
TYMPASAN Liquid&Powder Anti bloat herbal preparation for gaseous & frothy bloat TYMPASANexhibitphyto-activity toprotectthetarget animals from the riskofdigestive disorder specifically Tympany/Bloat. Itkeepsanimalfreefromriskoffermented gas, support gases and feed intake in stable form, improve appetite and FCR, protect from abdominal pain/discomfort, supporteaseinbreathing,urinateanddefecate andimprove ruminalmotility,milkyieldandshelflife. COMPOSITION: Each 100 ml. contains: Trachyspermum ammi Coriandrum sativum Terminalia chebula Foeniculum vulgare Ferula asafoetida Aqueous base BENEFITS: Protectfromfermentedgasformation Protectfromabdominalpainanddiscomfort Improvisefeedintakehabits Improviseruminalactivity 10 gm 10 gm 8 gm 6 gm 1 gm q.s. www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: Camels Cow,BuffaloandHorse Calf,FoltandGoat SheepandGoat :60mltwicedaily :50mltwicedaily :25mltwicedaily :15mltwicedaily orasdirectedbytheveterinaryconsultant. Inclusion:1kg/tonoffeed PRESENTATION: 100ml, 500 ml and 1 ltr Storebelow30°C Storeinacool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keep outofreachofchildren,Shakewellbeforeuse, Not forhumanuse/Medicinaluse Manufacturedby: WARNING:NOTFORHUMANUSE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEEDSUPPLEMENTONLY IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
COMPOSITION: Each 10 gm contains: Citrullus colocynthis Zingiber officinalis Piper longum Piper nigrum Copper Cobalt Iron Zinc Manganese Magnesium Excipients Qty. 360 mg 270 mg 235 mg 135 mg 25 mg 5 mg 50 mg 40 mg 50 mg 50 mg q.s. HETASAN Powder Induces Heat&ImproveFertility HETASAN herbal powder is an excellent combination of fertility enhancer herbs and essential minerals that helps to optimize ovarian functions, reproductive efficiency, induces heat, enhances fertility, maintains body weight and hormonal secretion, reduces risk of retained placenta, problematic parturition and rejuvenation, performance. delayed involution of uterus, promotes improves growth, productivity and www.alphafacts.eu BENEFITS: Helpstoguardreproductivesystem Maintainsfertilityandproductivity Maintainsuterinetoneandcontraction Maintainsgenitalandimmunesystem Maintains growth and performance PRESENTATION: 100gms,1kg&20kg Storebelow30°C Storeinacool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keepoutofreachofchildren Notforhumanuse/Medicinaluse DIRECTIONSFORUSE: WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY Daily Dosage: Ewe and Goat: 20 gm Cattle, Mare & Heifer: 30 gm Female Camel: 40 gm or as directed by veterinary consultant. Inclusion: 250 to 500 gm/ton of feed Manufacturedby: IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
HAEMOSAN Liquid Enhancesbloodcellformation, Proteinabsorbtion&immunityinnaturalway HAEMOSANanimalfeedsupplementsignificantlyhelpsin enhancingbloodlevelkeepsnormalironcontentinbodyand improve immunity against stress, toxin and infections. Feed mix with HAEMOSAN helps in preventing from anaemic condition,improveenergylevel,strengthenbodysystemand supportoverallperformance. BENEFITS: Helps in maintaining iron content Helps in enhancing immunity Helps in reducing stress and anxiety Helps in protecting from anaemia Helps in keeping animal energized Helps in enhancing body weight COMPOSITION: Each 100 ml contains: Andrographis paniculata Rubia cordifolia Emblica officinalis Azadirachta indica 30% 20% 20% 30% www.alphafacts.eu PRESENTATION: 500 ml, 1 ltr and 5 ltr DIRECTIONSFORUSE: CowandBuffalo Calf,sheepandGoat Camels :30-50mldaily :15-20mldaily :50mldaily WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY Thegivendoseshouldbeadministeredwithfeedregularly orasdirectedbyveterinaryconsultant. Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Storeinacool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keep outofreachofchildren,Shakewellbeforeuse, Not forhumanuse/Medicinaluse IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ALPHA Liquid ARichEnergyBasedAnabolite NutritionalSupplement ALPHABOLITEliquidhelpsinmaintainingperformance, metabolicprocesses,appetite,improvisestastebudsandfeed intakeandenhancesenergylevel.Ithelpsinpromotingmilk yield, production, improves resistance against infections, enhancesimmunityandkeepsthemactiveandalert. COMPOSITION: Each 100ml contains Glycerin Purified Honey Pueraria marifica Safed musali Niacinamide Calcium lactate BHT Base Qty. 30ml 10ml 8000 mg 8000 mg 5000 mg 5000 mg 50 mg q.s. 100 ml BENEFITS: Helps in maintaining energy level Helps in maintaining milk yield Helps in maintaining immune response Helps in maintaining metabolic process Helps in maintaining growth and performance www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: Cattle: 100 – 200 ml daily or as directed by veterinary consultant. WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY PRESENTATION: 500ml, 1 ltr and 5 ltr Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Storeinacool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keep outofreachofchildren,Shakewellbeforeuse, Not forhumanuse/Medicinaluse IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
Liquid FacilitateExpulsionof RetainedPlacentaUTROSAN liquid isanherbalecbolictonictostimulate uterine musclesandfacilitateeasilyexpulsionofretained placenta.Itishelpfulduringandbeforeparturition,stimulates timely involution of placenta, maintain secretion of lothal discharge, protects from pain, inflammation and microbial infection, and stimulates regeneration of metritis, endometritis and pyometra, to protect from excess bleeding, anaemic condition anduterine disordersand to keep animal active,healthyandstressfree. COMPOSITION: Each 5 ml contains Citrullus colocynthis Aristolochia indica Cedrus deodara Syzygiumaromaticum Asparagus racemosus Withania somnifera Symplocosracemosa Terminalia chebula Terminalia bellerica Phyllanthus emblica Phyllanthus niruri Glycyrrhiza glabra Azadirachta indica Sida cordifolia Hibiscus rosasinesis Acacia catechu Holarrhena antidysentrica Embeliaribes Tinospora cordifolia Syrupy base Qty 250 mg 250 mg 150 mg 40 mg 40 mg 40 mg 20 mg 20 mg 20 mg 20 mg 15 mg 15 mg 15 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 5 mg 5 mg 5 mg q.s. BENEFITS: Helps in promoting ovulation Helps in keeping uterus wall healthy Helps in preventing from excessive bleeding Helps in support of parturition process Helps in maintaining immunity Helps in keeping fetus and mother fit www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: SupplementforNORETENTIONOFPLACENTA: 450ml,followedby450mlafter6hrs ForHealthyUterus: 150mlperdayfor6days ForInductionofHeat: 150mlperdayfor6daysfromthe54thdayafterparturition SmallAnimal 75mlperdayfor6days Thegivendoseshouldbeadministeredwithfeedregularlyoras directedbyveterinaryconsultant. PRESENTATION: 450 ml and 900 ml WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Storeinacool&dryplace&protectfromdirectsunlight Keep outofreachofchildren,Shakewellbeforeuse, Not forhumanuse/Medicinaluse IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ALPHA Powder Helpsintheproperinvolution ofUterus&Vagina ALPHA-PROLAPSherbal animal feed supplement helps in theproperinvolutionofuterusandvagina. Thevaginal prolapse iscommonly seen in cattle and this can be life threatening. It ensures protection of uterus and vagina from theriskofprolapse,helpsinreducingpainandinflammation, keeps free from bacterial infections, reduces convalescence periodandimprovesgeneralgrowth. An IdealManagement ofProlapse Composition: Qty 15 g 15 g 10 g 10 g 10 g 10 g 10 g 10 g 10 g Each 100 gm contains Quercus Infectoria Vachellia nilotica Phanera variegate Oxalis corniculata Rubia cordifolia Aconitum Ferox Punica Granatum Gmelina arborea Sugar BENEFITS: Support proper involution of uterus and vagina Support in maintaining both prepartum and postpartum prolapse Support fast wound healing Support ease in uterine contraction Support safe pregnancy Support better strength and activity www.alphafacts.eu Presentation: 500 gm and 1 kg WARNING:NOTFOR HUMAN USE/MEDICINALUSE ANIMALFEED SUPPLEMENTONLY Directionsforuse: Cows,Buffaloes,Horses Sheep,Goats,Calves Camels :200gmtwicedailyfor2days :50gmtwicedailyfor3days :200-250gmtwicedailyfor2days orasdirectedbyveterinaryconsultant. Manufacturedby: Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8 B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu
ALPHADERM Spray &Ointment Extraordinarywoundshealingspray withflyrepellentaction. Anti Maggots, Anti-bacterial &Anti-fungalspray ALPHADERMtopicalpreparationishighlyusefultosupport early recovery from wounds, protect from bacterial load and keepsanimalskinfreefromriskofmaggots,flies,ticks, eczemaanddermatitis.ALPHADERM soothingeffecttoskinandkeepitmoist. helps in providing COMPOSITION: Each 10ml contains Cedrus deodara Eucalyptus globulus Curcuma longa Base BENEFITS: Herbal topical preparation Provide soothing and moist effect to skin Provide protection from maggots & flies infestation Provide rapid wound healing environment 3ml 3ml 2ml q.s. www.alphafacts.eu DIRECTIONSFORUSE: Clean the affected part with antiseptic solution and then spray/apply theALPHADERM gently.The process is repeated till the affected part is healed. PRESENTATION: SPRAY- 100ml, OINTMENT- 50gm Storebelow30°C Store in a cool &dry place and protect from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of children Not for human use/ Medicinal use Manufacturedby: WARNING:NOTFORHUMANUSE/MEDICINALUSE FOREXTERNALUSEONLY Industrieterrein Kein Gent Diamantstraat 8 B 101 2200 Herentals – Belgium E-mail : sales@alphafacts.eu
DIERENVOEDERS TI ERFU TTER IndustrieterreinKeinGentDiamantstraat8B1012200Herentals–Belgium E-mail:sales@alphafacts.eu,alphafactseu@gmail.com,marketing@alphafacts.eu www.alphafacts.eu