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Creating and editing categories on magento admin panel. Navigate to Catalog> Manage Categories. To the left of the page you have the opportunity to create a new category. Add Root Category and Subcategory. Give the category a name. This name will be displayed on the front end.
www.zaptechsolutions.com How create and edit categories in the left side of the web pages Magento
Creating and editing categories on magento admin panel. Navigate to Catalog> Manage Categories. To the left of the page you have the opportunity to create a new category. Add Root Category and Subcategory. Give the category a name. This name will be displayed on the front end. From the Parent Category drop down the location, where the category should placed. By default, the Root, each category has been created as a parent a Root Catalog level category will be. Having Multiple Level Categories Root Catalog is useful if you want multiple category structures in different stores. www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento
If you did not multiple Store structure is used, then the multiple root catalogs not required. Each class created a Root Catalog level, as its parent Category is a top level category in the navigation bar to the Front End. If you want your customers to subscribe to a list of all your top level categories through RSS feeds.If an existing top-level category (ie not the Root Catalog) is selected as a Parent Category, then the new category is created as a subcategory of the selected top level category. This top-level category will appear in the front end and a dropdown menu. When the top level category has gone with the mouse (See figure), then fold it open. If the category in a second level category is made, that will expand the category menu to the right when the mouse is moved over. www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento
When a customer is browsing in your store, the category levels are shown at the top of your page below the navigation bar, in a "breadcrumb". For example: if your client on the navigation bar to go and arrive at Apparel> Shoes> Men’s and clicks Man, it will be forwarded to the Human category page.The breadcrumb is displayed as follows:All Parent categories are hyperlinks to the corresponding category pages. The same is true for the product pages. In this example the product name will be the last show in the breadcrumb. www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento
It is a dynamic feature, which means that the breadcrumb is displayed automatically, following the route that your client has made to the product. If you have a product associated with multiple categories, the breadcrumb only give details of the specific path that your customers choose, whenever they arrive at a product page.The breadcrumb function ensures that usability is increased and customers at all times know where they are in your store, with a clear path to return to pages visited. www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento
1. Enter a description in Description. This is for internal use and will not appear on the front end.2. Select an image by clicking the Browse ... button and locate the image on your computer. The image will again be on the front end of each category between the category name and page content. Once a category is stored with an image, a thumbnail of the current image displayed on the left of the Browse button and a Delete Image checkbox on the right will be displayed.3. Enter the Meta information for each category in the Page Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description fields. (Meta information is important for find ability) www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento
4. Display Mode and CMS Block refer to the use of static blocks of categories.5. Select Yes or No in the Is Anchor dropdown. This drop has two effects. Anchored categories give all products associated with all child categories (and a child of a child of a child of a child, etc.) on this category page with the category page that is directly associated with the parent category.Anchored categories indicate filterable attributes of all products that appear in the category page (i.e. the products associated to this category and to the child categories) are found in the left column of the Layered Navigation menu. www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento
6. Select Yes or No from the dropdown Is Active. Select Yes for this category in order to make it visible on the front end. If you select No, the category will not be displayed in the navigation bar on the front end and the subcategories and category names displayed in a light gray color in the category tree in the left column of the category page inside the admin.7. The Url key ensures that you can enter a search engine friendly URL, for entering the URL cannot contain spaces are usedIn the left column is a dropdown menu called Choose Store View. The default selection in the menu is All Store Views. When this is selected, it is possible to change the default settings for each category. If you select a specific Store View, it's possible the settings specific to that Store View to view. www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento
Only certain settings may vary from store view. Institutions that do not vary for each store view are the same "global" and are labeled [Global] beside him. The settings may differ are labeled [Store View]. Explanation. The products assigned to a category, approached from the Category Products tab, not Global. So you can choose a different view to, in each store view. Among these is the category dropdown tree. It will cover all existing categories and the relationships to each other appear. For example, if a category is a subcategory will immediately fall under the category are displayed. Next to each category name in the tree numbers are displayed. The numbers indicate the number of products again directly associated to this category. Because products associated to the store level, the numbers vary depending on the store view selected in the dropdown. www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento
To edit an existing category, select the category in the tree and the settings are displayed the center of the page. When editing a category, the Parent Category dropdown are unavailable. When a Parent To give another category, you can do so simply, drag and drop directly into the tree to apply.Popular Tags: magento development India, magento developer India, magento development India, magento Development CompanyRelated Searches: magento development, magento developer, magento Development Company www.zaptechsolutions.com www.zaptechsolutions.com Magento