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How To Sell On Flipkart - Step by Step Guidelines On Getting it Right and Zooming Ahead

Simply register on Flipkart as a seller and expand your business online. Know all details related to your product like Referral Fees, closing fees, GST charges, email id, phone number, cancel cheque, Address proof & PAN etc. Read more: - http://bit.ly/2Ya4tCO

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How To Sell On Flipkart - Step by Step Guidelines On Getting it Right and Zooming Ahead

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  1. How To Sell On Flipkart - Step by Step Guidelines On Getting it Right and Zooming Ahead Selling online is the shortcut to success but you do need to get it right the first time. Choosing the right marketplace, for instance, is important. Naturally, you will want a markeplace that has the widest scope and longest reach. Flipkart is admirable since it serves over 10 crore customers across 1000 cities of India. With just one step you reach out to this huge market. Just how to sell on Flipkart is a question that bothers beginners and you get answers in this detailed guide. Preparing yourself to sell on Flipkart Flipkart is an online marketplace and if you wish to join you must have the appropriate credentials. This means you first prepare yourself through appropriate business registrations and certifications. The primary stage covers: Register a business entity as a proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, private limited or public limited company. GST registration which is mandatory and a process in which you may seek assistance from Digicommerce. Register under shops and establishment act if it is applicable to the area where you live. Open a bank account in the name of the business.

  2. Keep ready proof of identity and address. If you use your home as the office then mention the home address as an office address. If you rent premises you may need to have papers to serve as proof of address. Source products to sell on Flipkart. This is best done after a survey and research on profitability, quantity and ease of sourcing at the right price. We will touch on this later. Scan or photograph and keep electronic copies of all these documents ready. This is the first step on how to sell on Flipkart. Note: If you register a business as a proprietorship, you personally are fully liable so try to register as limited liability or private limited company. If you decide on a private limited company you must have the certificate of incorporation, Memorandum & Articles of Association and PAN card in company name. For ID purpose you may use driving licence, Aadhar, Voter ID or letter from public authority attesting to your identity. For address proof purpose you may use landline phone bill, electricity bill, bank statement or lease agreement. You can get the best advice from Digicommerce whether you should register as a trust, a private limited company or a partnership. Registration as seller on Flipkart It is easy. Anyone who is a bit computer savvy can do it. Simply log on to seller.flipkart.com and enter details such as email address, mobile, name and password to initiate the process of how to sell on Flipkart. You signup and Flipkart executives contact you to take the process further. The next steps involve furnishing detailed information in a form and submitting documents you have kept ready. Provided you have done things right your application should be approved and Flipkart signs you up as a registered seller.

  3. You have access to your storefront dashboard on Flipkart through which you can manage it, upload photos, writeups and descriptions. You need to take care here to select the right category in which to list products and then upload very clear photographs along with concise and informative writeups to convince visitors on first sight. Remember, buyers can only view photographs and not products. Photos must be taken from different angles to give a complete 360 degree view. You can rope in Digicommerce to provide assistance. You must have at least one product to sell. The selling process Now your storefront is all set up and ready on Flipkart. Visitors are going to view your products and some may place an order. This is what happens then: You get a notification in your dashboard. You pack and prepare product for shipment using Flipkart approved materials and labels. Mark order as ready for dispatch in your dashboard. Flipkart logistics service picks up your packaged product for onward transmission. Buyer receives product. Flipkart confirms and then remits payment to you minus their fees and commission. This takes a week to fortnight. What you earn How much you earn on each sale is decided by how good you are at sourcing the product at the lowest price and then pricing it to be competitive on Flipkart. The better priced a product is the more buyers there will be. The difference between your cost price and sale price is not your pure profit. You will be paying charges to Flipkart on each sale that includes commission fee, shipping fee, collection fee, fixed fee and GST on all service charges of Flipkart. Also keep in mind buyers may return a product even if there is nothing wrong. Products may be damaged in transit or buyers may

  4. damage product and return it. In all such instances your profit erodes. Pricing is so important and this is where you will find Digicommerce assistance invaluable. It’s Easy – Sell on Flipkart You cannot sit back Once you start selling your goal should be to maximize sales and revenues. This can be done through various ongoing Flipkart promotions for sellers and also your individual efforts to promote your storefront. Again, if this task seems daunting you can get Digicommerce to do it for you. The more you promote your storefront the better it is and there can be no room for complacency because the marketplace is very competitive. As they say you can travel the road to success but it starts with a first step of how to sell on Flipkart. Take that step. It could be life-changing. Original Source: How to Sell on Flipkart

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