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Primary fibroblasts

Fibroblasts, the most common mammalian connective tissue cells, are specialized for the secretion of collagenous extracellular matrix and are jointly responsible for the architectural framework of the body. A fibroblast cell plays a critical role in wound healing. When a tissue is injured, the fibroblasts nearby proliferate, migrate into the wound, and produce large amounts of collagenous matrix, which helps to isolate and repair the damaged tissue.

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Primary fibroblasts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Primary Fibroblast Creative Bioarray contact@creative-bioarray.com

  2. PART 01 Brief Introduction CONTENTS PART 02 Features PART 03 Main Products PART 04 Contact

  3. 01 Brief Introduction

  4. Fibroblast Fibroblasts, the most common mammalian connective tissue cells, are specialized for the secretion of collagenous extracellular matrix and are jointly responsible for the architectural framework of the body. A fibroblast cell plays a critical role in wound healing. When a tissue is injured, the fibroblasts nearby proliferate, migrate into the wound, and produce large amounts of collagenous matrix, which helps to isolate and repair the damaged tissue.

  5. 02 Features

  6. Features for Fibroblasts Isolated from human healthy and diseased donors, as well as animals such as mouse, rat, and monkey. High purity, low passage, rigorously characterized, and performance tested. Available for a variety of research areas including pulmonary, cardiology, dermatology, gastrointestinal, oncology.

  7. 03 Main Products

  8. Main Products 02 04 03 01 Human Skin Fibroblast-Glioblastoma Human Skin Fibroblast-DMD Human Skin Fibroblast-Diabetes Type I Human Skin Fibroblast-Astrocytoma

  9. 04 Contact

  10. Contact Info URL E-mail https://www.creative-bioarray.com/filter/fibroblast-cell-and-media-12.html phone Provider contact@creative-bioarray.com 1-631-619-7922 Creative Bioarray

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