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The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew. Matthew 5:1-48. The Gospel of Matthew. New People & Covenant: 5:1-16 The “Blessed” Character of those in the kingdom People of Salt & Light Value, responsibility & influence of those in the kingdom. The Gospel of Matthew.

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The Gospel of Matthew

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 5:1-48

  2. The Gospel of Matthew New People & Covenant: 5:1-16 The “Blessed” Character of those in the kingdom People of Salt & Light Value, responsibility & influence of those in the kingdom

  3. The Gospel of Matthew New People & Covenant: 5:1-16 The “Blessed” (5:1-12). – Gr. makarios * Classical Greek: one favored by the gods with wealth or deliverance from suffering in the afterlife (Pindar, Hesiod).

  4. The Gospel of Matthew New People & Covenant: 5:1-16 The “Blessed” (5:1-12). – Gr. makarios * Greek OT: one who walks in God’s commands (Ps 1:1); trusts God (Ps 2:1); receives salvation (Dt 33:29) and forgiveness of sins (Ps 33:29).

  5. The Gospel of Matthew New People & Covenant: 5:1-16 The “Blessed” (5:1-12). – Those not usually regarded as blessed. ● Poor in spirit ● who mourn ● the meek (3-5) ● Hungry for righteousness ● the merciful ● the pure in heart (6-8) ● Peacemakers ● the persecuted (9-12)

  6. The Gospel of Matthew New People & Covenant: 5:1-16 People of Salt & Light (5:13-16) – People of influence (seasoning & preserving the world). – People of responsibility (shining forth). – People of value (children of God).

  7. The Gospel of Matthew Fulfillment of the Law: 5:17-48 New Covenant on Murder New Covenant on Adultery New Covenant on Honesty New Covenant on Retribution

  8. The Gospel of Matthew Fulfillment of the Law: 5:17-48 “Fulfill the Law” – Establish it (cf. Rom 3:31, 8:4). – Fulfill true intent (cf. Mt 22:38-40). – Carry out what it foreshadowed (note: “till all is fulfilled” vs 18).

  9. The Gospel of Matthew Fulfillment of the Law: 5:17-48 Murder (21-26). cf. Mt 15:19-20a; I John 3:15 Adultery (27-30). cf. Ex 20:17; Romans 13:9.

  10. The Gospel of Matthew Fulfillment of the Law: 5:17-48 Honesty (31-37). – Divorce is dishonesty (cf. Mal 2:13-16) Retribution (38-48; cf. 9-12). – Love of God demands love for those made in His image (cf. I John 4:20).

  11. The Gospel of Matthew Next Week: Matthew 6:1-24

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