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New Testament Survey June 2, 2007. The Gospel of Matthew. WHEN: 75-79 A.D. WHERE: Antioch WHO: Jewish-Christian Diaspora/intense conflict with Jewish synagogues of region. . Background.
New Testament Survey June 2, 2007 The Gospel of Matthew
WHEN: 75-79 A.D. WHERE: Antioch WHO: Jewish-Christian Diaspora/intense conflict with Jewish synagogues of region. Background
Matthew writes to establish an ORDERED WORLD in which Jesus has all authority and defends this view against rival worldviews. • JESUS AS TEACHER/PROPHET OF GOD’S PEOPLE: • New Moses: Deut. 18/Deut. 34—someone who sees God and speaks with God “face to face.” New Exodus! Training Manual for the Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus fulfills TORAH; expounds Law in new/authoritative way (Matt. 23). • More than a dozen “formula quotations” in Matthew—nothing is random, everything is occurring under the authority of God’s will. • FIVEFOLD DIVISION OF MATERIAL: each section ends with, “when Jesus had finished these words…”;extends MOSES TYPOLOGY (Deut. 31:1; 32:45). Extensive blocks of teaching material: to acknowledge Jesus’ authority is to OBEY teachings (Matt. 7:21-23); to disobey teachings is to build on sand (24-27). Jesus as “interpreter” of Law
TORAH OF THE MESSIAH • “you have heard that it was said…but I say to you…” • FULFILLMENT (17-20); The six antitheses of 5:21-48 explicitly counterpose the AUTHORITY OF JESUS to the TRADITIONAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE LAW. • Rather than RULES THAT FIX STANDARDS FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS, JESUS TREATS THEM AS POINTERS TO A MORE RADICAL RIGHTEOUSNESS “ALL THE WAY DOWN.” Sermon on the Mount
Murder and Adultery—NO! Anger and Lust renounced. Legal limitations on divorce and justice -NO! These options eliminated altogether. Obligation to love your neighbor (i.e. fellow Israelite)—not enough, Jesus calls TO LOVE ENEMIES. Torah of Messiah “all the way down.”
FORMATION AND DISCIPLING OF CHURCH: primarily, the community of those who are taught. The importance of INSTRUCTION that gospel offers is often underscored: Matt. 28 (Disciple…teach…obey) and parables of Matt. 13. Not about individualized spiritual formation, but DISCIPLINED COMMUNITY OF FOLLOWERS OF JESUS (ecclesial). Training for the Kingdom
Matt. 16:18—“and on this rock I will build my ecclesia.” • Matt. 18:17—unrepentant brother/sister disciplined by “ecclesia.” • (“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”—Matt. 12:30). Jesus is the founder of God’s Church--that which he has expressly called, taught, and authorized. Ecclesia (2X)
Church lives as uncompromising demonstration of obedience to God’s will: light of the world, city on a hill, salt of the earth,…Let your light shine… • …righteousness that exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees. Blessings upon the meek, merciful, pure, makers of peace, and sufferers (due to righteousness) convey a NEW COMMUNITY OUT OF SYNCH WITH the “normal” order of the world. MAKE SENSE? Community’s Ethic of Perfection
Compared to HALAKIC RULINGS OF THE MISHNAH and COMMUNITY RULE OF THE QUMRAN COVENANTERS (1QS), the Sermon on the Mount seems broad and incomplete. Why? Community’s Ethic cont.
One of the crucial character qualities Jesus seeks to inculcate in disciples: MERCY. • “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (2X—9:13; 12:7) • Yohanan Ben Zakkai (founder of rabbinic academy after Temple destroyed). • 1. “I have come not to call the righteous but sinners.” God’s mercy is extended to sinners—takes precedence over purity laws. • 2. Messiah not subject to ordinary Sabbath restrictions. Eating with sinners and harvesting grain? Law bears witness to weightier matters: justice, mercy, faith. The Hermeneutic of Mercy
Matthew 18:1-35 (fourth major discourse) • STEP 1—oneon one (prevents backbiting and gossip)—Lev. 19:17-18 (loving involves reproof). • STEP 2—Additionalwitnesses—Deut. 19:15 (yet, not a legal proceeding…). • STEP 3—Expulsion—NOTE: familial language • “treat as you would a Gentile or tax collector”? • 18:12-14 • 18:18-35—community authority and unlimited forgiveness. Discipline and Forgiveness
Matt. 14:22-33; Matt. 28:18-20 COMMUNITY ORIENTATION Pharisaic Judaism—heavy boundaries and orthopraxy. Jewish-Christian Church that operates according to love hermeneutic and creates an inclusive community that reached out to Gentiles. “I am with you always…”