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Parable of the Workers: Equal Pay in God's Kingdom

Explore Matthew 20:1-19, where the parable of the workers in the vineyard sheds light on equal pay regardless of hours worked. Uncover possible interpretations and discussions on honor in the kingdom.

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Parable of the Workers: Equal Pay in God's Kingdom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 20:1-34

  2. The Gospel of Matthew Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard 20:1-19 Meaning of the Parable First & Last Third Prediction of His Death

  3. The Gospel of Matthew Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard 20:1-19 Meaning of the Parable. – Landowner hires workers at different times but all are paid the same. – Hours from sunset (3rd=9:00; 6th=12:00; 9th=3:00; 11th=5:00). – Workers complain about equal pay.

  4. The Gospel of Matthew Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard 20:1-19 Possible Interpretations. – Resentment of New Converts. – Failure to recognize value of salvation. – Honor to those in last place.

  5. The Gospel of Matthew Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard 20:1-19 First & Last Statements (19:30). – Discussion of Honor in the Kingdom (27). Third Prediction of His Death – Matthew 16:21-22 – Matthew 17:22-23.

  6. The Gospel of Matthew Honor in the Kingdom 20:20-34 Salome’s Request for Her Sons The Disciples’ Reaction Honor in the Kingdom Healing of Two Blind Men

  7. The Gospel of Matthew Honor in the Kingdom 20:20-34 Salome’s Request. – Name from women at cross (Mt 27:56; Mk 15:40). – Sit at right & left in the kingdom. Disciples’ Reaction. – Workers in kingdom & Jesus’ example. Blind men healed (29-34).

  8. The Gospel of Matthew Next Week: Matthew 21:1-46

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