Slide 1:4-H Awards Program 2009 Update
Guidelines and Eligibility
Slide 2:New for 2009 Harold & Jeanne Gibson Memorial Scholarship
One $1000 scholarship will be offered rather than two $500 scholarships
SE District Scholarship ???
All Level I & II Project Scholarships will remain at $1000.00
Slide 3:Due Date Record Book due date
April 2, 2009 in state 4-H office by 12 noon
Interview date
May 4 & 5, 2009
Announcement at Roundup
Honor Night July 30, 2009
Slide 4:Interview Dress 4-H members should wear Business Attire for the Award Interviews. 4-H Officer/Ambassador uniforms will be considered inappropriate attire for interviews, because the members are representing themselves and their 4-H work, they are not representing a 4-H office or position.
Slide 5:Eligibility Summary
Slide 6:Minimum Standards To be selected for interviews, members must earn the following minimum score(s):
Record Books 75 points
Hall of Fame 75 points
Scholarships 75 points
Slide 7:News Information Sheet Each applicant for a Level I or Level II Project; Level III or Level IV Scholarship or Special Award Program must submit two copies of the News Information Sheet with their record books/award applications
Download current form from 4-H Website
No individual photo needed
Completeness and accuracy essential
Slide 8:General Guidelines For All Applications
Slide 9:Margins The following margins minimum margins are expected, unless a form downloaded from the 4-H web page has smaller margins, or does not print correctly on your printer
Top of Page 1 inch
Bottom of Page inch
Left Side of Page 1 inch
Right Side of Page inch
Larger margins OK smaller DQ
Slide 10:Fonts Fonts must be no smaller than 12 point larger fonts are OK
Times New Roman 12
Arial 12
Courier 12
Smaller Fonts will be disqualified
Discouraged Fonts
Any narrow, condensed, script, or novelty fonts
Use of bold-face type, underlining, italics or color OK for emphasis
Slide 11:Disqualifications Anything extra check guidelines
Too many pages
Too much space
Story more than 6 pages
Story not double spaced
Story printed on both sides of paper
Reduced fonts (less than 12 point)
includes copier reductions
Margins less than:
Left 1 inch
Right inch
Top 1 inch
Bottom inch
Reduced line spacing (less than 6 lines/inch)
Excess photos (more than 3 pages for all projects but Photography)
Slide 12:2009 Projects/Scholarships
Slide 13:Projects/Scholarships Level I Projects
Current stand alone projects
No new Level I Projects for 2009
Level II Projects
For previous state winners only
Advanced Achievement, Advanced Agriculture Advanced Citizenship, Advanced Family and Consumer Sciences, Ira Hollar Advanced Leadership
Level III Scholarships
Graduating High school seniors only
Level IV Scholarships
Full Time undergraduate college students only
Level III & IV Scholarships
One member one form (except Blackburn & Collegiate 4-H)
Slide 14:2009 Stand-Alone Projects Achievement
Child Care
Conservation of Natural Resources
Fabrics & Fashions
Horticulture & Plant Science
Performing Arts
Public Speaking
Recreation & Leisure Arts
Shooting Sports
Vet. Science
Wildlife & Fisheries
Slide 15:All Other Projects (AOP) All Level I Project Record Books submitted in projects other than the stand-alone projects listed will be judged in one of these groups:
AOP, Agriculture & Natural Resources
AOP, Family & Consumer Sciences
AOP, Science & Technology
AOP, Small Animals
Slide 16:Level III 4-H Scholarships No Restrictions on College
or Field of Study
Required materials vary
Member may only earn one of these scholarships in 4-H career
Applicant must be graduating Senior
Harold & Jeanne Gibson Memorial 1 @ $1000
Dana Smith Memorial 1 @ $500
Oklahoma 4-H Key Club 1 @ $500
4-H Entrepreneurship 1 @ $1,000
Slide 17:Level III 4-H Scholarships Restrictions on College
or Field of Study
Required materials vary
Member may only receive one during 4-H career
Larry D. Anderson Memorial 1 @ $500
Oklahoma Youth Expo 2 @ $1,000
OHCE 1 @ $1,000
Blackburn Handskills 1 @ $500
(must plan to attend trade school
HS Career Tech enrollment not adequate)
Slide 18:Level IV 4-H Scholarships Restrictions on College
or Field of Study
Required materials vary see current 4-H Awards Handbook
Members may receive one per year in addition to other 4-H Scholarships
OHCE 1 @ $1,000
Patillo/Graumann Memorial 2 @ 1,000
1 to a male; 1 to a female
B.A. Pratt 1 @ $500
Tracey Cox Memorial 1 @ $500
Collegiate 4-H 1 @ $500
Slide 19:Special Award Programs
Slide 20:Hall of Fame Blue Award Group No more than 20 selected from Hall of Fame Applicants
No more than 10 finalists selected from Blue Award Group for interviews
Minimum score of 75 on written materials required to be eligible to interview
Must be at least 16 years of age by January 1 of current program year
Completed no more than freshman year in college or be no older than 18 on January 1 of current program year
Full time college freshmen may apply for Hall of Fame, even if older than 18 on January 1 of current program year
Slide 21:National 4-H Conference Applicants must be freshman, sophomore, or junior in high school September 1 of year of application.
Two year commitment
Attend National 4-H Conference
Implement a program in Oklahoma
Be available to present workshops throughout state
Some financial responsibility
Applications due July 1 not with Record Books and Scholarship Applications
Slide 22:Oklahoma 4-H Key Club Eligibility
Be age 15 or older by January 1 of program year
Accumulate minimum number of points shown on application form
Be approved by County Educator
Make at least one presentation about Key Club to a 4-H Group
Make at least one general presentation about 4-H to a non-4-H youth or adult group
Report on programs by published deadlines
Slide 23:State Outstanding Alumni Recognizes former 4-H members who have achieved success and have continued involvement in/support of 4-H
Up to 4 recognized at Roundup
Counties nominate
Nominations Due with 4-H Record Books
Slide 24:State Honorary 4-H Member Any adult with strong commitment to 4-H is eligible
May or may not have been a former 4-H member
Nominees provide continuous support of 4-H
Nominations due with 4-H Record Books
Slide 25:News Eagle Must be 14 by January 1 of program year
Must reside in one of the following counties:
Slide 26:Commodity Group Awards Applicant must present talk, illustrated presentation or demonstration using or promoting product
Breads 3 awards/county
Beef 1 award/county
Must submit application in State Awards Handbook
Dairy Products 3 awards/county
Pork 1 award/county
Must submit application in State Awards Handbook
Peanut 2 awards/county
Slide 27:4-H Recordkeeping Section by section tips
Slide 28:A 4-H Record Book is An organized way to summarize a 4-H members project work, leadership and citizenship activities.
A way to compete for awards and scholarships
One of those things that kids/parents put in those stiff green folders with a clover
A real headache
Slide 29:Parts of a Record Book The Oklahoma Report Form
4-H Story up to 6 typed, double-spaced pages
3 pages of project pictures
Plus an additional 10 pages which include examples of the members work in the Photography Project
DO NOT include the following items!
Artwork on tab/divider pages
Scrapbooking stickers
Medals, Ribbons, etc.
Publicity Photos, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence
Slide 30:The Oklahoma Report Form Designed to report facts and figures
Divided into Sections
IA What have you done in this project?
IB What have you learned in this project?
II 4-H Leadership Experiences
III 4-H Citizenship Experiences
IV Awards in All projects
V Non-4-H Experiences
Slide 31:Section I-A Project Work 4-H Project Work 15 points
Concise summary (no more than 2 pages) of work done as a 4-H Member in the project
Should show growth in number and complexity of activities
Number of projects completed, time spent, number of items, animals or activities
Learning experiences such as talks, demonstrations, tours, research, etc.
Other Project Work 5 points
Summary or examples of how 4-H knowledge, skills and project work were applied in other organizations and/or settings
Slide 32:Formatting Tips No preferred way
Use a chart for activities which are done every year or several times a year
Use impact statements or summaries to emphasize special projects
Use lists to show that public speaking or judging activities were project-related
Slide 33:Food Science - chart
Slide 34:Food Science - statement Organized a food science project club that met once per month during the school year. Average monthly attendance was 14. Participants learned healthy eating and activity habits. From the beginning of school to the end of the year, members increased activity levels by average of 20 minutes per day.
Slide 35:Section I-B Learning5 points Should reflect age-appropriate knowledge and skills
Should show growth in technical expertise and skill
Generally listed in Chronological order
Should relate to project objectives some objectives can only be met by learning
Slide 36:Section II Leadership Experiences Summary no more than 2 pages total
4-H Leadership 15 points
Relates directly to the project reported
Projects led, organized or assisted
4-H visible as lead group/organization
Highlight teaching and/or elected leadership
Other Leadership 5 points
Leadership in other 4-H projects
Use of 4-H Leadership skills to benefit other organizations/groups
Use an asterisk (*) to designate project-related leadership
Slide 37:What is Leadership One to one assistance (4-H or other)
Teaching/organizing workshops
Organizing activities
Promotional activities
Serving as volunteer leader for club or project club
Officer or committee chair
Slide 38:Section IIICitizenship Experiences Summary No more than 2 pages total
4-H Citizenship 15 points
Community service projects/activities related to the project reported which are organized by/through 4-H
Individual service activities representing 4-H
Other Citizenship 5 points
Community Service related to other 4-H projects
Community projects organized by other groups
Use an asterisk (*) to designate project-related citizenship
Slide 39:What is Citizenship A members relationship with others and the community, as demonstrated by:
Organizing and participating in activities that deal with community issues
Activities that contribute to welfare of individuals and the community
Empowering others
Representing 4-H on community boards
Slide 40:Section IV Awards in all 4-H Projects Scoring 5 points
Summary no more than page
New ORF template has a table for this section
Grouping similar items OK
County Medals in 12 projects
19 grand champion fair exhibits
Champion Illustrated Presentation 5 years
Should be most significant 4-H awards
Slide 41:Section V Non-4-H Experiences Scoring 5 points
Summary no more than page
New ORF template has table in this section
Grouping similar items OK
Superintendents Honor Roll 12 years
Student Council Officer 3 years
Academic Awards in Math, English & Science
Should be most significant non-4-H activities
Slide 42:4-H Story No more than 6 pages double spaced
Scoring: Project Growth 5 points
Personal Growth 5 points
Application of 4-H Knowledge & skills 5 points
Should be personal & conversational
Show personal and project growth
Share triumphs and disappointments
Why or how involvement in 4-H or the project changed the individual, family, or business
Slide 43:Photo Section 5 points Suggested Pictures
1 page of project work
1 page of leadership activities
1 page of citizenship activities
3-4 pictures per page
Up to 6 pictures if digitally cropped and captions printed as one unit
Descriptive Captions
Slide 44:Overall Record Book 5 points Well organized
Tabs for ORF, Story and Photos are helpful, but not required
Easy to read
Effective use of bold fonts, white space and color to draw attention to headings etc.
Correct spelling and grammar
Dont depend on spell and grammar check
No extra materials
Slide 45:REPORTINGProject Work Where does it go?
Slide 46:Oklahoma Report Form Where does this go? Breed, raise and show animals
Learn how supply and demand affects commodity markets
Organize a civic group presentation
Serve as Teen Leader for a project club
Interview/shadow a breeder or broker
Participate in judging activities
Slide 47:Oklahoma Report Form Where does this go? Keep reproductive records
Donate seeds or plants and work in a community garden
Supply animals for a petting zoo
Research how substances enter the food chain
Slide 48:Oklahoma Report Form Where does this go? Obtain infant/child CPR certification
Organize an adopt a grandparent program
Teach workshops on healthy snacks
Provide childcare for OHCE events
Serve as a page in House or Senate
Learn the difference between rights and responsibilities
Slide 49:Oklahoma Report Form Where does this go? Inventory of clothing construction techniques learned and used
Research types of sewing equipment
Learn how to complain about an inferior product
Construct costumes for school play
Organize a fashion show
Slide 50:A word about other organizations 4-H members often belong to other organizations, and they utilize the knowledge and skills gained as a 4-H member in that other organization (church youth group, FFA, FCCLA, FBLA, Boy/Girl Scouts, Jr. Breed Associations, etc.).
Slide 51:What to Report Work done as a 4-H member should be reported as 4-H work in a county or state
4-H record book.
Work done as a member of another youth group should be reported as non-4-H work in a county or state 4-H record book.
Slide 52:What if Im not sure? Ask this question:
If those who were there and saw, heard or benefited from my actions were asked what organization I represented would probably not say 4-H, then report it as non-4-H work.
Slide 53:Decisions A 4-H member raises beef cattle, but exhibits market cattle as an FFA member
The same member organized a 4-H Beef project club which met regularly, had educational programs and conducted service projects.
Slide 54:Decisions The church youth director knows that you show sheep as a part of your 4-H work and asks you to provide a lamb for the living Nativity scene
You get volunteers from your livestock project club to provide animals and participate in the living Nativity scene
Slide 55:Decisions Because of your success in 4-H Share the Fun, the music teacher recruits you to be in school performances
You recruit members of your school music, drama or dance group to become 4-H members and participate in Share the Fun
Slide 56:Decisions You accompany your church youth group to sing at the nursing home
You recruit members of your church youth group to go with your 4-H club to sing at the nursing home
Slide 57:Call it what it is Related work done as a member of another organization or group should be reported as:
_________ Project work conducted as a member of ___________ organization(s)
Slide 58:Reporting Leadership Use this section to report
Teaching opportunities & experiences
Details of activities organized
One on one assistance
Number reached through activities
Members role in Youth Adult Partnerships
Promotional Leadership
Officer responsibilities
Slide 59:Reporting Citizenship Use this section to report:
Participation in Service Learning activities
Activities which foster greater understanding of community issues
Donations, community fund raisers, Food or clothing drives etc.
Involvement in special causes Heart Association or Diabetes education, volunteer for local Red Cross, Salvation Army, Ronald McDonald House, etc.
Slide 60:Common Problems Repetition between sections of ORF
Lack of solid project work
Not enough quality leadership and citizenship activities
Lack of focus not enough planning
Story tells of winning rather than growth