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Florida 4-H Program

Florida 4-H Program. Marilyn N. Norman, Ph.D. Associate Dean 4-H Youth Development. Overview . Needs of Youth Organization of Florida 4-H Program Roles and Responsibilities Opportunities for Employment Florida 4-H Enrollment. Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development.

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Florida 4-H Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Florida 4-H Program Marilyn N. Norman, Ph.D. Associate Dean 4-H Youth Development

  2. Overview • Needs of Youth • Organization of Florida 4-H Program • Roles and Responsibilities • Opportunities for Employment • Florida 4-H Enrollment

  3. Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development

  4. Positive Youth Development • Needs of youth • Build assets of youth to transition to successful adulthood

  5. Needs of Youth • A safe and secure environment • A sense of belonging • Positive relationships with others (know they are cared about by others/able to care for others) • Autonomy- sense of control over life, future and independence (influence people/events) • Opportunities to value and practice service to others (purpose, meaning to life, contributions) • Opportunities for mastery/engagement in learning (capable and successful in life)

  6. Essential Elements of 4-H

  7. Why Is Meeting Needs Important?

  8. If Youth Needs are MET in Positive Ways

  9. If Youth Needs are MET in Negative Ways

  10. If Youth Needs are UNMET

  11. Community Family School Ecological/Environmental Model of Youth Development Individual State-Global Society

  12. Youth Development vs. Youth Education Sense of belonging Safety and security Relationships Autonomy and decision-making Active engagement and independence Confidence and mastering competency Mastery and competency

  13. 4-H: The American Idea Creating Greater Opportunity for Youth • Learning By Doing • Leading By Example • Access to 105 State Land-Grant Universities • 7 Million Youth partnering with 3,500 professional educators and 640,000 volunteer leaders • Over 100 Years of Reaching Youth

  14. I pledge my head to clearer thinking… INDEPENDENCE Youth need to know that they are able to Influence people and events through decision-making and action.

  15. I pledge my heart to greater loyalty… BELONGING Current research emphasizes the importance for youth to have opportunities for long-term consistent relationships with adults other than parents. This research suggests that belonging may be the single most powerful positive ingredient we can add into the lives of youth.

  16. I pledge my hands to larger service… GENEROSITY Youth need to feel their lives have meaning and purpose. • By participating in 4-H community service and citizenship activities, youth can connect to communities and learn to give back to others.

  17. I pledge my health to better living… MASTERY In order to develop self-confidence youth need to feel and believe they are capable and they must experience success at solving problems and meeting challenges.

  18. If you were to design a youth development program intended to assist young people to become healthy, problem-solving constructive adults – what would it look like?

  19. What would it look like? • It would offer opportunities for belonging • It would offer opportunities to experience a “hands-on” laboratory • It would offer opportunities for young people to choose • It would offer opportunities to experience what it means to be a citizen

  20. It would look a lot like 4-H

  21. Florida 4-H Mission Florida 4-H creates supportive environments for diverse youth and adults to reach their fullest potential.

  22. “Tag” Message 4-H… is a communityof young peopleacross Americawho are learningleadership, citizenship and life skills

  23. State 4-H Office (Under the Dean for Extension) The State 4-H Office is not a department, but relies on specialists in departments for Program Leadership and Curriculum Leadership engagement.

  24. State 4-H Current Endeavors • Guidance for Goal 3 • Completion of major educational events / recognition meetings and conferences for both youth and adults • Volunteer Screening Process • Risk Management / Liability research • Curriculum (Entomology, Agro-forestry, Weather, Butterflies, Choices, Investor Education, Childhood Obesity reduction, Financial Literacy • Operation Military Kids (in Europe, too) • Youth Adult Partnerships / Civic Engagement • Leading and Learning Initiative (leadership development) • Web re-design • ACA Accreditation • Revamping Recognition Program • Blue Ribbon (ES237) review • In-Service • Several grant funded activities

  25. 4-H Program Design Program Leadership Curriculum Leadership

  26. Departments

  27. 4-H Competencies (4-H PRKC) • Youth Development • Youth Program Development • Volunteer Administration • Access, Equity • Partnerships / Collaborative Development • Organizational Strategies

  28. Florida County Staffing in 4-H • 69 Full Time (90%-100%) 4-H agents • Of those: 9 counties have two or more 4-H agents; an additional 3 counties have 3 4-H agents • 11 Part Time (50%-75%) 4-H agents • Many agents contribute (from 5%-40%) but have a majority program appointment in another area, or come from a single agent county

  29. County 4-H Staffing (cont.) • Counting faculty with 90-100% of their time devoted to 4-H, there are 69 4-H agents. • 63% (43) of Florida counties have access to a full-time 4-H agent. • Of those 69 full time agents, 42% (29) have five years or less experience in 4-H. • Counting faculty with 50% or more of their time devoted to 4-H, there are 80 agents. • 17 counties pay the full salary for 100% 4-H agents in their county.

  30. State Extension Expenditures and Accomplishments - 2004-2005 report • 25% of the county faculty FTE's are devoted to 4-H • 4% of the state faculty are devoted to 4-H

  31. Many Voices to Guide 4-H

  32. Florida Extension is the combined efforts of … • U.S. Department of Agriculture • University of Florida • Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (Goal Team 3, PDC, Volunteer Association, FAE4-HA, State Officers, Executive Council, State Staff, etc.) • Florida A&M University • County governments

  33. 4-H at the county level is… • The 4- H program is community based and determined by local citizens and Extension staff.

  34. Opportunities for Employmentwith UF ExtensionandUSDA Land-Grant Universities

  35. Youth Development Professional Opportunities School-based sports/after-school programs Public funded parks and recreation centers Private for-profit park and recreation enterprises Community Based Youth Organizations - SportsPrograms • 4-H • BGCA, • YMCAs • Camps Military Youth Programs

  36. Questions? www.ifas.ufl.edu www.solutionsforyourlife.com www.florida4h.org www.national4hheadquarters.gov www.usda.gov

  37. 2006 Florida 4-H Enrollment Reviewing the Florida Federal report (ES237) November 2006

  38. Florida 4-H Facts… • 23,788 in organized clubs (community, in-school, after-school, and military) • 24,315 in special interest / short term • 6,409 in day camps • 198,548 in school enrichment • 3,244 in residential camps • 10,294 in school age child care • 13,120 adult volunteers

  39. Florida 4-H is… • Members • 49 % Male • 51 % Female • Volunteers • 20% Male • 80 % Female

  40. Florida 4-H is…

  41. Florida 4-H is…

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