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4-H Electric Awards

Discover the opportunities in 4-H Electric awards, recruiting, and presentations. Earn scholarships and honor club status. Learn about project records and cumulative achievements. Plan your electric project journey with valuable resources and forms provided. Dive into leadership events like National 4-H Congress and the ARI Retreat. Maximize your potential with detailed instructions and criteria for participation. Unleash your skills and showcase your achievements in electric projects.

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4-H Electric Awards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4-H Electric Awards Project Records, Cumulative Records, Recruiting Awards, Territorial Awards, Presentations, National 4-H Congress, Scholarships, Honor Club

  2. Earning the NC 4-H Electric Congress Trip • County Delegate • Recruiting Delegate • Recruiting At Large Delegate • Cumulative Record Delegate

  3. Electric Project Records • Each county may send their two best electric project record winners as Electric Congress County Delegates (age 11 & up) • A 4-H’er may attend as a County Delegate two times

  4. Electric Cumulative Records • A county may send two Electric Cumulative Record participants to NC 4-H Electric Congress • Chance to win Territorial Awards: • 1st place – tv/vcr/dvd • 2nd place – ipod mini • 3rd place – ipod shuffle

  5. Electric Recruiting Award • A county may send one Electric Recruiting Delegate to NC 4-H Electric Congress • Delegate must conduct and activity and recruit a minimum of 8 4-H’ers into the Electric Program • 4-H’ers that have been “recruited” should complete the Electric Recruit Activity Record • A 4-H’er may attend as a recruiter multiple years by recruiting new 4-H’ers in multiples of 8: recruit 8 4-H’ers year 1 recruit 16 4-H’ers year 2 recruit 32 4-H’ers year 3

  6. Recruit Activity Record • Describe the things you did in this electric workshop: • What things did you learn: • What did you learn that you can use again? • What other things would you like to do, make or learn about in the 4-H Electric Project? • www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/4-h/electricrecruitform.pdf

  7. Recruiting At-Large Award • Up to 10 At-Large awards may be presented as determined at the state level • To those passing minimum recruiting requirements who have lost to another recruiter in their county • Recruits must complete the Recruit Activity Report Form • Must have exhausted the county delegate status to be awarded at-large recruiter

  8. Electric Territorial Awards • One traveling plaque awarded for each territory • One permanent State Winner Plaque • Complete the NC 4-H Electric Group Report Form: due March 1 • 1. Outline the plan of action for your group’s project or activity. • 2. What were the responsibilities of the member? • 3. What were the responsibilities of the leaders? • 4. What resource people were involved? What were their responsibilities? • 5. What community resources did you use?

  9. Electric Territorial Awards • 6. What did the group learn? • 7. What kinds of things did the group do? • 8. What were the results of the program? • 9. What are the group’s plans for continuing the project or activity? • 10. Attach samples of news articles, photographs with captions, letter or other printed materials to supplement your report. • http://www.nc4h.org/publications/forms/electric-group99.pdf

  10. 4-H Electric Presentation • District Award of $75 to NC 4-H Congress • State Gold Winner - $50 award • Other categories: http://www.nc4h.org/publications/presentations/index.html

  11. National 4-H Congress • Premier Leadership Event • Atlanta, Georgia • Application, Resume, Interview • Application & Resume due in May • ARI Retreat • Select Science and Technology Category • http://www.nc4h.org/publications/forms/ARI/

  12. Scholarships • Kristina Jarrell 4-H Electric ($500) • To a freshman at any accredited institution • Enrolled in the 4-H Electric Project • Attended NC 4-H Electric Congress • Huddleston Family 4-H Electric ($500) • Currently enrolled in the 4-H Electric Program & in the Duke Energy Territory • Attended NC 4-H Electric Congress • Applications due in January • http://www.nc4h.org/youth/awards.html

  13. NC 4-H Honor Club • Ages 16 - 20 may apply • May induct .05% of 4-H membership • Application consists of: community service citizenship 4-H promotion leadership offices/committees exhibits special 4-H activities presentations non 4-H activities projects http://www.nc4h.org/alumni/honorclub/hcapplication.pdf

  14. Why Project Records? Shows growth in subject Learn to set goals Learn to keep records Transfer to cumulative records Recognition at Achievement Program $50 cash award for district winners

  15. Getting Started Project Selection Sheets Project Manuals/Books (curriculum) Project Record Forms NC 4-H Achievement Form http://www.nc4h.org/youth/awards.html

  16. Parts of a 4-H Record Section 1. My 4-H Plan Section 2. My 4-H _________ Record Section 3. Personal Touch/Express Yourself Section 4. My 4-H Story Section 5. My 4-H Activities (11-12) Section 4. 4-H Leadership (13-15 & 16-18) Section 5. 4-H Community Service (13-15 & 16-18) Section 6. 4-H Citizenship (13-15 & 16-18)

  17. Personal Information Age as of January 1 of the current year Southwest Extension District Make sure parent and leader have signed FILL OUT COMPLETELY

  18. My 4-H Plan 4-H Projects I want to make a lamp April I want to learn how a simple circuit works April I plan to give an Electric presentation June I will make a skirt and blouse Mar. I plan to enter the County Fashion Revue April I will enter my skirt and blouse in the fair Oct.

  19. My 4-H Plan Other 4-H Activities I plan to enter the 4-H Talent Show April I want to go to 4-H Camp June I will enter the 4-H Foods Show Sept. I plan to enter the 4-H Photo Contest June I will go to County Council Meetings monthly

  20. My 4-H Plan Community Service I plan to help at the Soup Kitchen with County Council Jan. I will visit nursing homes with my club Dec. Leadership I plan to run for a club office Nov. I will help w/ Summer Fun activities June Citizenship I will write legislators about the lottery Feb. I want to attend a county commissioner meeting Oct.

  21. My _____ 4-H Record (9-10) 1. Things learned and done 2. Favorite Part 3. Goals Accomplished 4. Show and Tell 5. Who helped you?

  22. My ____ 4-H Record (11-12) 1. Things learned and done 2. What did you learn that you can use again? 3. How have you helped others in this project? 4-H Record of Accomplishments (13-15 & 16-18) Things done & knowledge gained.

  23. Personal Touch/Express Yourself Personal Touch (9-10 & 11-12) Up to six pages Include items about project in Section 2 Express Yourself (13-15 & 16-18) Story 2-6 pages 1-2 items, Up to 10 pages (including story) Include items about project in Section 2

  24. Personal TouchExpress Yourself Items Pictures showing involvement (better than pictures receiving awards) Artwork Poetry Page from Project Manual showing records kept or work completed Newspaper articles or newsletter items written by 4-H’er Video/Audio Tape – Two minutes

  25. 4-H Story Yourself Family School Hobbies 1 paragraph on each project completed PROOFREAD!

  26. 4-H Activities (11-12) Citizenship Community Service Leadership Other 4-H Activities such as: talent show fashion show presentations DO NOT re-enter information about the main project listed in section 2 Include Dates Accomplished

  27. 4-H Leadership (13-15 & 16-18) 4-H offices held 4-H committees served Teaching others Organizing activities You may include leadership in school, church, other activities if it relates to 4-H experiences Include Dates Accomplished

  28. Community Service (13-15 & 16-18) Include any service projects completed with 4-H, school, church, etc. Litter Sweeps Soup Kitchen Walk-A-Thon Adopt-A-Child Letters to Service People Include Dates Accomplished

  29. Citizenship (13-15 & 16-18) Learning about government and decision making processes that affect your community, country and world Flag etiquette Attend Commissioners’ Meeting Participate in Election Process Write letters to Representative/Senator Visiting National/Historic sites Include Dates Accomplished

  30. Tips & Tid Bits Include everything you’ve done or learned in Section 2 Put record in a paper folder with clasps Write neatly or type, parents can help younger 4-H’ers Do not have to use form, but label each page appropriately with section heading Be creative Keep Your Project Records

  31. Judging Judged at county level first, awards vary Judged at district level by overall category Animals Env. Ed. Plants Healthy Lifestyles Discovery Civic Ed. Consumer/Family Comm./Exp. Art Pers. Dev./Lead. Science/Tech/Computer Each county may send two records per age group per category

  32. Judging 9-10 11-12 13-15 16-18 Plan 20 10 10 10 Record 40 35 35 35 Personal/ Express 20 20 7 15 Story 20 20 7 15 Activities 15 Leadership 15 Com Serv 13 Citizenship 13 Lead/Com Serv/Cit 25

  33. 4-H Electric Cumulative Records • There is no limit to the number of cumulative records submitted for judging to the state competition • State Awards: Ages 13-15 Ages 16-18 Gold - $100 Gold - $150 Silver - $50 Silver - $100 Bronze - $25 Bronze - $50 http://www.nc4h.org/youth/awards.html

  34. Cumulative RecordsI. Accomplishments in the __ Record • Ia. “Major” Project Accomplishments • only the last three year's accomplishments, beginning with the earliest year • most important presentations, talks, exhibits, radio, tv, newspaper articles, tours, camps, judging events and workshops and any other learning experiences 2005 Don’t Short Circuit Electric Presentation Manned Electric Exhibit at NC 4-H Gala 2006 Taught Electric Kit for County Summer Ventures NC 4-H Electric Congress County Delegate Repaired lamps for elderly 2007 Energy Efficiency Electric Presentation Wired ceiling fans for Habitat for Humanity Taught Rocket Circuitry for County Summer Ventures

  35. Cumulative RecordsI. Accomplishments in the __ Record • Ib. “Major” Project Knowledge & Skills • The last three year's work, beginning with the earliest year 2005 I learned how to read an electric meter I learned how to solder correctly 2006 what is a parallel and series circuit the difference between volts, amps & watts 2007 how to test grounded outlets how to determine cost of appliance operation • Ic. “Major Project Awards & Recognition • List significant awards and recognition you have received in this project area

  36. Cumulative RecordsOther 4-H Accomplishments, Skills & Knowledge • II. Other 4-H Accomplishments, Skills & Knowledge • Accomplishments in any 4-H year not listed elsewhere in the NC 4-H Report Form • For the entire 4-H career 2007 4-H County Talent Show participant 4-H Poultry Poster, 1st place state 2006 4-H Career Poster, 2nd place district WHEP, 4th place state junior individual 2005 Clothing Project Record, 2nd place county Fashion Show participant 2004 Farm City Week Committee County Council President 2003 County Council Historian

  37. Cumulative RecordsIII. 4-H Leadership • Leadership involves holding offices & serving on committees. • It also can involve teaching workshops, volunteering at 4-H Day Camps, giving a club program, organizing events and meetings, recruiting new members, serving as an Ambassador, and motivating peers to set a goal and take action. • The last three year's work, beginning w/ the earliest year 2005 Club President Taught Sewing Workshop for County Summer Ventures 2006 County Council President Participated in TRY-IT Training 2007 Taught Parliamentary Procedures for County Council District Council Secretary-treasurer

  38. Cumulative RecordsIV. 4-H Citizenship • The last three year's work, beginning with the earliest year 2005 Lobbied County Commissioners for Skateboard Park Attended School Board Meeting 2006 Toured Washington DC Wrote to my NC Legislators about 4-H Camp 2007 Delegate to NC Citizenship Focus Met with my NC Representative

  39. Cumulative RecordsV. 4-H Community Service • The last three year's work, beginning with the earliest year 2005 Volunteered 50 hours at the Soup Kitchen Coordinated Samaritan’s Purse Project for club 2006 Redecorated Recreation Room for nursing home Delivered 120 meals on wheels 2007 Read 75 books for public library children’s time Collected 100 books for Head Start

  40. Cumulative RecordsExpress Yourself • Up to three different methods of expressing yourself • The maximum number of pages is 10 • Must include a story of no more than 6 pages • One or Two additional methods, must relate to “Major” Project in Section I (poem, photographs, teaching tools) • Video- Two minutes will be reviewed. Does not count in the page limit of 10 total pages. • Audio Tape-Two minutes will be reviewed. Does not count in the page limit of 10 total pages.

  41. 4-H Electric Project Activity • Attend training at NC Volunteer Leaders Conference (1st weekend in February) • Attend East or West training in spring • Attend Electric Congress training • 20 free kits • Additional kits $4 each

  42. Questions?

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