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Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece

There are many different styles and colors out there but one thing remains the same. Wool rugs are truly pieces of art and deserve to be taken care of.<br><br>The most wonderful thing about wool rugs is that they are functional pieces of art that, when taken care of properly, will be an heirloom you can pass down to your children and they will pass it down to their children and so on!

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Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece

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  1. Alternative Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind!

  2. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Rugs, Rugs and Rugs – Why are they so important? Rugs on wooden floors are also very important. write a few lines of elegance of rugs on wooden floors. Rugs – Functional pieces of art: There are many different styles and colors out there but one thing remains the same. Wool rugs are truly pieces of art and deserve to be taken care of. The most wonderful thing about wool rugs is that they are functional pieces of art that, when taken care of properly, will be an heirloom you can pass down to your children and they will pass it down to their children and so on! Oriental rugs are most often the focal point of any room; their texture, pattern, size, shape, and color perfectly compliment every piece of furniture.

  3. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Why A Big No To Dirty Rugs? Your health is at stake: Rugs act as a filter that collects dust, dirt particles and germs that can actually grow mold spores and allergens and – in some cases – can be reservoirs of bacteria or viruses. Keeping your rugs clean will go a long way in keeping your home free of harmful germs that can make you and your family sick. Bugs, bugs, bugs: Dust mites are insects that thrive on mattresses, furniture, rugs, carpets and other fabric. They feed on skin flakes shed by people and pets every day and they thrive in warm, humid environments. That would be bad enough, but there’s more. Their presence is associated with reduced respiratory health, triggering asthma and other allergy-related attacks. Cleaning your area rug keeps it beautiful: Removing dirt, spots, spills and stains will brighten the fiber and give life back to your beloved rug. When dirt, dust and grime collect in your rug and the rug gets walked on, the fibers can become matted or otherwise change shape. When this happens, the fibers don’t reflect light the way they’re supposed to and you end up with a flat, worn-out, sad rug that takes away from the aesthetic of your home, instead of enhancing it.

  4. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! 4. Extends the life of the rug: Dirt, sand and grit act as sandpaper to rug fibers as you walk over it. This “sandpaper” causes wearing and discoloration of the fibers, which not only makes your rug look bad but also dramatically reduces the years of potential use. 5. Clean=happy: A clean rug, car, sheets and shoes are just a few things that make our hearts happy. When your space is well-maintained, you’re better able to relax, de-stress and focus on the important things in life. How Often to Clean a Wool Rug? Owing to the thickness of the wool, there is a natural tendency of more dust and grime collecting into its fibers. Regular maintenance cannot only help it keep its sharpness but also increase the rug’s lifespan. A general rule of thumb is good and consistent frequency is very important to prevent the dirt from accumulating into the fibers and yet low enough to prevent any damage to the rug.

  5. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! How Often to Clean a Wool Rug depends on  A number of footfalls: Understandably, the greater the foot traffic, the greater the accumulation of dirt. Location of the Area rug: This is related to the number of footfalls. Certain areas around a household receive higher traffic than others. These need more frequent cleaning. Pets or no pets: According to IICRC, a household with no pets needs 1-2 cleanings a month on average. With pets, this number rises to a staggering 4-7. Rugs or pets, who do you choose? How careful you are: People tend to downplay the importance of resource management. In case you are super cautious about potential damage to the rug, you may not even need to vacuum it once a month. On the contrary, walking on the rug with shoes on, regularly spilling on rugs can induce damaging results.

  6. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Cleaning carpets at home is relatively inexpensive and not too daunting a task! So, how can I clean my wool rug at home? Deep Cleaning Oriental Rug Oriental rug cleaning isn’t just about getting rid of the dirt, soil and debris that resides on the surfaces. It’s also about keeping the rugs’ structure and natural fibers in great shape. Vacuum it!: Make sure that the vacuum has a high height, for otherwise the fibers would be agitated. This can lead to shrinkage and piling of the wool rug. You should be vacuuming your wool area rugs about twice a month. Over-vacuuming will pull the natural wool fibers out of the rug. Vacuum both sides of the rug every so often to make sure you get all the dirt out. Shake it Out: Just take your rug outside and shake it out for 30 seconds to a minute and all the dirt will come out like a charm. If the forecast looks clear, go ahead and leave your rug outside for a few hours. If you want to go the extra mile, spritz your rug with a little Febreze before leaving it outside. Your rug will smell like it’s fresh off the laundry line!

  7. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Give it an Old Fashioned Beating: You can beat your wool rugs. There was a reason they used to beat there in the old days for wool rugs cleaning. This method loosens the dirt without pulling out the fibers. This method is somewhat tedious, but if you’re looking for a good workout and a deep clean without a professional cleaner, knock yourself out! Dry Powder: This is a popular trick… but not a good one. Dry powders will seep into the little air pockets and just create more of a mess plus cause the rug to become fuzzy. Professional cleaners do use this method but only in particular circumstances and with the proper equipment. Not recommend trying at home. Steam Cleaning: First of all, you should never wet the entirety of your rug at home. You cannot dry it fast enough to prevent mold and mildew. Second, the steam is too hot for the wool. You know how blow-drying and straightening your hair can damage it? Same effect! Finally, if there is any dust or dirt inside the air pockets in your wool rug, the steam will create mud in your rug. Just imagine how difficult that is to get out! This method is most effective when performed by a professional. There are so many factors that go into cleaning a rug – there is a reason professionals exist.

  8. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Rotate Your Rug: This simple step is SO important! Rotating your rug prevents discoloration, matting from frequent foot traffic, and excessive dirt in one spot. When a rug is partially covered by furniture like a couch, desk, or ottoman, the covered part will inevitably stay cleaner than the exposed portion of the rug. Simply rotate your rugs once every six months. Easy peasy! Spot Clean: Food, Cosmetic Powders, Modelling Clay, Potting Soil, and Skin Ointments.Spot treat the affected area with: 8 parts water 1 part white vinegar And a small squirt of a mild dishwashing detergent Simply dab the solution on with white paper towels then with a clean, dry paper towel, dab, and rub the wet area until the carpet is bone dry.

  9. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Red Wine or Dark Fruit & Vegetable Juices Pour salt over the entire affected area.  The salt will absorb the liquid like a sponge.  Once the salt has absorbed the stains, use a rounded spoon to lift off the residue, sprinkle on cold water with a spoon or syringe, and finally blot dry the area dry. Pet Messes, Perfume & Alkaline Spills Use either the vinegar solution mentioned above or an ammonia solution of 1 teaspoon of household ammonia to 1 cup of water. Dab the solution on with a white paper towel, rinse well with cold water on a spoon or syringe, and finally blot dry.

  10. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Paint, Oil & GreaseRemove paint, oil, and grease with nail polish remover, or use a spot removal/dry cleaning solvent.Other solutions: Vinegar solution The Ammonia solution listed under PET MESSES Rinse well with a spoon or syringe, blot dry.  Many of these solvents and solutions will leave the affected area more prone to dirt than the rest of the rug.  Rinsing well with cold water and blotting help alleviate the problem. Peroxide Bleach & Other Harsh Chemical Spills Use cold water on the affected area and immediately contact a professional rug cleaner. Use baking soda with vinegar. Mix a cup of baking soda with two cups of vinegar and pour this solution onto your wool carpet. Allow the carpet to soak for about 30 minutes then use an old toothbrush to scrub your rug while it is still wet.

  11. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Use chamomile tea bags Chamomile tea bags are an effective natural way to clean a wool rug. Simply brew the tea in a large container then pour it on your carpet and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes before scrubbing with an old toothbrush or other scrubbing tools. Oatmeal Oatmeal is one of the best ingredients you can use when cleaning your wool rug. Simply fill a large pot with water and oats then bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, allow it to cool down before pouring it onto your carpet or rug and using an old toothbrush or other scrubbing tools to clean your carpet. Dust off any dirty areas on your flooring. Shampoo for your rug If you are experiencing any stains on your wool rug, then use shampoo to clean it off. Simply massage the stain with a little bit of shampoo and allow it to sit for about 15 minutes before scrubbing the area using an old toothbrush or other cleaning tools.

  12. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Make your own cleaning shampoo:You can also make your own cleaning shampoo for wool rugs. Simply fill a large pot with hot water and use it to dissolve one cup of white vinegar into the mixture before adding in about three tablespoons of liquid soap (or dishwashing detergent) and two cups of baking soda. Allow this solution to cool down before pouring it onto your carpet. This cleaning solution is a perfect stain remover.   Protect your rug with a mat or runner: First of all, you should never wet the entirety of your rug at home. You cannot dry it fast enough to prevent mold and mildew. Second, the steam is too hot for the wool. You know how blow-drying and straightening your hair can damage it? Same effect! Finally, if there is any dust or dirt inside the air pockets in your wool rug, the steam will create mud in your rug. Just imagine how difficult that is to get out! This method is most effective when performed by a professional. There are so many factors that go into cleaning a rug – there is a reason professionals exist.

  13. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Always Be Cautious: To avoid having to spot clean at all, always be cautious! Wool rugs can take a beating, but they need to be taken care of. By following the steps above, you will be able to stretch out the time in between professional cleans, but you should have your wool rug cleaned every 1-2 years depending on how hard you are on your rug. However, if you have a deep stain, you absolutely need to head to a professional cleaner or a complete Guide on how to clean it. we know… but you have to do it. Don’t try to bypass professional cleaning: No matter how many Youtube videos you watch, you will never be able to clean a braided wool rug like a professional. They have advanced equipment that seems easy to replicate, but it’s not. we know… but you have to do it. It may be expensive but if you try to do it at home. You may end up ruining your heirloom wool rug.

  14. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! • Trained Professional Oriental Rug Cleaners: The skilled and seasoned rug cleaning professionals KPA-Rug cleaning Service all have in-depth training in cleaning textiles and carpets.  • They know how to work with all different types of natural fibers, specifically silk, wool and cotton. • If you need professional assistance in cleaning your lovely rug’s fragile natural fibers and sensitive colors, they are the perfect company for you.They can even handle pesky stains on your Oriental rug and can even handle pesky stains on your Oriental rug. • If you’re sick and tired of looking at an oriental rug that’s dirty and not maintained properly, take action by giving us a call at KPA Rug Service immediately. They can provide you with an estimate for your upcoming rug cleaning project. 

  15. Be Kind To Your One-of-A-Kind Piece: Simply be kind! Let’s face it, we all  have a wash on a regular basis. We all wash our clothes regularly too. But don’t we need dry cleaner for some of our expensive coats and mattresses…Most of us overlook the amount of dirt and germs that exist in a carpet because it’s way down the list of jobs. If you want to remove dangerous bacteria and other pollutants from your carpet, you essentially have two choices: DIY Carpet cleaning and Professional Carpet Cleaning. Professional carpet cleaning can successfully remove about 98 percent of dirt and pollutants from your carpets. However, if you only do it once every six months, a lot of bacteria could flourish on your carpets in between cleaning.                 

  16. Contact Us: KPA Carpet Cleaning Services 8604 Northwest 112th Street, Zip code: Oklahoma City, OK – 73162. Phone No - +4055033528 Email Id :- kpacarpet9316@gmail.com Website:- https://kpacarpet.com/

  17. Thank You

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