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AWESOME HOSTING CONCEPTS/HEADLINES: Explore another culture without leaving home Improve Your I.Q. (International Quotient) Meet the World in Your Home Bring the World Into Your Home Stay At Home - Enjoy the World Erase the Myth of the Ugly American Adventures are a Homestay away

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AWESOME HOSTING CONCEPTS/HEADLINES: Explore another culture without leaving home Improve Your I.Q. (International Quotient) Meet the World in Your Home Bring the World Into Your Home Stay At Home - Enjoy the World Erase the Myth of the Ugly American Adventures are a Homestay away Change the way others see ______ (your country)

  2. Influence the way others see …..? Share your home - Make New Friends WANTED: Friends willing to discover the world from their own home Discover the World, Make New Friends Experience the world without leaving Home Influence world opinion from your own living room Welcome {Brazil} to your home

  3. Share your home while making lifelong friendships Show what makes your _______ special Expand your family to include the whole world Share Cultures Make new friends at home and abroad Discover _____ through someone else’s eyes Connect with a network of international friends Develop lifelong friends Global is in: Friendship Force is global. Join us. Be a home host Extend hospitality to a visitor of another country Introduce family and friends to a new culture Graduate from the Travel Channel! Give your children the gift of an international friendship Develop a personal relationship with a foreign visitor Learn about others. Make new friends. Discover yourself.

  4. Fall in love at first sight, bite? WHAT IS OUR PHOTO/IMAGE? Cooking in the kitchen Open the door Photos from photo contest Show younger hosts opening door

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