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Entavir 1mg Tablet

Entavir 1mg Tablet is used in the treatment of HIV infection and chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. It prevents the multiplication of virus in human cells. This stops the virus from producing new viruses and clears up your infection.

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Entavir 1mg Tablet

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  1. Introduction to Entavir 1 mg Tablet Entavir 1mg Tablet is used in the treatment of HIV infection and chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. It prevents the multiplication of virus in human cells. This stops the virus from producing new viruses and clears up your infection. Entavir 1mg Tablet is not a cure for HIV or AIDS and only helps to decrease the amount of HIV in your body. This helps to lower your risk of getting HIV-related complications and improves your lifespan. It is prescribed in combination with other HIV medicines. Your doctor will recommend the best medicines for you and will decide the doses that you need. Follow carefully the instructions for all the medicines that you are given. It can be taken with or without food. Taking all these medicines regularly at the right times greatly increases their effectiveness and reduces the chances of HIV becoming resistant to them. It is important not to miss doses and to keep taking them until your doctor tells you it is safe to stop. Common side effects of this medicine include headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, fatigue, diarrhea, and rash. These are usually not serious but tell your doctor if they bother you or do not go away. Rarely, some people may experience a skin reaction or liver damage. Your doctor will closely monitor you for these in the initial period of treatment.

  2. Before taking it, tell your doctor if you have any skin problems or liver or kidney disease. While using it, you may need regular blood tests to check your blood counts and liver function. Avoid drinking alcohol as it may increase your risk of liver damage. Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should consult their doctor before using this medicine. Do not have unprotected sex or share personal items like razors or toothbrushes, if you are HIV positive. Talk to your doctor about safe ways like condoms to prevent HIV transmission during sex. Uses of Entavir 1 mg ● Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection How does Entavir 1 Works Entavir 1 Mg Tablet has an active ingredient; Entecavir is an antiviral medication which prevents the multiplication of virus in human cells. This stops the virus from producing new viruses & clears up your infection. Entecavir drug is a nucleoside analog, or a Deoxyguanosine analogue that belongs to a class of carbocyclic nucleosides & inhibits reverse transcription, DNA replication & transcription in the viral replication process. Other nucleoside and nucleotide analogues include telbivudine, lamivudine, Adefovir Dipivoxil, & tenofovir. Entecavir decreases the amount of HBV in the blood by reducing its ability to multiply & infect new cells. Side Effects of Entavir 1 Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them Common Side Effects ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Headache Nausea Rash Vomiting Fatigue Stomach pain Diarrhea Dosage of Entavir 1mg

  3. Entavir 1 Mg Tablet contains an active ingredient, Entecavir, which is used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. This medicine is available in different substitutes & strengths & has got to be purchased or given on doctor’s prescription only. You must consult your physician for adjustment of dosage & time of the medicine because age and severity of the disease differ from person to person and it can only be best judged by your doctor. Adults are advised to take Entavir 1 Mg Tablet at a fixed time without food as instructed by your Doctor. You must take Entavir 1 Mg Tablet regularly on time for better results. Other Dosages of Entavir 1mg ● Entavir 0.5mg How to Manage Side Effects ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Communicate with Healthcare Provider Stick to Prescribed Dosage Take with Food Stay Hydrated Avoid Alcohol and Certain Foods Monitor Liver Function Report Serious Side Effects Follow Up with Doctor Be Patient Warning & Precautions ● ● ● Allergy Kidney/ Liver disease You must not take this medicine if you are pregnant, planning to conceive or breastfeeding Entavir 1 Mg Tablet is not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age You must not drive or operate heavy machinery at the same time as taking this medicine as it may cause dizziness You must regularly get your blood tests done to monitor your blood cells, liver and kidney function, and electrolyte levels during treatment with this medicine Always consult with your medical doctor straight away to get best possible treatment if you are observing any of the above mentioned conditions. ● ● ● ● Safety Advice

  4. Consult with Healthcare Provider: Seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional before starting or stopping Entavir 1mg Tablet. Medical History: Inform your healthcare provider about your complete medical history, including any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, or medications you are taking. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, discuss the risks and benefits of Entavir 1mg Tablet with your healthcare provider. Dosage and Administration: Take Entavir 1mg Tablet exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not exceed the recommended dosage or change the dosing schedule without consulting your healthcare provider. Storage: Store Entavir 1mg Tablet according to the instructions provided and keep it out of reach of children and pets. ● ● ● ● FAQs 1. How should Entavir 1mg Tablet be taken? Ans. You should take Entavir 1mg Tablet exactly as prescribed by your doctor and continue taking it till your doctor tells you to stop. It is usually taken once a day on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after a meal and at least 2 hours before the next meal. It is advised to take it around the same time every day. If not sure, consult your doctor. 2. Can Entavir 1mg Tablet cause liver problems? Ans. Yes, Entavir 1mg Tablet can cause serious liver problems like hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver) and steatosis (an increased build-up of fat in the liver). It is important to know that hepatomegaly along with steatosis is a serious medical emergency which requires immediate medical attention. 3. What are the symptoms of serious liver problems? Ans. The symptoms of liver problems include jaundice (a condition in which your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow), dark-colored urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite, nausea and stomach pain. These symptoms are more common in women, overweight patients, or if you have been on Entavir 1mg Tablet for a long time. Immediately contact your doctor if you experience any such symptoms. 4. What is drug resistance? Can I develop drug resistance with Entavir 1mg Tablet? Ans. Drug resistance is a state where the medicine which was once effective in treating an infection becomes ineffective. This mainly happens due to the ability acquired by the virus or bacteria to get modified inside the body which affects the overall working of the medicine. Hence, the medicine is no longer able to fight against the virus or bacteria. Generally, drug

  5. resistance with Entavir 1mg Tablet is more likely to happen if you take less dose than what is recommended.

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