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Feasibility Report. TABLET. Scott McKeefer Sana Jafferi Chris Harris Conor Vanek Jacobus Peterson.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Feasibility Report TABLET Scott McKeefer Sana Jafferi Chris Harris Conor Vanek Jacobus Peterson

  2. A consumer looking to buy a tablet device has many factors to consider. Tablet shoppers now have over 5 brands to choose from, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The consumer could easily pick a brand on a whim and end up unsatisfied. With the help of this report the audience will have the information needed to choose the tablet that makes the best impact for the price. Introduction

  3. Apple iPad 4

  4. Overview

  5. Samsung Galaxy 2

  6. Google Nexus 7

  7. Made a survey that compared the specs of the 5 tablets with the names taken out. • Asked participants to fill out surveys of what tablets they would buy and what category was most important to them when comparing tablets. • Compiled data and made a conclusion. Step by step

  8. Amazon Kindle Fire HD

  9. Categories Voting Results Number of Votes

  10. Sony Xperia Tablet S

  11. According to our survey gathered, the top three categorizes people looked at are the price of the product, the battery life, and the connectivity. The product the most people chose was Amazon Kindle Fire HD. • The tablet device we recommend is the Amazon Kindle Fire HD based on our observation of the survey. The people showed a higher demand for this product compared to the others which would be beneficial to the distributors’ net profit. It also has the fastest processor, it is in high definition, and priced according to the features it offers. Conclusion and Recommendation

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