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Tablet. iPad users. The Sun, Daily Mirror and Daily Record apps coming soon. Tablet ownership is growing and set to continue. 11% of UK households have a tablet +9% points on 2011 One in six households say they intend to buy a tablet in the next year.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tablet

  2. iPad users The Sun, Daily Mirror and Daily Record apps coming soon

  3. Tablet ownership is growing and set to continue 11% of UK households have a tablet +9% points on 2011 One in six households say they intend to buy a tablet in the next year Source: Ofcom Communications Market Report 2012

  4. Tablet owners are regular users 74%claim to go online on their tablet every day, or most days Source: Ofcom Communications Market Report 2012

  5. Tablet users are very engaged 8.9 hours a week spent online via tablet Source: IAB Tablet Buyers Guide

  6. Consumers see tablet advertising as the future Advertising on tablet computers is the future of advertising Source: IAB Tablet Ad Format Study July 2012

  7. 38% of users buy a product after seeing a tablet ad Source: OPA A Portrait of Today’s Tablet User Wave 2

  8. Contact us info@newsworks.org.uk+44(0)20 7839 8935

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