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Tablet. Tablet ownership at a glance. Sources: YouGov 25-27 November 2013: 2262 UK adults online 18+ ONS Internet Access Quarterly update Q3, 2013 for UK adults who have used internet. Who owns tablets?. Greatest reach of 35-44s. Tablet ownership – reach across age groups. 47%. 41%. 41%.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tablet

  2. Tablet ownership at a glance Sources: YouGov 25-27 November 2013: 2262 UK adults online 18+ ONS Internet Access Quarterly update Q3, 2013 for UK adults who have used internet

  3. Who owns tablets? Greatest reach of 35-44s Tablet ownership – reach across age groups 47% 41% 41% 38% 25% 35-44 44-54 55+ 18-24 25-34 Sources: YouGov 25-27 November 2013

  4. Who owns tablets? Slight female bias 52% 48% Source: YouGov 25-27November 2013: 884 UK tablet owners online 18

  5. Who owns tablets? Still heavily weighted to more upmarket owners Source: YouGov 25-27November 2013: 884 UK tablet owners online 18+

  6. Tablets rival PCs and laptops for experience Accessing news via a TABLET a better experience than laptop/PC 49% of people who access news on their tablet believe that it provides a better experience than a PC or laptop Only 16% disagree with the statement Source: YouGov February 2013. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1405 using Computer to access news in last week, 585 using Smartphone/331 usingTablet

  7. What do people use their tablets for? News is a regular activity for almost half of tablet owners Source: YouGov 25-27November 2013: 884 tablet owners online 18+

  8. Ownership of tablets increases reach of digital newspaper brands % accessing online newspaper brands last week 43% 52% 55% Computer users Smartphone users Tablet users Source: YouGov February 2013. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1405 using Computer to access news in last week, 585 using Smartphone/331 usingTablet

  9. Tablet ownership increases news consumption Two out of five 18-24s spend more time reading news Source: YouGov 25-27November 2013: 884 tablet owners online 18+

  10. Three – device lives Day in the life of device usage - Weekday 35% 30% 20% 15% 10% Desktop Mobile Tablet 5% 0% Early Morning 4-6am Morning 7-9am Late Morning 10-12am Early Afternoon 1-3pm Afternoon 4-6pm Early Evening 7-9pm Night Time 1-3am Late Evening 10-12pm *iab research

  11. Tablet users

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