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CONTENTS GOOD REASONS TO JOIN US PRESENTATION OF THE VISIT USA COMMITTEE/FRANCE Background Goals Executive Board Membership PRESENTATION OF THE FRENCH MARKET French Market Opportunities French Market Profile PROMOTION OF THE U.S. Actions to Travel Trade Actions to Consumers
Being featured on our website which boasts a link to every member’s personal website. Being part of organized educational seminars for Travel Agents. Participating in consumer & trade shows at negotiated rates. Being included in the Visit USA Committee monthly press releases which are sent to 450 French journalists. Being presented as member through our information phone line. Being listed in our Directory distributed during consumer shows. Being informed on the monthly meetings reports of the Board Members. Attending & voting on important decisions during the bi-annual general assembly meetings.. GOOD REASONS TO JOIN US THE FRENCH MARKET AT YOUR FINGERTIPS FOR ONLY 750 or 850 EUROS
BACKGROUND FOUNDATION In 1995, American government closed world-wide all United States Travel and Tourism Administration (USTTA). May 1996, in cooperation and with the support of the USTTA, Visit USA Committee France was founded to carry out its mission. Visit USA Committee/France is proud to be a founding member of the Visit USA Committee/Europe. It is now called “Office du Tourisme-USA” with the agreement of the US Embassy.This was done on order to better attract final consumers. Visit USA Committee/France is working actively to promote tourism from FRANCE TO USA, FOR 9 YEARS
GOALS Based in Paris, Visit USA Committee France is a non-profit association which : => supports and promotes travel to the United States from FRANCE. It is open to all professional organizations representing both private and public sector interests in the promotion and development of travel to the USA.Visit USA Committee/France creates synergy with travel trade & consumers.
MEMBERSHIP • The Visit USA Committee is the largest non-profit association dedicated to the promotion of travel and tourism to the USA in the world. • Established in 1996, the Visit USA Committee / France brings together around 100 representatives from all sectors involved in selling travel to and within the USA. • It is managed by a 10 voluntary-member Executive Committee elected by all members. All members meet twice a year and the Executive Board meets every month and organizes sub-committees for specific projects (workshops, educational seminars, participation in travel shows, ect.) • The Executive Board meets monthly to determine specific areas to be analyzed and subjects are alloted to each representative.
MEMBERSHIP Members of the Visit USA Committee/France in 2005
FRENCH MARKET OPPORTUNITIES Top overseas travel Markets to the U.S. France ranks third among European markets after the United Kingdom and Germany.
FRENCH MARKET OPPORTUNITIES French Arrivals to the U.S. 1996-2004(in Millions)
FRENCH MARKET PROFILE • Individualistic & demanding market. • With a five week paid vacation per year, the French have more vacation time than any other European country. • With the introduction of the thirty-five hour work week, the French are encouraged to take more vacation (7 weeks/year)! • Distinct market“The French exception” : that is why you need to have a representation in France. • The US ranks # 1 among long-haul destinations. • The French who are traveling to the US are true tourists (no important French community in the US) therefore they spend more money because they do not visit families.
Shopping: 90% Restaurants: 84% Sightseeing: 50% Theme Parks: 40% Historical places: 37% SELECTED LEISURE ACTIVITIES IN THE U.S. • Tour countryside: 26% • National Parks: 24% • Museums: 21% • Native American Sites: 5% • 70% choose Fly & Drive. • Average length of stay in the U.S.: 15 days • Average daily visitor spending in the U.S.: $100
The US $ exchange rate is very favorable for the French tourists traveling to the United States. This has a positive impact on travel and tourism to the United States. Good deals with airlines. Many art exhibitions are exclusively in US museums. Culture is an important objective for the French tourists. WHY OUR ARGUMENTS TO MAKE FRENCH TRAVEL TO YOUR DESTINATION :
PROMOTION OF THE U.S. • To Travel Trade: Seminars for travel agents, trade show, special rates for travel agents… • To Consumers: Consumer shows, press trips and newsletters, audiotel (information telephone line), website www.office-tourisme-usa.com
PROMOTION TO TRAVEL TRADE • Seminars for Travel Agents • Trade Show • Special Rates for French Travel Agents
TO TRAVEL TRADE Seminars for travel agents: The Visit USA organized an half-day workshop/seminars at the International University in Paris in April 2005. - Three educational seminars on top US destinations were presented. -Twenty-two members participated in this event, more than a hundred travel agents and journalists attended. -The event was very successful with articles published in the travel trade press.
TO TRAVEL TRADE Trade Show : • – USA Pavilion : 23 US exhibitors in 2004: Florida, Pennsylvania, US Airways, NYC, Las Vegas, Washington State, New Mexico, US Embassy, Capital Region, Best Western, Keith Prowse, Budget… • 15,739 trade visitors in 2004 which resulted in a 10.3% increase . • Unique “BtoB” French Travel Trade Show in France taking place annually in Deauville (Normandy) .
TO TRAVEL TRADE • Discounts for Travel Agents : • Visit USA Committee has created a list of travel discounts for travel agents in order to improve their knowledge…& sales! • This project is distributed to the trade press and communicated to the agents. • Trade press & travel agents were very enthusiastic.
PROMOTION TO CONSUMERS • Consumer shows in France • Press Trips & Monthly Newsletters • Audiotel (information phone line) • Website :www.office-tourisme-usa.com
Salon du Tourisme de Rennes (Britanny) January 20-22, 2006. 39,854 visitors in 2005 Salon du Tourisme de Lille (North) February 03-05, 2006. 46,931 visitors in 2005 Salon du Tourisme de Toulouse (South) February 10-12, 2006. 44,000 visitors in 2005 Salon du Tourisme de Strasbourg (East) March 03-05, 2006. 16,274 visitors in 2005 Mahana – Lyon . March 10-12, 2006. 45,914 visitors in 2005 Salon Mondial du Tourisme – Paris. March 16-19, 2006. 105,170 visitors in 2005 Salon du Tourisme – Colmar (East). November 11-13, 2005. 30,128 visitors in 2004 CONSUMER TOURISM FAIRS Catalogue shows available for each fair at special rate giving you the opportunity to reach 354,000 consumers
TO CONSUMERS • Monthly Newsletter A monthly newsletter is sent to over 450 French travel writers. Many articles have been published thanks to Visit USA Committee’s newsletter. Articles about festivals, hotel openings, special events… • Press Trips Visit USA has organized press trips in order to promote different aspects of the U.S.A. : • February 2004 to San Francisco and Phoenix • May 2004 to Saint Paul-Minneapolis.
TO CONSUMERS • Audiotel(information phone line) • information on entry procedures into the US (#1) • a general public line for questions • possibility ordering brochures
TO CONSUMERS • Website :created in 2000 and improvement in December 2004 which resulted in a 74% increase for the 1st quarter 2005.
TO CONSUMERS • Website • Consumers have a direct access to destinations’ website. • Possibility to contact by email the Visit USA • Monthly newsletters are available • Possibility ordering brochures (see chart) Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan 05 Feb 03 Feb 04 Feb 05
THE FRENCH MARKET IS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS THANKS TO THE VISIT USA COMMITTEE - FRANCE For further information, please feel free to contact : Visit USA Committee-France 7 rue de Clichy 75009 Paris - France Phone : +33-1-42-81-88-26 Fax : +33-1-42-81-88-89 Email : infos@office-tourisme-usa.com Website :www.office-tourisme-usa.com