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Texas 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Cycle 4

Texas 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Cycle 4 Applicant’s Conference Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Texas Educational Telecommunications Network (TETN) Presented by: Vicki Logan, Grant Manager 21 st Century Community Learning Centers

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Texas 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Cycle 4

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  1. Texas 21st Century Community Learning Centers Cycle 4 Applicant’s Conference Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Texas Educational Telecommunications Network (TETN) Presented by: Vicki Logan, Grant Manager 21st Century Community Learning Centers Geraldine Kidwell, State Coordinator 21st Century Community Learning Centers Texas Education Agency

  2. Request for Application • Federal Authorization • The Texas 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) is authorized under Title IV, Part B, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).

  3. Awarded Grants Cycles 1, 2, and 3 122 grants that have been awarded in 3 cycles of the Texas 21st CCLC grant programs since July 1, 2003. The average grant over the 3 cycles has had four (4) Centers within the application and five (5) participating schools in each grant. Reference: Information, Page 1

  4. Texas 21st CCLC Grants

  5. Funding Available A total of approximately $ 8,000,000 is available for funding approximately 54 single center sites during grand period, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, and June 2007 Summer program. The largest possible grant designed to serve the maximum of five Centers may not exceed $750,000 per year. Reference: Information, Page 1 and Page 9

  6. Amount of Funding Awarded takes into account: • the number of Centers (physical host sites) within the application, • types of programs offered, • the number of students projected to be served during the first year of implementation, and • the number of hours the Centers will be serving participants during the summer and regular school year. Reference: Information Hours of Services Offered, page 13

  7. Basic Components • Purpose • Intent • Need • Collaboration/Coordination • Reference Information: Page 2

  8. Eligible Campuses Eligible campuses are schools eligible for schoolwide programs under Title I, section 1114; or schools that have a high percentage of low-income families (40% more students identified as economically disadvantaged) as indicated on the data submitted to PEIMS for school year 2005-2006. A campus that is Title I schoolwide as the result of a waiver that does not have 40% or greater economically disadvantaged as indicated on the data submitted to PEIMS for school year 2005- 2006 is not eligible to participate in this grant program. Reference: Information, Eligible Campuses Page 3

  9. Eligible Campuses A private or non-profit school is eligible if the campus has 40% or more economically- disadvantaged students in attendance. A new school opening in the 2005-2006 school year should not be included in an application. A school must have one-year of operation before submitting an application to participate in this grant program. Reference: Information, Eligible Campuses Page 3

  10. Number of Centers One application may contain up to five community learning centers (physical hosting sites). Reference: Information, Number of Campuses, page 3

  11. Number of Centers Fiscal agents currently receiving Texas 21st Century funds may submit Texas 21st CCLC Cycle 4 competitive applications to serve eligible campus(es) not served in Cycles 1, 2 or 3. Reference: Information, Number of Campuses, page 3

  12. Designation of Campus(es) per Center Each application must designate the specific participating campus(es) that meet the eligibility requirements of the grant in order to determine the students and families to be served in the 21st CCLC. To be considered for funding, each Center site included in the application must include and identify not less than one eligible secondary or elementary school. Reference: Information page 4

  13. Definitions Reference: Instructions, Page 35 A Center is the physical site at which the project activities will be implemented on a daily basis. It is characterized by defined hours of operation; dedicated staff that plan, facilitate, and supervise program activities; and an administrative structure which may include a position akin to a center coordinator. A 21st CCLC grant must fund at least one center that includes not less than one eligible school. An adjunct site is place that is designated within a recurring activity schedule for the purposes of facilitating an activity that is not able to be implemented on the premises of the identified center physical. An adjunctsite to be used for occasional activities can not be designated as a separate center.

  14. Location of Centers TEA may approve an application for a center to be located in a facility other than an elementary or secondary school only if the center will be at least as available and accessible to the targeted students to be served as if the program were located in an elementary or secondary school. Applicants must provide an impact statement describing how the facility will accomplish this. (SAS #4A-Program Abstract, Part 3) Reference: Information, page 4

  15. Campus Participation in Center No campus may participate in more than 1 center and in more than 1 application in any Texas Cycle of 21st CCLC grants. Do not enter the same campus in multiple applications or centers. Different grade levels from the same campus meeting at the campus physical address can not be divided into 2 centers. Reference: Instructions, Part 1: Centers, Page 35

  16. Partnerships and/or Collaborations • The application must include documentation that supports and describes the formal partnerships. • Collaborations must also be described, including details of the contributions that have been agreed upon by both parties as to obligations and responsibilities and the relevance to accomplishing the goals of the grant through 21st CCLC program activities. Reference: Information, Partnerships, Page 4

  17. Application Submission Authority Requirements for: • Public LEA’s • Nonprofit Organization, For-profit Organizations Reference: Information, Pages 4-6

  18. Program Goals and Funding • The purpose of 21st CCLC Cycle 4 grant program is to offer opportunities for communities to establish or expand activities in community learning centers any time school is not in regular session to include before and after school, summer recess, vacation days, and week-ends. Reference: Information, G Program Goals and Funding, pages 7-8

  19. 21st Century Community Learning Center A 21st Century Community Learning Center is the physical host site where the program activities are to be implemented on a daily basis, regardless of the number of eligible schools participating in the Center. A Center must serve at least one elementary or secondary campus, but may serve more than one. Applicants may designate activities to be implemented at a maximum of five different Centers, i.e., physical host sites, on a daily basis. Reference: Information, 21st Century Learning Centers, page 8

  20. Grantee Staffing Positions 21st CCLC Center Director/Program Coordinator For each grant submitted a 21st CCLC Center Director/Program Coordinator may not direct activities at more than five Centers. Each Center Site may serve students from more than one eligible campus, but a campus may not be served by more than one Center. A grantee is strongly encouraged to have a full time 21st CCLC Director/Program Coordinator for each grant. A 21st CCLC Site Director/Coordinator Each center site within the grant to be implemented should have a site director/coordinator who is responsible to the21st the21st CCLC Center Director/Program Coordinator. The site director/coordinator has the responsibility to oversee and manage the day to day activities of the center. Reference: Information, Grantee Staffing Positions, Pages 8 and 9

  21. Grantee Staffing Positions A 21st CCLC (Overall) Director/Project Coordinator of the Texas 21st CCLC Grants under a single fiscal agent with more than one Texas 21st CCLC grant may provide oversight and budgetary accountability/control for the all of the grantee’s 21st CCLC programs. (Optional Position for multiple 21st CCLC grants under one fiscal agent) This person serves as the fiscal agent’s primary contact for the 21st CCLC Grants and has responsibility for1) budgeting compliance and 2) submitting all required grant reports ensuring program quality and compliance within the grant requirements. Reference: Information, Pages 8 and 9

  22. Grant Period and Program Implementation The Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) begins July 1, 2006, and ends the first year June 30, 2007. The Cycle 4 Texas 21st Century grantees will be expected to implement a program than begins not later than September 15, 2006, for the fall term of the 2006-2007 school year. Reference: Information, Page 9

  23. Project Description After-school student learning and development activities must be aligned with classes from the regular school day, but should supplement the content using a variety of instructional methods through out-of-school learning opportunities that are different from those used in the classroom. Successful programs will provide students at risk of academic failure access to small group instruction that is designed to provide intervention and accelerated learning beginning at the student’s level of need. Reference: Information, H Project Description, pages 9-10

  24. Project Description Applicants are required to provide a detailed plan of objectives for the grant program. The activities to be implemented must be designed to meet the needs of the students participating in that center and serve to accomplish the objectives stated in the grant application. The activities will be indicated at the center level. The application in Part 3 will reflect your in-depth planning and must describe how these activities will supplement existing activities. Reference: Information, H Project Description, pages 9-10

  25. Project Description A well-planned and sequenced program must be planned jointly by all participants implementing the project and supported by the administration and staff of the local education agency. 21st CCLC grant projects should be designed to provide a range of high-quality, out-of-school activities relevant to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)-based courses. The TEKS courses include both the foundation and the enrichment curriculum. Reference: Information, H Project Description, pages 9-10

  26. Allowable Activities Reference: Information, pages 10-13, presents examples of out-of-school supplemental learning opportunities appropriate for 21st CCLC Programs.

  27. Program Implementation 21st CCLC Services to school-age children, kindergarten through grade 12, must be limited to times when school is not in session. The out-of-school learning opportunities time include before and after school, summer recess, week-ends, and holidays when the school is closed. However, 21st CCLC activities targeting only pre-kindergarten children and adult family members may take place during regular school hours, as these times may be the most suitable for serving these populations. Reference: Information, Page 13

  28. 21st CCLC Program • opportunities providing academic alignment that complements the activities of the instructional day with after-school childcare • consistent days and hours of implementation • designed relevant and meaningful activities that interest students and sustain regular attendance Reference: Information, pages 13-14

  29. In addition to the requirements in Section III of this RFA, each application must address (on the appropriate schedule) each of the requirements listed below and identified in PL 107-110, Title IV, Part B, §4204 Local Competitive Grant Program (2) Contents, in order to be considered for funding. The scoring and selection criteria will address each item that is required. Reference: Pages 15 -16 Project Requirements

  30. Project RequirementsSAS A780-07 Page 24 The following requirements must be addressed by the applicant in the Program Strategies (immediately following this schedule) and/or in the Program Activities in order to be funded. Provide the page number in Schedule #4B upon which the requirement is addressed/documented. On the appropriate schedule (i.e., Program Strategies or Program Activities), clearly identify each requirement by providing a subheading for each and then describing the strategies/activities that will be used to carry out the requirement.

  31. Project Requirements Principles of Effectiveness (Relevant to Strategy Implementation) Additional TEA Program Requirements Reference: Page 15

  32. Project Evaluation and Reporting The applicant must describe how it will conduct periodic evaluations to assess its progress toward achieving its stated goals and objectives and achieving the desired results based on the established performance indicators of providing high-quality out-of-school opportunities for academic enrichment. The applicant must describe how they will utilize the evaluation results to improve their program. In addition, the statute requires that these evaluations be made available to the public upon request, with public notice of such availability provided. Reference: Information Pages 16-17 The details of specific performance measures and targets are outlined in Part II, Instructions: Schedule #4C- Program Evaluation Design, Information entered: Part III SAS A780-07, pages 35-36

  33. Funding

  34. Use of Funds In general, the budget schedules must provide evidence that: 1. Project costs are reasonable in relation to expected outcomes: (a) The amount requested might realistically be expected to have an impact on the stated needs, and (b) The expected outcomes are sufficient to justify the amounts requested; 2. The program will identify and coordinate funding from several sources; and 3. All expenditures are pertinent to and appropriate for the objectives/activities stated. Reference: Information, K. Use of Funds, page 17

  35. Prorating Funds 21st CCLC funds are only to be used for the implementation of the 21st CCLC grant programs. Prorating costs among the other funding sources may be required due to a particular cost item requested. The method of calculation must demonstrates fair share (%) is charged to all appropriate funding sources, including state or local funds and must be documented. Reference: Information, Pages 17-18

  36. Unallowable Uses –Not Exhaustive List Examples: • The construction of new buildings or the construction of ropes course • The renovation/remodeling of existing structures • Fundraising activities of any kind • Fees, wages or stipends to participants • Grantees may not charge participants a fee to participate • Infrastructure or installation of infrastructure needed for computer access • Students who are being tutored or mentored may not be paid for receiving such services • Any student that has not completed high school shall not be paid with grant funds to tutor, mentor, or instruct students • Lease/purchase agreements (i.e., debt service) • Field trips • Purchase furniture • Purchase portable buildings • Writing grants to obtain other grant funds • Training on grant writing or fund raising • Private lessons or one on one instruction either academic or enrichment • Cell phones for personal use • Electronic calendaring or communication systems, such as PDA’s or Blackberries Reference: Information, Unallowable Uses, page 18

  37. Required Budget Items: • 21st CCLC Training • Cycle 4 Orientation • Summer Conference • Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Required 21st CCLC Training Reference: Information, Required Budget Items, Pages 18-19

  38. Limitation on Administrative Expenditures The TEA limits the amount of funds that may be expended to administer the program to no more than five percent (5%) of the total grant awarded for any fiscal year. Funds requested for administrative use must be requested in the application on the appropriate budget schedules. Administrative funds include both direct administrative costs andindirect costs. Direct administrative costs may include costs associated with accounting and other fiscal activities, auditing, and overall program administration. Direct administrative costs also include salaries and benefits for staff who supervise activities of program staff and insurance that protects the grantee. Refer to the SAS instructions for Schedule #3 - Budget Summary, for more detailed information pertaining to administrative costs. • Reference: Information, Page 19

  39. Coordination with the Business Office To ensure compliance with required accounting procedures, all applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with the applicant’s business office prior to submitting the application regarding the assignment of budgeted items to the proper class/object codes. Applicants should ensure that all budgeted amounts in all columns are added correctly and that totals requested on supporting budget schedules match the totals on the budget summary (SAS Schedule #3 - Budget Summary). Advance coordination with the business office will expedite negotiation and processing of the application. Reference: Coordination with the Business Office, page 19-20

  40. Supplement and Not Supplant • Funds for this program must be used to supplement (increase the level of services) and not supplant (replace) funds from nonfederal sources. Any program activity required by state law, State Board of Education (SBOE) rules, or local board policy may not be paid with these funds. State or local funds may not be decreased or diverted for other uses merely because of the availability of these funds. Grantees must maintain documentation which clearly demonstrates the supplementary nature of these funds. • In addition, funds must be used to supplement and not supplant other federal, state, and local funds. Applicants must describe in the application on Schedule #4B-Program Description-Part 2 Program Strategies how program funds will supplement and not supplant state mandates, SBOE rules, or activities previously conducted with state or local funds. Reference: Information, Supplement and Not Supplant, page 20

  41. Conditions for Submission of Application and Other Requirements Review carefully the entire section. • Preparation of application to be submitted. • Conditions which will negate review of the application submitted • Conditions which will impact the grant reviewer due to exceeding page limits Reference: Information, Conditions for Submissions of Application and Other Requirements, Page 21

  42. Conditions which apply to all Applicants Considered for Funding Review carefully all conditions A. through T. , pages 21-24.

  43. Procedures for Submitting Applications An original plus five (5) complete copies of the application and all required attachments must be submitted for a total of six (6) sets. At least three (3) sets must contain an original signature in blue ink on Schedule #1 of the person authorized to bind the applicant in a contract. The required number of copies of the application including all required attachments must be received in the TEA Document Control Center by 5:00 p.m. on the established deadline date in order to be considered for funding. Reference: Information, Number of Copies, page 25

  44. Due Date For Submission Closing Date: 5:00 p.m., Central Time, Thursday, February 9, 2006 The TEA's Document Control Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays. Applications will not be accepted nor considered for funding if received in the Document Control Center after 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) on the closing date.

  45. Location of TEA Document Control The Document Control Center is located on the sixth floor of the William B. Travis Building, 1701 North Congress (at 17th Street and North Congress, two blocks north of the Capitol) in Room 6-108, Austin, Texas 78701-1494.

  46. Submit Mailed Applications To: Document Control Center, Room 6-108 Texas Education Agency William B. Travis Building 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701-1494 Specific instructions

  47. Submission Date Corrected toThursday, February 9, 2006 In the original email sent to each ECS the due date was incorrect. Please note the correct date is Thursday, February 9, 2006.

  48. Review Criteria Sections: • Basic Score Chart: • Categories and Possible Points • Criterion 1 through Criterion 6 • Required additional criteria for each application submitted: Collaboration and Coordination • Review the indicators for each criterion Reference: Information, pages 26-29

  49. Priority for Funding The federal priority will be given to an application that receives a score of not less than 70% of the total possible points on the basic score chart proposing to target services to students who: • attend school(s) that have been identified as in need of improvement under Title I, section 1116 School Improvement and • is submitted jointly by eligible entities consisting of not less than one local educational agency (LEA) receiving funds under Part A of Title I and a community-based organization (CBO) or other public or private entity. • Reference: Information, Page 4 and Priority Points, page 29

  50. Priority Points FEDERAL PRIORITY • Priority points may be added for competitive ranking to an application receiving 70% of the total possible points (not less than 84 points) on the basic score chart proposing to target services to students who attend school(s) that have been identified as in need of improvement under Title I, Section 1116 School Improvement and is submitted jointly by eligible entities consisting of not less than —one local educational agency receiving funds under Part A of Title I and a community-based organization or other public or private entity. Reference: Information, Page 29

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