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The Republican Betrayal. The role of presidential power in challenging republican convictions. I. American Expansion. A. Population Growth. Between 1800-1810, the population of the country increased by 2 million 84% of the population were farmers
The Republican Betrayal The role of presidential power in challenging republican convictions
A. Population Growth • Between 1800-1810, the population of the country increased by 2 million • 84% of the population were farmers • Sectionalism was a growing reality both north and south
B. Growth in the West • There was much movement west—by 1840, one-third of the US population lived across the Appalachian Mountains • By 1820, 10 new states were added and several territories were organized
B. Growth in the West (cont) • Key to the growth was water transportation • The culture of the west --Daniel Boone --Mike Fink • Continuing problems with Indians --Tecumseh and the Prophet
C. Commercial Expansion • Cotton exports doubled between 1790-1810 • The importance of the New England merchant marine --The Barbary Pirates • Combination of cotton exports and carrying trade produced a 500% increase in net American profits between 1793-1807
C. Commercial Expansion • Most urban professions were related to shipping and cities were relatively isolated • The carrying trade discouraged industrialization • Fulton’s steamboat on the Hudson River (1807)
II. The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) • Little pretense and a lack of personal charisma • Selected only loyal cabinet officers • Washington, D.C. as a “frontier”-type town
A. Achievements • Did not exercise a veto in 8 years • Reduced the national debt--$83 million in 1801 to $45 million in 1808 • Establishment of West Point in 1802
A. Achievements (cont) • Contributes to the decline of the Federalist Party --Removed only 109 of 433 Adams’ appointees in 1801 • The Louisiana Purchase (1803) --Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1805) --Sacajawea
B. Failures • Attack on the Judiciary --Marbury v. Madison (1803) --First national example of “judicial review” --John Pickering and Samuel Chase • Republican party disunity • Tertium Quids: “A Third Something” --John Taylor and John Randolph
B. Failures (cont) • Problems with Aaron Burr --Secession attempts in New York and the West --Found innocent of treason • The divisive issue of slavery • Growing Tension with the British --The Embargo of 1807 • Embargo contributes to American industrialization
III. Questions Historians Ask About War • What are the origins or causes of a war? • Where and how was the war fought? • What were the results or consequences of the war? • What impact did the war have on the home front(s)?
IV. The War of 1812 • Growing problems with British --Interference with American Shipping (Impressment) --Stirring up Indians: Battle of Tippecanoe (1811) --Defense of National Honor --land hunger for Canada --Spain as refuge for escaped slaves
A. Where and How the War was Fought • War of 1812 = “unrepublican” action • Lack of American preparedness for the War • American strategy in the War • Andrew Jackson’s attack on Florida • Naval Battles on the Great Lakes --Oliver Perry and the Battle of Put-in-Bay
A. Where and How the War was Fought (cont) • Burning of Washington, D.C. • The Siege of Fort McHenry (Baltimore) • The War of 1812 was a very strange war --War begins just when relations improve with the British • The Battle of New Orleans (January, 1815)
B. Results and Consequences of the War of 1812 • Treaty of Ghent (December 24, 1814) --Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams --status quo antebellum • The war bolstered American nationalism • The war created a new generation of political leaders: Clay, Calhoun, Webster, Jackson
B. Results of the War (cont) • The war encouraged US manufacturing • The war sends the Federalist Party into extinction --The Hartford Convention (late 1814) --Note reversals of roles: Federalists want states rights and Republicans want more national power