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End of Life Care

Mrs. Rogers. If Mrs. Rogers came back into the hospital with worsening CHF that was determined to be end-stage, what would you do? What priorities would you have? . The Whole Pie. PatientFamilyNursePalliative careHospice careAll important pieces to the end of life pie. The Patient. The most important slice in the care at the end of lifeThe patient has the control over how they want to dieIf the patient is not at terms with the future, blocks might be put up.

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End of Life Care

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Presentation Transcript

    1. End of Life Care Tiffany Boyd BSN, RN, PCCN Staff Development Instructor Pinnacle Health System

    3. The Whole Pie Patient Family Nurse Palliative care Hospice care All important pieces to the end of life pie

    4. The Patient The most important slice in the care at the end of life The patient has the control over how they want to die If the patient is not at terms with the future, blocks might be put up

    5. The Family The family is important to the patient and in turn an important slice of the pie When treating the patient for end of life care, the nurse (or physician) are also treating the family If the family is not at terms with what the patient has chosen, blocks may also be put up

    6. The Nurse The nurse knows what is needed to comfort a patient and the family Trained to support all parts of a family and respect the patients wishes

    7. Palliative Care Palliative care is the medical specialty focused on relief of the pain and other symptoms of serious illness. The purpose is to avoid and aid in the pain and distress for the patient while being able to offer the best possible quality of life for them and their families.

    8. Palliative Care Is appropriate at any point in a serious or life-threatening illness. Prognosis has no bearing on palliative care being able to occur. One can receive palliative care at the same time as they are receiving life-saving or curing care

    9. PHS Palliative Care Dr. Arlene Bobonich & Sarah Beam, CRNP are our palliative care team for PHS 231-8349 Rosemary Schaefer-Administrative Assistant-Answers phone calls during day Not available yet at CGOH At HH, can be a nurse-nurse consult

    10. PHS Palliative Care-Mission Palliative Care is a unique program that focuses on the comprehensive management of the physical, emotional, social, & spiritual needs of patients & their families living with progressive, life-limiting illnesses, regardless of life expectancy or treatment options.

    11. PHS Palliative Care Checklist

    12. Hospice Care Usually need a diagnosis of a terminal illness with anticipated death within 6 months Can be hospital or home based Does incorporate palliative care into hospice care No longer seeking curative treatment

    13. Patient-Family Decision Making Family Conference Form Level of Intensity Turning off ICD Cultural issues

    14. Family Conference Form Developed to use with any family meeting discussing a patients condition, care, etc. Can be used by case management, physician, nursing, etc. Helps to determine proper hospital course & care

    16. Level of Intensity (LOI) Determines what heroic or life-saving interventions are warranted Can be determined by the patient, POA, or family when patient is unable to make their own decisions Can also be determined by the physician when no other avenues are available Level I-IV Level II-IV (considered DNR)

    18. DNR Armband Dont forget, we now have a purple DNR armband for patients This means the patient is not a LOI I If you notice a purple DNR armband on your patient, go to the chart and look at the LOI sheet for specifics on what LOI the patient is and what is or not to be done

    19. Turning off the ICD The decision to turn off the ICD is one of great discussion Should be patient driven Turning off the ICD does not turn off the Pacing function The patient will not immediately die when the ICD is turned off This just means, they wont get shocked for fatal rhythms (VT/VFib) The patient can live for some time after the ICD is turned off as long as not fatal rhythms occur

    20. Cultural Issues The patients culture can play a role in deciding how to treat the patient at the end of life

    21. Mrs. Rogers Culture Mrs. Rogers is Hispanic Large family Close knit Her entire family must be included in health promotion and health teaching to increase compliance with health prescriptions and interactions Go back to what Sarah said.Go back to what Sarah said.

    22. Mrs. Rogers Culture Mrs. Rogers will be expressive of her pain Prayers and lighting candles are traditional healing practices Her culture believes it is insensitive to tell a person the he/she is dying, as it inspires a sense of hopelessness and hastens the process

    23. The Use of Touch The use of touch with palliative care and hospice patients has been in debate for some time There are few studies large enough to prove a point It has been shown to decrease pain, anxiety, and nausea among other unpleasant side effects with cancer patients

    24. The Use of Touch contd. Could the use of touch help CHF patients? Outcomes anticipated Improved patient outcomes: Reduced pain & anxiety Process improvement: Added dimension to PHS Palliative Care Program Reduced cost: Potential to reduce LOS

    25. Our Case Study CHF clinic Palliative care at home Eventually could be transferred to Hospice care Attempt to keep her at home as long as possible without readmissions If she is readmitted, get her home as soon as possible with available resources

    26. Resources at PHS for Stressful Situations Crisis Intervention team-Team of staff members to assist in debriefing after a stressful situation Dr. Corey Rigberg-available to help debrief Employee Assistance Program-counseling Pastoral Care-Pastors available to talk to afterwards

    27. Other Resources www.hpna.org www.eperc.mcw.edu www.nbchpn.org/DisplayPage.aspx?Title=Welcome! http://www.epec.net/EPEC/webpages/index.cfm www.capc.org/palliative-care-professionaldevelopment/Licensing/sitemap www.palliative.uab.edu/hc-pros/palliative-response/ www.medicareadvocacy.org/FAQ/FAQ_MainPage.htm

    28. References http://www.getpalliativecare.org/whatis Zerwekh, J.V. (2006). Nursing Care at the End of Life: Palliative Care for Patients and Families. Philadelphia, PA.

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