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End of Life Care

End of Life Care. Expanding Our Horizons. QI Team Members and Pictures. Huron Regional Medical Center Hospice. Serving a 40 mile radius from Huron Founded in 1980 100 years of combined Hospice experience. Identified Problems:. Total deaths in Beadle County in 2006 were 191

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End of Life Care

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Presentation Transcript

  1. End of Life Care Expanding Our Horizons

  2. QI Team Members and Pictures

  3. Huron Regional Medical Center Hospice Serving a 40 mile radius from Huron Founded in 1980 100 years of combined Hospice experience

  4. Identified Problems: Total deaths in Beadle County in 2006 were 191 HRMC Community Hospice only served 18% of those deaths

  5. HRMC Community Hospice Deaths in Beadle County 2006 Hospice served 50% of all cancer deaths in Beadle County.Hospice served less than 1% of all heart disease deaths in Beadle County.

  6. Aim Statement By May 2008, 45% more patients and families will be provided Hospice end of life care.

  7. Outcome measure Caring for 2 more terminally ill patients in the community per month

  8. Process Measures: • Implement Media Ads • Distribute Community Bulletin • Promoting Hospice at Community events • Updating Hospice brochure • Developing the Serious Illness web page • Purchasing a web page that will be linked to current HRMC web page

  9. Action Plans Implemented Trunk or Treat Radio ads Newspaper ads Newspaper publicity Hospice tree at Event Center and Memorial tree at the Huron Mall Bulletin distributed throughout community Brochure to printer Serious Illness Web page in the development stage

  10. Summary of changes made • Community bulletin developed, printed and then distributed to places in within the community and outlying towns • Community bulletin periodically counted, logged and replaced if needed, results tabulated • Contract signed and Serious Illness web page being developed • Hospice brochure finalized and to printer

  11. Trunk and Treat-Community EventOctober 2007 If you know someone who needs nursing or rehab therapy in their home, we have the information that can help. Just call us.

  12. Media Advertisement-November 2007

  13. Community Event- November-December 2007

  14. HRMC Hospice helps families copePosted: Monday, Nov 26th, 2007BY: Plainsman StaffCONTRIBUTED Ivan Loesch and Jenny Reimer, RN, of HRMC Community Hospice share a conversation when Ivan stopped in to present a donation in memory of his wife Elaine. It’s been just over two months since Elaine, his beloved wife of 51 years, died after a courageous battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease and Ivan Loesch has a message he wants to share with any family who faces a life-threatening, terminal illness.

  15. January 2008-Community Bulletin

  16. Action Plan-redo brochure

  17. Rough Draft of new brochure

  18. Action Plan

  19. Rough Draft of new brochure

  20. Action Plan-purchasing web page

  21. Action Plan-will be a link on HRMC’s web page

  22. Plan for sustainability • Monitor hits on Serious Illness web page • Redistribute community bulletin at different times during the year • Continue to educate community on end of life care • Continue to participate in community events • Continue to practice the IHI model

  23. What we learned • That our community is afraid of the word “Hospice” • That further education is needed about the benefits of Hospice or end of life care • The education provided needs to be directed at the community and not always the physicians • The IHI model and how to apply to projects in our office

  24. The IHI model will continue to be utilized as we strive to increase our care of Hospice patients in the community. We will apply the IHI model by continuing to meet as a group on future promotional projects for Hospice.

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