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Matching the Right Teacher to the Right Job. From career office to school district AAEE National Conference November 10, 2009. Educator Supply and Demand in the United States Research from the American Association for Employment in Education www.aaee.org.
Matching the Right Teacher to the Right Job From career office to school district AAEE National Conference November 10, 2009
Educator Supply and Demand in the United StatesResearch from the American Association for Employment in Educationwww.aaee.org • For almost 75 years, the American Association for Employment in Education, Inc. has focused on advocating for university career centers and school system HR offices as strategic partners in “staffing excellence for the world of education.” AAEE is the only international association directly linking the two vital components of education staffing—school districts and colleges. AAEE provides a range of services and publications to members and nonmembers. Our work is designed to facilitate the preparation, recruitment, induction, mentoring, and retention of educators—all vital steps to help students, our future leaders. • The current study marks the 31st year that AAEE has conducted this educator supply and demand research. In recent years, we have observed rather significant shifts in the education marketplace.
Factors Affecting Supply of EducatorsAAEE Supply and Demand 2007 Report • Factors Affecting Supply of Educators, • cont. • 5.00 - 4.21 = Significant Positive Influence • 4.20 – 3.41 = Moderate Positive Influence • 3.40 – 2.61 = Midpoint – small direction of positive or negative • 2.60 – 1.81 = Moderate Negative Influence • 1.80 – 1.00 = Significant Negative Influence • Career shifts - (into ed.) 3.51 • Alt. Certification/Licensure 3.39 • Teacher benefits 3.30 • Distance Learning TEd 3.19 • State Funding 3.16 • Amount of Teacher Influence 3.11 • Local Funding 3.06 • Federal Funding 3.04 • Hiring of retirees 3.00 • Foreign teachers 2.97 • Economic Conditions 2.90 • Working Conditions 2.87 • Amt. of Adm. Support 2.86 • Teacher salaries 2.82 • Student Motivation 2.81 • Postponed Retirement 2.80 • Local Board Policies 2.79 • School Safety 2.75 • Career shifts (out) 2.71 • Amt. of Teaching Time 2.69 • State Mandates 2.64 • Classroom Intrusions 2.63 • Testing of teachers 2.52 • Federal Mandates 2.52 • Discipline Problems 2.21
Factors Affecting Demand for EducatorsAAEE Supply and Demand 2007 Report • Factors Affecting Demand for Educators • 5.00 - 4.21 = Significant Positive Influence • 4.20 – 3.41 = Moderate Positive Influence • 3.40 – 2.61 = Midpoint – small direction of positive or negative • 2.60 – 1.81 = Moderate Negative Influence • 1.80 – 1.00 = Significant Negative Influence • Growing Student Pop. 3.60 • Early Retirement 3.45 • Routine Retirement 3.40 • Class Size – decreasing 3.32 • Ltd. Eng. Prof. Students 3.26 • Federal Funding 2.98 • Local Board Policies 2.98 • State Mandates 2.92 • State Funding 2.91 • Local Funding 2.90 • Class Size increasing 2.77 • Postponed Retirement 2.73 • Federal Mandates 2.68 • Declining Student Pop. 2.42
Availability of Minority CandidatesCopyright 2007. AAEE, Inc. Between 2005 and 2007, “… Minority student enrollment ineducationincreased only 1 to 5% in a fifth or less of the schools of education and not at all in most schools.”
Regional and State Organizations • Forming and/or being involved with proactive groups can help you understand and find the candidates you need. Being part of these groups or, at least, keeping in contact with them can also help you place candidates.
Cleveland Area Minority Educators Recruitment Associationhttp://www.cameracleve.com • The twenty (20) educational agencies in Northeast Ohio that comprise the Cleveland Area Minority Educators Recruitment Association (CAMERA) seek to hire teachers who are sensitive and responsive to student needs in a culturally diverse school environment. The districts provide a range of teaching opportunities - large and small schools with diverse student bodies fostering strong community support. These districts offer competitive salaries and benefits. CAMERA is dedicated to working together to enhance diversity within our schools. Submitting your reservation form automatically makes you a prospective applicant in each of our CAMERA districts / agencies. • MISSION • To identify, recruit and support minority educational professionals for the Cleveland Area Minority Educators Recruitment Association member agencies. • PURPOSE • Develop coordinated recruitment and retention of qualified minority educators that will enable member agencies to diversify their faculty more effectively and economically.
Inroads to Teacher Licensure Awardhttp://www.cameracleve.com/Scholarships.html • Purpose:The Cleveland Area Minority Educator Recruitment Association (C.A.M.E.R.A.) Inroads to Teacher Licensure Award provides financial support to minority individuals who are pursuing Ohio Department of Education (ODE) accredited college course work towards obtaining teacher licensure.Qualification Requirements:* You have satisfactory experience in a C.A.M.E.R.A. member district as an employee, volunteer, student, or student teacher; and* You have a Bachelor's Degree or a Master's Degree in another discipline and are near the completion of teaching licensure requirements; or* You have an out-of-state teaching credential and additional course work is required for Ohio licensure; or* You are currently teaching a career or technical class and working towards a teaching licensure at the Northeast Ohio Vocational Educational Personnel Development Center at Kent State University; or* You are a junior or senior in college and can provide written proof that you have been accepted into the College of Education and are pursuing coursework to obtain teacher licensure from an ODE accredited college or university. • Please note: The C.A.M.E.R.A. Licensure Award does not support graduate degrees.
The Ohio Minority Recruitment Consortium (OMRC) is a standing committee of the Ohio Association of School Personnel Administrators (OASPA).The OMRC has been in existence for over twenty-five years. Membership in the OMRC is voluntary. The underlying function of the OMRC is: Providing a forum for interested colleges/universities, private and public school districts, community agencies, groups and individuals, and state agencies who are interested in working on the issues of the decreasing diversity of Ohio's teaching force, the increasing diversity of student populations, the recruitment of people of color and of persons from underrepresented populations into the teaching force, closing the achievement gap between students of color and white students, and the new Ohio Department of Education standards for teachers.
On-Line Job Boards • Viewing and advertising on national job boards is one way to link candidates and jobs.
http://www.teacherjobs.com/ • We help you find teaching jobs in your area of expertise. We have successfully matched more than 12,000 candidates with jobs.Keep in mind that the employers who use our service are serious about hiring. Therefore, we ask that you are serious about accepting a job before filling out the required information.Quick & Easy Sign-up Process1. Complete our Teacher Qualification Form which gives a great summary of your teaching experience and desires.2. Complete the "How will I affect the lives of the children in my classroom?" section. This self written paragraph will give schools a special insight to your classroom persona.3. Upload your resume and other credential documents. Schools appreciate the fact that you can provide documents through our website for their immediate review and decision making.Your credentials and preferences are matched with available job openings by schools using our website. Likewise, with our 1-Click apply button you can quickly and easily apply for jobs once you have registered with Teacherjobs. Schools will contact you directly for queries of interest and interviews. Simply by uploading your documents and filling out the required information, schools will immediately have your credentials at the time they are hiring.Be at the right place at the right time
http://www.schoolspring.com/ • SchoolSpring.com is an easy, dynamic, and effective way for new and experienced educators to apply for teaching jobs today...and it's FREE! What makes SchoolSpring.com unique is that we scour the web for job postings from around the country and bring them together in one easy search. This saves job seekers the time of searching for jobs on dozens of state and other teaching job web sites. Job seekers can sign up to receive free email alerts when new jobs are posted and apply online to jobs posted directly on the SchoolSpring Network. SchoolSpring makes the application process easier by providing a common application - fill out your information once, submit your transcripts and reference letters once, and apply to many employers, only needing to answer specific employer questions when requested! Learn more
http://www.teachers-teachers.com/school-jobs.cfm • The Right Choice • Welcome to Teachers-Teachers.com - education's premier recruitment service! Our website is designed to help you quickly and efficiently find the ideal teachers, administrators, and related services personnel for your school or school system. • Budget-Wise • Save time and money in your effort to recruit quality educators. For an affordable yearly fee, you can post an unlimited number of education positions, search our resume database and hire an unlimited number of educators. • Easy to Use • Quickly search our database of more than 655,000 candidates by geography, discipline and experience level to fill your teaching positions. We specialize in helping districts fill the following critical shortage areas: English, math, science, special education and speech pathology. • Free Preview • Start now with a Free Preview. Tell us what type of position you are trying to fill and instantly see the resumes of real candidates who are interested in careers in teaching in your state.
http://k12jobspot.com/ Did you know? • An average of 5,000 jobs are posted to K12JobSpot.com • K12JobSpot.com averages 3700 unique job seekers each month • Has more education job vacancies than any other national job board K12JobSpot - Overview • K12JobSpot energizes the education community by connecting talented individuals with positions in exceptional organizations. • K12JobSpot was developed by General ASP, the company behind AppliTrack, as a way for AppliTrack users to advertise vacancies on a national level. With thousands of education job seekers visiting K12JobSpot.com each month, you can be sure that your jobs are being seen by the right people!
http://k12jobspot.com/ • K12JobSpot.com is free for all education job seekers. Unlike other job boards serving the education market, K12JobSpot.com does not require a job seeker to register or sign-up in order to access the job postings. Therefore, K12JobSpot.com visitors have immediate access to all jobs once they visit the site. • Job seekers can search for positions by geographic location, job type, keywords, date posted, and employer and view the results on a map. Visitors may also complete an online application and upload all of their supplemental materials- cover letter, resume, transcripts, certification, and letters of reference- so that their entire application file may be sent electronically to the hiring managers within the school to which they are applying, directly from K12JobSpot. • "K12JobSpot.com will provide an easy way for someone to apply for a job in the field of education. In light of these tough economic times, we hope that this free resource will help those individuals looking for a career in education find their perfect job," said Abe Reese, President and Founder of General ASP. • "I have used several other education job boards throughout my search for a job in education and have yet to come across any site as easy to use, and as full of great opportunities, as K12JobSpot.com," said Lisa Fields, an education job seeker and resident of Chicago, Illinois. • Currently, over 1000 school organizations throughout the country post their vacancies on K12JobSpot.com.
Fraternities and Sororities • Knowing about social organizations is one way to help you find the candidates you need.
National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizationshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Association_of_Latino_Fraternal_Organizations • Alpha Pi Sigma • Sorority 3/10/1990, San Diego State University • 6 • Alpha Psi Lambda • Fraternity 2/11/1985, Ohio State University • 21 • Chi Upsilon Sigma • Sorority 4/29/1980, Rutgers University • 42 • Gamma Alpha Omega • Sorority 1/25/1993, Arizona State University • 19 • Gamma Phi Omega • Sorority 4/17/1991, Indiana University • 14 • Gamma Zeta Alpha • Fraternity 12/3/1987, CSU, Chico • 16 • Kappa Delta Chi • Sorority 4/6/1987, Texas Tech University • 36 • Lambda Alpha Upsilon • Fraternity 12/10/1985, SUNY, Buffalo • 12 • Lambda Pi Chi • Sorority 4/16/1988, Cornell University • 22 • Lambda Pi Upsilon • Sorority 11/6/1992, SUNY, Geneseo • 14 • Lambda Sigma Upsilon • Fraternity 4/5/1979, Rutgers University • 53 • Lambda Theta Alpha • Sorority 12/1975, Kean College • 116 • Lambda Theta Nu • Sorority 3/11/1986, CSU, Chico • 37 • Lambda Theta Phi • Fraternity 12/1/1975, Kean College • 100 • Lambda Upsilon Lambda • Fraternity 2/19/1982, Cornell University • 66 • Omega Phi Beta • Sorority 3/15/1989, SUNY, Albany • 25 • Phi Iota Alpha • Fraternity 12/26/1931, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute • 53 • Sigma Iota Alpha • Sorority 9/29/1990, SUNY and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute • 38 • Sigma Lambda Beta • Fraternity4/4/1986, University of Iowa • 115 • Sigma Lambda Gamma • Sorority 4/9/1990, University of Iowa • 117 • Sigma Lambda Upsilon • Sorority 12/1/1987, Binghamton University • 29
Welcome to Black Greekshttp://www.squidoo.com/blackgreeks • National Headquarters Websites for the Divine Nine Black Greeks • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. • Alpha Phi Alpha main site • Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc. • Alpha Kappa Alpha main site • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Home • Kappa Alpha Psi main site • Omega Phi Psi Fraternity, Inc. • Omega Psi Phi main site • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. • Delta Sigma Theta main site • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. • Phi Beta Sigma main site • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. • Zeta Phi Beta main site • Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. • Sigma Gamma Rho main site • Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. • Iota Phi Theta main site
Welcome to Black Greekshttp://www.squidoo.com/blackgreeks • Other Notable Black Greek Lettered Organizations or Fraternities/Sororities • There Are Others Beyond The Divine Nine • Sigma Pi Phi | History of the Boulé The Boule. • Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.® National Hdq.: National History • HISTORY AND PURPOSE roove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. was founded at Morgan State College (now Morgan State University) on October 12, 1962 by fourteen daring young Black American men who felt the need to create an innovative organization to change the way we think about brotherhood. Thus, Groove Phi Groove was established. • ALPHANUOMEGA.ORG • The brothers and sisters of Alpha Nu Omega Inc. hold to God's promise of membership growth and leadership in ministry. This will come through spiritual growth, which is found by walking in the Spirit and pressing toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Phillipians 3:14) • Phi Omicron Psi Fraternity Incorporated National Website • Fraternal History On February 16, 1986 Phi Omicron Psi Fraternity Incorporated was founded on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University by Kevin Watson, Clinton Rogers, Jr., and Anthony Jones. Phi Omicron Psi was started nether to humiliate, outdo, or impose harsh feelings towards one, or any Fraternity on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University or else where, nor was it created to be looked upon and treated as a lesser organization. It was their hope that through a non-physical hazing commitment, others would follow to help make blacks more unified not only on the campus of VCU, but other campuses alike. In April 1986, Phi Omicron Psi was chartered and incorporated through the state of Virginia. • Phi Delta Psi Fraternity History • On March 21, 1977 on the campus of Western Michigan University, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, the winds of fraternal change were born. Phi Delta Psi Fraternity, Inc. was founded on the principles of eternal honor, perseverance, leadership, achievement and brotherhood. • Phi Rho Eta Fraternity, Inc. - About Us • On August 22, 1994, the conception of Phi Rho Eta Fraternity, Inc. was given light at Southern Illinois University. A brotherhood created with the purpose of ameliorating the host of social diseases that have plagued our communities for far too long, Phi Rho Eta Fraternity, Inc. has worked relentlessly to establish itself as a brotherhood committed in purpose and action to transforming the plight of African-Americans everywhere.
Congratulations to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated on 100 Years of Dedicated Service!
Candidate Screeners • To narrow the field of candidates, many personnel offices use screeners. However, not all agree that these instruments help.
TeacherInsight™http://www.gallup.com/consulting/education/22093/teacherinsight.aspxTeacherInsight™http://www.gallup.com/consulting/education/22093/teacherinsight.aspx • TeacherInsight helps you hire the best teachers -- fast. Based on more than 30 years of research into the talents of the very best teachers, TeacherInsight provides a quick, effective way to source and assess a large volume of applicants. This innovative selection tool allows you to: • identify more teacher candidates like your best teachers • increase the speed of assessing applicants • reduce staff time spent interviewing applicants - and the associated costs • focus valuable district staff time on recruiting candidates • keep your HR office open 24/7 • Moving beyond knowledge and skills, TeacherInsight assesses the talents that result in teacher excellence that are difficult or nearly impossible to teach. The TeacherInsight assessment comes from qualitative and quantitative approaches with outstanding teachers and follow-up quantitative predictive validity studies. Consisting of multiple choice and Likert items in a Web-based assessment, TeacherInsight complies with all EEO guidelines.
Teacher Screening DebatedDistricts place more value on applicants' values, but some say online test is too subjectiveBy JAY PARSONS / The Dallas Morning News • “… School officials say Gallup's service offers an efficient method to winnow applicants to a manageable number for in-person interviews. They typically start with those scoring in the top quarter of Gallup's TeacherInsight test. … • But critics say that there's little evidence linking teachers' test scores to student achievement and that there's no universal agreement on the qualities of a good teacher. • "This is valid as one consideration, but when it has a gatekeeper function, it colors the candidate pool by excluding people who possess other kinds of strengths," said Scott Metzger, an assistant professor of education at Penn State University. • Dr. Metzger said his research shows that Gallup's formula heavily favors empathy over authority and doesn't factor in a teacher's subject knowledge. …” • http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/education/stories/DN-gallup_26wes.ART.State.Edition2.206aa5e.html
http://www.proteacher.net/discussions/showthread.php?t=73038Texas Teacher Insight Interview • nameless1 • Guest • Texas Teacher Insight Interview03-07-2008, 03:07 PM • #1 • I am in the process of putting in my application with several districts in the Houston, Texas area for a position in the fall. Two of the districts I am applying to require this online Teacher Insight Interview. I think it may also be called Gallup. Has anyone heard of this? I looked online and it says its a test to recruit the best teachers that takes 45 minutes to complete. Do any Texas teachers know what kind of questions are asked in this online interview? I've never heard of an online interview before. Of course I have to interview in person as well, but am concerned I might not do well on this online interview. • nameless1 • Kerri M • Member • Joined: Jul 2007 • Posts: 258 • nothing to worry about03-07-2008, 03:21 PM • #2 • It's not really an interview, it's more like a personality test. It doesn't really take 45 minutes, more like 20-30, and once you take it you don't have to do it again, it can transfer between districts. It just asks a bunch of random questions basically to gather how you time manage, what your stress level is like, how well you work with others etc. I guess there are probably right and wrong answers, but you would never know. I wouldn't sweat over it, just answer the multiple choice questions to describe you the best and that's all you can really do.
http://www.proteacher.net/discussions/showthread.php?t=73038 • teach613 • New Member • Joined: Mar 2008 • Posts: 4 • Texas help04-02-2008, 01:35 PM • #9 • I am from out of state and will be graduating in may and looking to move to Texas. Right now I am going through the all the application process and I just took the Teacher Insight test. It basically was just questions about your personality. I felt like they asked the same question 5 times in different ways probably to see if you are consistent. But it's very stressful trying to get a teaching job in general and then trying to apply as out of state. Any advice for becoming a teacher in Texas. how to land an interview, good districts? Any help would be great!??!?!? • teach613 • View Public Profile • Find More Posts by teach613 • cmac • Guest • Insight counts for more than you think.04-29-2009, 10:18 AM • #10 • The Teacher Insight interview may count for more than you think. It is used in a district where my husband is an assistant principal, and they definitely might not consider interviewing someone who scores low. I know of some who have scored low even though they are perceived as good teachers, so it is a bit subjective. Unlike some who have said not to sweat it, from what I've heard you definitely should sweat it and consider what might be the 'right' answer in an administrator's mind. BTW, you wont ever be able to find out your score, only the principal sees it and he/she may tell others on the intervioew committee what it is.
POLARIS educational systems inc.http://www.polarismatch.com/sitemap.aspx Polaris Educational Systems provides pre-employment assessment tools and services to K-12 school systems that are effective, straightforward to administer and extremely cost effective. The Position Fit Inventory for Teachers is the first in a series of educational selection tools to be offered by PES. Additional tools and services are scheduled for introduction in 2009. The Position Fit Inventory for Teachers is: • Web-based…with optional paper-and-pencil administration • Quick to administer… about 20 minutes • Highly predictive… effective in predicting teaching performance • Adaptable and flexible…capable of integrating with most applicant tracking systems and easy to administer in districts utilizing paper applications.
The Haberman FoundationThe Star Teacher Pre-Screenerhttp://www.habermanfoundation.org/StarTeacherPreScreener.aspx • Eliminating Teacher Turnover and Avoiding Deselection The interview has been researched and replicated for over three decades by Dr. Martin Haberman, Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Dr. Haberman recently described the characteristics of successful teachers for children and youth in poverty in Kappa Delta Pi’s all-time best seller, Star Teachers of Children in Poverty.
Non-Verbal Communication • Now that you have found your candidates, their non-verbal communication will help you decide whether to make them an offer.
Job Search Skills: Non-Verbalhttps://www.cco.purdue.edu/Student/JobSearchSkillsNonVerbal.shtml • You want to make a good impression when you interview. While you definitely want to do the necessary preparation in terms of background information about the employer and yourself and what you will verbally communicate in an interview, it is equally important to think about the non verbal clues which are given during an interview. • Non verbal clues include things such as dress, personal grooming, eye contact, handshake, posture and gestures. What you say through the non verbal messages you are transmitting can be just as important as what you say during the interview. The employer will develop an impression of you from the first time that they meet you, thus making the non verbal impressions the first impression you make. • If the employer has not told you otherwise, it is always a good approach to dress professionally for a job interview. For men, that would be a business suit, shirt and tie. For women a business suit, with a skirt or slacks and blouse would be appropriate. Shoes should match the suit and be a reasonable height and style for women. Keep jewelry to a minimum. • Personal grooming is very important. Be neat and clean. Do not overwhelm the recruiter with perfume or deodorant scents. • Maintain eye contact throughout the interview, including from the time that you first greet the recruiter. It is important that you look directly at the recruiter and not at the floor or wall.
Tips for Understanding Nonverbal CommunicationBy Susan M. Heathfield, About.comhttp://humanresources.about.com/od/interpersonalcommunicatio1/a/nonverbal_com.htm • Recognize that people communicate on many levels. Watch their facial expressions, eye contact, posture, hand and feet movements, body movement and placement, and appearance and passage as they walk toward you. Every gesture is communicating something if you listen with your eyes. Become accustomed to watching nonverbal communication and your ability to read nonverbal communication will grow with practice. • If a person’s words say one thing and their nonverbal communication says another, you are wont to listen to the nonverbal communication – and that is usually the correct decision. • Assess job candidates based on their nonverbal communication. You can read volumes from how the applicant sits in the lobby. The nonverbal communication during an interview should also elucidate the candidate’s skills, strengths, weaknesses, and concerns for you. • Probe nonverbal communication during an investigation or other situation in which you need facts and believable statements. Again, the nonverbal may reveal more than the person’s spoken words. • When leading a meeting or speaking to a group, recognize that nonverbal cues can tell you:--when you’ve talked long enough,--when someone else wants to speak, and --the mood of the crowd and their reaction to your remarks.Listen to them and you’ll be a better leader and speaker
Thank You • Presentation by • Bill Trost, General ASP Consultant, Past Chair of the Ohio Minority Recruitment Consortium, and Part-time Professor at Cleveland State University • bill@generalasp.com