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Ross Elementary School PBIS SCHOOL-WIDE DISCIPLINE PLAN 2017-2018. Mrs. Evette Smith, Principal Dr. Wakima Tutwiler, Assistant Principal 4890 Ross Rd Memphis, TN 38141. Guiding Principles.
Ross Elementary SchoolPBISSCHOOL-WIDE DISCIPLINE PLAN2017-2018 Mrs. Evette Smith, Principal Dr. Wakima Tutwiler, Assistant Principal 4890 Ross Rd Memphis, TN 38141 Revised 3/17
Guiding Principles • A safe and appealing environment will help ensure that all students are treated with respect and dignity. • Students will be empowered to make positive decisions regarding rules and consequences. • Motivation and responsibility will be fostered through positive interactions with all students. • Faculty and staff will become actively involved and engaged in communicating responsible behavior to all stakeholders. Revised 3/17
Vision Our vision for Ross Elementary School is for all children to become high achieving, well-rounded citizens who appreciate and respect themselves and others. Our children will be prepared to emerge as lifelong learners and productive contributors to a diverse society. Revised 3/17
Mission The mission of Ross Elementary School is to provide a secure atmosphere that empowers each student to develop the academic and social skills necessary to become responsible, productive citizens. Revised 3/17
Philosophy Statement • By preserving the dignity of our students, we believe they will develop ownership of their choices and actions. • By implementing a school-wide discipline plan, we can model positive and effective relationships that promote social and academic growth in the home, school, and community. Revised 3/17
Previous Years’ Results Revised 3/17
Explanation of Previous Results In comparison to previous years with the current year to date enrollment, Ross Elementary is on track to reducing the number of discipline referrals, improving the attendance rate, and reducing the suspension rate. Revised 3/17
Previous Results Revised 3/17
Previous Results Revised 3/17
Previous Results Revised 3/17
Goals and Objectives Goals • Decrease the number of out of school suspensions by 10% • Decrease the number of referrals to the office by 10% • Decrease the number of rule violation referrals by 10% • Strive for the district attendance goal of 96% • Decrease chronic absenteeism by 5% Objectives • Increase positive student behavior choices • Reduce the number of disciplinary referrals • Increase the amount of time on task in every classroom Revised 3/17
Behavior Plan Revised 3/17
SCS School-wide PBIS (Discipline) Team Worksheet2017-2018 Ross Elementary School ______________________________ Revised 3/17
2017-18 Discipline Team Meeting Schedule Revised 3/17
Monitoring Process • School Counselor will compile discipline data every 20 days via SMS/Tableau. • School, classroom, and individual discipline data will be analyzed by the PBIS Committee each month before presenting to the entire staff during faculty meetings and /or PLCs. • Coaching will be provided during staff meeting by committee members or External PBIS Coach. • Coaching in the areas of SRT/S-Team process will be done to develop intervention plans for students with at-risk behaviors. • Benchmark testing will be performed and analyzed in the identification of academic deficiencies to combat at-risk behavior as: Universal Screening three times per year (Sept., Dec., May) • Journeys (Tier II-bi-weekly, Tier III-weekly) • I-Ready (Tier II-bi-weekly, Tier III-weekly) • DEA Formative Assessments-Monitor student achievement in Reading/Language Arts and Math Revised 3/17
School Data • Increase positive student behavior choices by communicating our school-wide success through avenues such as morning and afternoon announcements, Class Dojo messages, school newsletter, etc. • Reduce the number of disciplinary referrals with the use of school-wide incentives, assemblies, and praise/recognition. • Increase the amount of time on task in every classroom using Class Dojo to promote positive behavior choices by awarding points. Revised 3/17
Behavior Data Revised 3/17
Behavior Data Revised 3/17
Behavior Data Revised 3/17
School Expectations SCHOOL NORMS • I will keep my hands and feet to myself. • I will always show respect to my teacher, other adults and my classmates. • I will use acceptable language. • I will follow directions. • I will keep to the right and always walk in the building Revised 3/17
ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL Arrival - 8:50 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. • Students may enter the building at 8:50 a.m. Parents should not drop students off before this time! Before-care is available if needed. • Students must be in the classroom by 9:15 or they will be marked tardy. Parents must come into the school to sign students in at 9:15 a.m. or later. • Parents are not allowed to walk students to class after the first day. We want the students to practice independence. Dismissal - begins at 4:10 p.m. • Car Riders 4:10 p.m. • Outside Day Care/Walkers 4:10 p.m. • Bus Riders 4:15 p.m. (Varies on bus arrival time) Revised 3/17
ZERO ZONE PROCEDURES Hands are at your side All eyes are forward Lips are zipped Low speed to the right Single file with a smile Revised 3/17
School Norms • I will keep my hands and feet to myself. • I will always show respect to my teacher, other adults and my classmates. • I will use acceptable language. • I will follow directions. • I will keep to the right and always walk in the building Revised 3/17
Cafeteria • If the cafeteria gets too loud during lunch, talking will be prohibited in the cafeteria until order is well established. "Silent lunch" may last several seconds or for the entire lunch period, depending on how cooperative and responsibly students respond. • “Quiet Thursday” will be observed weekly. Students are not allowed to talk in the cafeteria on these days. Quiet, calming, relaxing music such as, jazz or classical will be played for the students. • Students who break cafeteria rules will be sent to a time-out table. However, students involved in a food fight will be immediately sent to an administrator and will receive consequences in accordance with the SCS Code of Conduct. • Students are NOT allowed to bring candy, gum, potato chips, or other “junk” food to school. The one exception to this rule is that a student who brings a lunch from home may include chips as part of his/her lunch. • Snack food may NOT be taken out of the cafeteria. • Students should be respectful and practice good manners at all times. • Students should follow directions without hesitation. Revised 3/17
Ross CAFÉ Converse at a 6 inch voice. All eyes are forward, feet on the floor. Floors are free of food. Eat with appropriate table manners. Revised 3/17
School Bus • Students will be required to sign a list of bus rules. If a student violates those rules, the consequences will be enforced. • • If a student continues to violate the bus rules, the student may lose the privilege of riding the bus. • • The suspension of a student from riding the school bus shall follow the same procedures as for any other school suspension. Students who fight on the bus or at the bus stop will be given a home suspension. Revised 3/17
School Bus • Students must have their bus passes to be allowed admittance on the bus daily. • • Students are under the supervision of the bus driver while on the bus and all directions given by the bus driver should be followed without hesitation. • • The school bus is an extension of school activity. Students shall conduct themselves on the bus and at the bus stops in a manner consistent with the established rules for safety and positive behavior at school. Revised 3/17
School Bus Bus Violations Consequences • 1st Violation Conference with Student • 2nd Violation Warning Letter via school/home communication • 3rd Violation Overnight Suspension • 4th Violation+ Home Suspension Revised 3/17
Fight-FREE School • Fighting will not be tolerated for any reason. Ross Elementary School is a “Fight-Free School,” which means everyone will work together to create an atmosphere where no fights or verbal put-downs will be tolerated. • The Fight-Free School mission: To teach the youth of today, the future leaders of our nation, appropriate interpersonal behavior skills • The focus is to provide an improved school environment which will enhance the learning process and allow our children the optimum advantage to excel in their academic careers. • Students should choose to solve problems intelligently, instead of choosing to fight. Revised 3/17
Fight-FREE School • Students may also complete “Write NOT Fight” form which is located in the front office, counselor’s office, or the teacher may give it to the students. After the teacher has discussed the issue with the students, the form should be placed in the counselor’s box for a follow-up conference. If the school counselor cannot resolve the issue, the student(s) will be referred to an administrator. • We must exercise every option to work out our differences and solve all problems nonviolently. • If two or more people are involved in a fight, all students who show physical aggression (pushing, hitting, kicking, horseplaying, etc.) will be given a Home Suspension. Revised 3/17
Classroom Procedures Revised 3/17
Entering the Classroom • Unpack • Eat breakfast/Clean up • Turn in any important/signed papers • Sharpen 3 Pencils • Prepare yourself to switch classes Revised 3/17
Homework Policy • Homework is 10 % of your child’s overall grade. • Weekly Newsletter will be sent home every Monday with the homework for the week. • Homework is daily practice of skills that were taught/practiced in school. • Homework should be completed daily. • Homework collection varies by class. Revised 3/17
ClassroomExpectations This year we will be focusing on building important life skills such as working hard and participating. I’ll be using ClassDojo to give students feedback on these skills :)
CLASS DOJO MANAGEMENT PLANPositive Behaviors Adhering to H.A.L.L.S. Appropriate Behavior in L.A.M.P.s Attendance/On-Time Classroom Participation Completed/Return Homework Following Cafeteria Norms Following Dismissal Procedures Following Restroom Procedures Following Transportation Rules Good Character/Helping Others On task Returning Signed Documents Returning Wednesday Folder Wearing Uniform Appropriately Working hard
CLASS DOJO MANAGEMENT PLANNegative Behaviors Absent Bullying (Habitual Behavior) Bus Referral (Level 1) Bus Referral (Level 2) Discipline Referral Disrespectful Eating/Drinking in Class Fighting Inappropriate Behavior During Assembly Inappropriate Behavior Upon Arrival Inappropriate Behavior in L.A.M.P.s Inappropriate Cafeteria Behavior No Clear Backpack No Homework Not Adhering to Dismissal Schedule Not Adhering to H.A.L.L.S. Not Completing Intervention Not Following Dismissal Procedures Not Returning Signed Documents Not Returning Wednesday Folder Not Wearing Uniform Appropriately Off Task Playing/Hiding in the Restroom Talking at Inappropriate Times Tardy/Early Check-out Unprepared
Rules, Expectations and Procedures • Norms and procedures are listed in our Student Handbook which was sent home in students’ Wednesday Folders. • Norms are posted in each classroom and throughout the school. • Teachers reinforce norms and procedures throughout the year by modeling, conducting role play activities, and verbal reminders. • Every homeroom teacher presented the “Welcome to Ross” PowerPoint, created by the Ross Administrative Team, to their homeroom class. Introduction to staff members, class/school norms and procedures, etc. are taught to the students. • Every homeroom teacher presented the “Welcome to a New School Year” PowerPoint to parents and students for Curriculum Night. Introduction to staff members, class/school norms and procedures, etc. are explained to the parents. • School-wide norms and expectations are recited daily during morning announcements. • Annually, MPD comes out to present an anti-bullying presentation as well as reinforce SCS Code-of-Conduct to Ross’s student body. Revised 3/17
Ross Elementary Staff & Office ManagedBehavior Chart Revised 3/17
Pre-referral/Referral Flow Chart Observe problem behavior Verbal Warning (include date and description of infraction. Ensure safety of students and contact parent. Is behavior staff managed? YES NO Parent phone call. Write referral & have Student(s) escorted to office Administration determines appropriate consequence. Teacher/team/student/parent conference Guidance Referral Guidance Referral Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) NO YES 4th offense? SRT/S-Team Referral File necessary documentation Contact parent/Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week Revised 3/17
School-Wide Incentives(Class Dojo Management System will be utilized to monitor/track behaviors.) Celebrations Rewards School-wide/Public Recognition: Newsletters School-website Student of the Month Bulletin Boards Awards Ceremonies Ross Store Popcorn Party Movie Day Sock Hops Out of Uniform Day Ice Cream Socials Fun Friday Fight-Free Good Cafeteria Behavior Excellent ClassDojo behavior Academic, attendance, and conduct Student-of-the-Week
Teacher Incentives • Teachers will receive recognition during announcements, faculty meetings, and on the school’s marquee. Teachers will also utilize a parking space set aside for Teacher-of-the-Month. The educator’s picture will be taken and displayed on the main hall’s bulletin board. He/she will receive a Ross Teacher-of-the-Month certificate, goodie bag, and/or gift card from various restaurants/movie theatres. Teacher of the Month: Accurate/Prompt Paperwork: S-Team Referrals Guidance Referrals Lesson Plans Attendance Roster School-wide participation outside of classroom Before and after school activities Participation in various committees Solicitation of parental support Teacher attendance Teachers will also give each other a High 5 by placing a cut-out hand outside their door recognizing jobs well-done throughout the building. The teacher’s awesome deeds are handwritten, dated, and signed by the observer. The teacher with the most High 5s will be recognized monthly by the administrative staff. Those teachers will receive gift bags of treats and supplies as they are announced during faculty meetings.
Communication • Monthly School Calendars are printed and sent home with each student at the beginning of every month. Very important information regarding honors programs, report card dates, progress report dates, parent conferences, etc. are included. • Week at a Glance Newsletters are sent home weekly by each teacher to inform parents of weekly homework, classwork, projects, tests, etc. • Wednesday Folders are sent home with each student on every Wednesday throughout the school year with a detailed report of the students’ progress as well as graded papers. • ParentConnectis a website, managed by Shelby County Schools, which allows parents the ability to view their children’s grades, attendance, assignments, and other information. Teachers will update grades and attendance at the beginning of each week for parents to review. Revised 3/17
Communication • School Messengeris an automated phone messaging system that calls parents to provide information on school updates, upcoming events, and special messages. • School Website can be accessed daily for school updates, teacher links to pertinent information, classroom updates, Title I mandates, and helpful websites. • Dojo Classroom Management is a web-based tool and app which allows parents to track students’ work habits and behavior each day. • Remindis a web-based tool and app that allows teachers and parents to communicate regarding special events, reminders, and student behavior and progress. • School Marquee is the structure designed to display all current and upcoming events elevated on the school’s front lawn. Revised 3/17
Student Engagement • Art Club • Basketball • Cheerleading • Community Service • Drama • Drummers • Gardening • GEMS (Girls Empowering Minds Society) • Men of Ross • Spanish Club Revised 3/17
Volunteer and Community Service • St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer • Holiday Season Can Food Drive • Community Service Club • The Kindness Adventure Revised 3/17
Ross Elementary school PARENTAL PERMISSION FORM Dear Parents, Ross Elementary School is offering a community service club this year for 2nd through 5th grade students. This program will run from September 5, 2017-May 1, 2018. We will meet from 4:30 until 5:30 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday of every month except January. If you are interested in your child participating, please fill out the bottom section of this notice and return it to school by September 1, 2017. Permission slips received after this date will not be accepted. You will receive written notification if your child is chosen to participate in the community service club. Participant’s Name: Grade Level: Teacher: ______________________________ __________ ____________ I give permission for my child (named above) to attend the Ross Elementary School Community Service Club on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Following the meeting, your child must be picked up at 5:30 p.m. at the front entrance. Students will be dismissed from the club if they are not picked up in a timely manner. Transportation is not provided from school. The activities that your child will participate in further support the school’s vision. The activities in this club will be kept age appropriate. This club is completely optional. __________________________________ ________________________ ________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Printed name of Parent or Guardian Date Revised 3/17