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Au00a0heart transplant surgeryu00a0is done to replace a failed or dead heart with a healthy heart. This therapy is sone when there are no way left to repair the heart damage to the heart. Then a donor heart is transplanted art to replace the damaged one. The main challenge behind this procedure is that itu2019s very difficult to find a donor. Only the doctors from bestu00a0heart hospital in Indiau00a0can perform this procedure.<br>

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Heart Transplant – What You Need to Know 

  2. Table Of Content About Brand Heart Transplant – What You Need to Know  When is heart transplant surgery done? How to prepare for the heart transplant surgery What happens after the heart transplant surgery?

  3. About Brand Sarvodaya Hospital is the best multi speciality hospital in Faridabad, India offering best healthcare treatment in the fields of Cancer, Kidney care, Joint Replacement, Neurosciences, Heart, Diabetes etc.

  4. Heart Transplant – What You Need to Know  A heart transplant surgery is done to replace a failed or dead heart with a healthy heart. This therapy is sone when there are no way left to repair the heart damage to the heart. Then a donor heart is transplanted art to replace the damaged one. The main challenge behind this procedure is that it’s very difficult to find a donor. Only the doctors from best heart hospital in India can perform this procedure.

  5. When is heart transplant surgery done? • To cure a congenital heart condition that are beyond treatment  • If the heart’s valves are no longer working • To cure cardiomyopathy, where the weak heart muscles fail to function • To cure ventricular arrhythmias • To cure coronary heart diseases

  6. How to prepare for the heart transplant surgery • Visit the hospital for best heart treatment in India, they will get all the required tests done • Before choosing the hospital, check their survival rate. It helps to build trust and you need ti trust your doctor before the surgery.  • It is a time-consuming process and less availability of donors, you may need to wait for a little longer while the hospitals arranges a donor. • Matching a donor is difficult as the donor body need to match your blood type, heart size, etc. • Avoid intense physical activities while waiting to get the transplant done. • Be regular with the medicines prescribed by the heart surgery hospital in India. • You can mediate to remain composed and unwind. Do not take any stress as hypertension will worsen your case.

  7. What happens after the heart transplant surgery? After the surgery you will be kept in ICU ward. You may feel mild chest pain but that will disappear with time and medicines. Your immunity may go down for a few weeks and it is best to avoid mass contact and take proper rest.  Looking for the heart surgery hospital in India? Visit Sarvodaya Hospital Faridabad as they have the best heart surgeons and cardiologists on board. They will help you to overcome your heart issues and live a better life. 

  8. Thank You

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