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Michigan Merit Examination (MME)

Michigan Merit Examination (MME). Data Interpretation Workshop Fall 2007. Welcome and Introductions. Pat King Analyst, MME Administration and Reporting Michigan Department of Education kingp@michigan.gov 1-877-560-8378. Welcome and Introductions. Pat King

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Michigan Merit Examination (MME)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Michigan Merit Examination (MME) Data Interpretation Workshop Fall 2007 1

  2. Welcome and Introductions Pat King Analyst, MME Administration and Reporting Michigan Department of Education kingp@michigan.gov 1-877-560-8378 2

  3. Welcome and Introductions Pat King Analyst, MME Administration and Reporting Michigan Department of Education James Griffiths Coordinator, Assessment Administration and Reporting Michigan Department of Education 1-877-560-8378 mme@michigan.gov 3

  4. Today’s Agenda Design of the MME How to read, understand, and use MME reports How to download and use the MME data files Implications of the MME Understanding ACT and WorkKeys reports Michigan Association for College Admission Counselors 4

  5. MME Components Day 1 – ACT Plus Writing Day 2 – WorkKeys assessments and Michigan Mathematics Day 3 – Michigan Science, Social Studies, and Writing 5

  6. Why ACT, WorkKeys, and Michigan components? • Standards and benchmarks in the Michigan Curriculum Framework /High School Content Expectations • To meet federal accountability standards for No Child Left Behind 6

  7. MME Reading Score • ACT Reading • 40 multiple choice • WorkKeys Reading for Information • 30 multiple choice 7

  8. MME Writing Score • ACT English (75 multiple choice) • ACT Writing • Constructed Response (12 points) • Michigan Social Studies • Constructed Response (12 points) • Persuasive Writing rubric 8

  9. MME ELA • ELA Scale Score = Average of the MME Reading Scale Score and MME Writing Scale Score 9

  10. MME Mathematics • ACT Mathematics • 60 multiple choice • ACT Science • 15 multiple choice • WorkKeys Applied Mathematics • 30 multiple choice • Michigan Mathematics • 12 multiple choice 10

  11. MME Science • ACT Science • 40 multiple choice • Michigan Science • 44 multiple choice 11

  12. MME Social Studies • Michigan Social Studies – Part 1 • Michigan Social Studies – Part 2 • 46 Multiple Choice • 10 points - Constructed Response • Social Studies Scoring Rubric 12

  13. MME Report Types Individual Student Data • Parent Report • Individual Student Report (ISR) • Student Labels • Student/Class Roster Reports 13

  14. MME Report Types Aggregate Data • Summary reports • School, District, State level • Demographic reports • School, District, State level • Comprehensive report • District, ISD level 14

  15. MME Individual Student Report (ISR) • Includes all subjects • Student demographics • Includes overall MME scores for each subject • Scale scores • Performance levels 15

  16. MME Individual Student Report (ISR) • Includes sub-scores • Points possible within each strand • Includes constructed response data • Essay scores, condition codes, comment codes • Includes ACT and WorkKeys scores 16

  17. 17

  18. Administration Type • Initial • Makeup • Accommodated • Other • Scale Score • Performance Level • No Strand Level Raw Score Data • Points Possible vary by administration type 18

  19. Accommodation Type • None • Standard • Nonstandard • Strand Level Raw Score Data • No Scale Score • No Performance Level • No valid MME Score • Does not count as tested 19

  20. MME Score – NA • Student Prohibited Behavior • Test Administration • Nonstandard Accommodation • Not Attempted • Incomplete assessment for a subject • Did not take all required components for subject score 20

  21. 21

  22. MME Student Roster • Separate reports for each subject • Class/School code groups - optional • One line for each student 22

  23. MME Student Roster • Overall and domain/strand level scores • Scale score • Performance levels • Domain/Strand level raw scores • Comment and Condition codes 23

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  29. MME Summary Report • Includes all MME subjects aggregated to the school, district, and state levels • Four years of summary data on student performance • Scale scores • Performance levels • All Students, Students with Disabilities (SWD), and All Except Students with Disabilities 29

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  31. MME Summary Report (cont.) • One-year summaries of student performance • Sub-scores by strand/domain • Constructed responses • Reported by test administration • Initial • Makeup • Accommodated 31

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  33. MME Demographic Report • Includes all subjects aggregated to the school, district, and state levels • One-year summaries of data on student performance • Scale scores • Performance levels • Disaggregated by all NCLB reporting subgroups 33

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  35. MME Comprehensive Report • Includes all subjects aggregated to the district and ISD levels • One year summaries of scale scores and performance levels 35

  36. MME Comprehensive Report • District Comprehensive Report • One summary line for the entire district • A summary line for each school in the district 36

  37. MME Comprehensive Report • ISD Comprehensive Report • One summary line for the entire ISD • A summary line for each district in the ISD 37

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  40. How to download and useMME data files • Locating and Downloading Data Files • Fields Available • Sample Filters, Sorts, Queries 40

  41. Implications of the MME • Using MME results to revise and improve course offerings • Using MME results for college and career counseling • How students and parents should review their MME results 41

  42. Contact Information • Pat King (517) 335-6780 voice Kingp@michigan.gov (new email address) • Jim Griffiths (517) 373-4332 voice griffithsj@michigan.gov • Joseph Martineau (517) 241-4710 voice martineauj@michigan.gov 42

  43. Contact Information Phone: 1-877-560-8378 E-mail: mme@michigan.gov Website:www.michigan.gov/mme Michigan Department of Education Office of General Assessment & Accountability 43

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