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Michigan Merit Examination (MME)

Michigan Merit Examination (MME). Spring 2013 MME Accommodations Briefing September 20, 2012. Welcome and Introductions. Michigan Department of Education Jim Griffiths Robin Wright ACT Cassie Rochholz. Questions?. Email – answers@resa.net. Objective.

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Michigan Merit Examination (MME)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Michigan Merit Examination (MME) Spring 2013 MME Accommodations Briefing September 20, 2012

  2. Welcome and Introductions • Michigan Department of Education • Jim Griffiths • Robin Wright • ACT • Cassie Rochholz

  3. Questions? • Email – answers@resa.net

  4. Objective • Understanding the impact of each type of accommodation on student results • What accommodations require ACT approval? • What accommodations are a local decision?

  5. Objective • How to use the MME Accommodations Summary Table – revised Spring 2013 • How to obtain the appropriate accommodated test materials for eligible students

  6. Reminder • Does NOT replace the required MME Test Administration Training in November

  7. Objective • Understanding the different types of accommodations available on the MME • ACT-Approved vs State-Allowed • WorkKeys Eligible • National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) eligible • Standard vs Nonstandard

  8. Michigan Department of Education Robin Wright MME Project Manager

  9. MME Assessment Design • Day 1 – ACT Plus Writing • Day 2 – WorkKeys • Reading for Information • Applied Mathematics • Locating Information

  10. MME Assessment Design • Day 3 – Michigan component • Mathematics • Science • Social Studies

  11. MME AccommodationsTest Window • Day 1 – ACT Plus Writing March 5 – 19, 2013 • Day 2 – WorkKeys March 6 – 20, 2013 • Day 3 – Michigan component March 7 – 21, 2013

  12. MME AccommodationsTest Window • Test Sequence • Each student must take each test in sequence • All of Day 1 in sequence • before all of Day 2 in sequence • before all of Day 3 in sequence

  13. Questions? • Email – answers@resa.net

  14. ACT Cassie Rochholz Director of State Testing

  15. Accommodation Type • ACT-Approved or State-Allowed • Applies to Day 1 Testing only • ACT Plus Writing

  16. Day 1 Webcast • Day 1 Information • ACT Webcast Introduction • Available at: www.act.org/aap/statetesting.html

  17. TAC Establishment/Renewal Packets • TAC Profile Form • Due to ACT October 5 • All Schools – online • New Combined Accommodations Brochure • Procedures document • TAC Header • ACT-Approved Accommodation Application

  18. Checklist of Dates • Application for ACT-Approved Accommodations • Due to ACT November 30, 2012 • Request (online) for State-Allowed Accommodated materials • Due to ACT February 13, 2013 • www.act.org/aap/state/saorder.html

  19. New – No Cassettes • No longer request cassettes as a test format for any Test Day • Day 1 – AA and SA • Day 2 – Workkeys • Day 3 Michigan Component • DVD • Reader Script

  20. ACT AccommodationsSpecial Situations • Transfer Accommodations • New Student or newly classified as grade 11 • Newly Identified Disability • Medical Emergency or Late Onset Condition • State-Allowed Materials Order Deadline February 13

  21. ACT AccommodationsSpecial Situations • Transfer Accommodations • New Student or newly classified as grade 11 • Newly Identified Disability • Medical Emergency or Late Onset Condition • State-Allowed Materials Order Deadline February 13

  22. MME AccommodationsSummary Table • Primary resource in determining Day 1 accommodations application process • Available on the MME web page www.michigan.gov/mme

  23. MME AccommodationsSummary Table • Eligible for ACT-Approved? • State-Allowed only? • Local Decision?

  24. Day 2 and Day 3 Accommodations • WorkKeys and Michigan component • Local decision • Based on student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or ELL instruction • Accommodation student receives during regular instruction

  25. Day 2 and Day 3 continued… • You must order Day 2 and Day 3 accommodations materials • Requesting Day 1 materials has nothing to do with obtaining Day 2 and Day 3 materials • You must use the BAA Secure Site for this process

  26. Day 2 and Day 3 continued… • No paperwork to submit • Order accommodated materials on the BAA Secure Site: December 3 – January 11 www.michigan.gov/baa-secure

  27. Day 2 WorkKeys Accommodations • WorkKeys Supervisor’s Manual State Special Testing • Admin Codes on Day 2 Answer Document • Day 2 Answer Document Supplement • Box 26 on Day 2 Answer Document

  28. WorkKeys-Ineligible Accommodations • WorkKeys scores will not be issued for students using accommodations considered WorkKeys-Ineligible • The use of an unapproved testing aid • Translation of test items • Interpretation of test items • Admin Codes

  29. NCRC Eligibility • WorkKeys scores obtained using accommodations marked “Yes” may be eligible for the NCRC provided the necessary criteria to earn one of the four levels of Certificate are achieved. • WorkKeys tests administered using accommodations marked “No” are ineligible for the NCRC.

  30. MME AccommodationsSummary Table – Day 3 • Standard accommodation (S) • Does NOT change the construct of the test • Counts toward: • Valid MME scores • School accountability • If supported by the student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or ELL instruction

  31. Accommodations Materials • ACT ships Day 1 and Day 2 accommodations materials to TAC • Day 1 in kits • AA based on students approved • SA based on quantity ordered • Day 2 not in kits • Based on quantity ordered

  32. Questions? • Email – answers@resa.net

  33. Michigan Department of Education Robin Wright MME Project Manager

  34. Accommodations Materials • Day 3 accommodations materials • One secure shipment to Test Supervisor • Standard time • One secure shipment to Test Accommodations Coordinator • Accommodated materials

  35. TAC Responsibilities After Testing • Day 1 Answer Document Supplement • Day 2 Answer Document Supplement • Day 3 Test Administration Manual

  36. Accommodated Return Shipments • Day 1 Return Envelopes and Cartons • Day 2 Plastic Polymailer Bag process • Both return to ACT in Iowa City, IA

  37. Accommodated Return Shipments • TACs will prepare the Day 3 accommodated materials for return shipment to Measurement, Inc. in Durham, NC

  38. Additional Information • Required Test Administration Training • One half-day session • Week of November 12 • MME web page www.michigan.gov/mme

  39. Questions? • Email – answers@resa.net

  40. Michigan Department of Education Jim Griffiths Manager Assessment Administration And Reporting

  41. Questions?Email: answers@resa.net

  42. ACT Contact Information For ACT or WorkKeys specific questions: • ACT State Special Testing (Accommodations) • 800-553-6244 ext. 1788 • ACTstateaccoms@act.org

  43. MME Contact Information • baa@michigan.gov • 877-560-8378

  44. Michigan Merit Examination (MME) Spring 2013 MME Accommodations Briefing September 20, 2012

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