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Circulation classification and statistical downscaling – the experience of the STARDEX project Clare Goodess* & the STARDEX team *Climatic Research Unit, UEA, Norwich, UK. http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/projects/stardex/. Robustness criteria for statistical downscaling.
Circulation classification and statistical downscaling – the experience of the STARDEX projectClare Goodess* & the STARDEX team*Climatic Research Unit, UEA, Norwich, UK http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/projects/stardex/
Robustness criteria for statistical downscaling • Appropriate spatial scale (physics/GCM) • Data widely/freely available (obs/GCM)
Choices to be made • Surface and/or upper air • Continuous vs discrete (CTs) predictors • Circulation only or include atmospheric humidity/stability etc • Spatial domain • Lags – temporal and spatial • Number of predictors • Few PC/sEOFs or clusters (e.g., 3-5) vs CT classifications (e.g., 12-20 classes)
Precipitation/Weather Regimes French Alpes Maritimes Guy Plaut, CNRS-INLN Greenland Anticyclone Sole Cyclone 1971-1983 (left) & 1983-1995 (right)
Fuzzy rule optimisation technique 12 CPs defined from SLP (Andras Bardossy) CP02 CP09
Probability of precipitation at station 75103 conditioned to wet and dry CPs Andras Bardossy, USTUTT-IWS
Heavy winter rainfall and links with North Atlantic Oscillation/SLP CC1: Heavy rainfall (R90N) CC1: mean sea level pressure Malcolm Haylock, UEA/STARDEX
Emilia Romagna, N Italy NCEP CDD (DJF), 1979-1993 ARPA-SMR AUTH
HadAM3P: predictor validation • UEA and ARPA-SMR: • Principal Components of MSLP, Z500, T850 • Good correspondence in # of significant components and explained variance (seasonal variation). • Differences in patterns larger in summer. (Sampling uncertainty?)
HadAM3P: predictor validation • CNRS-INLN: • Daily CPs (Z@700), clusters, transition probabilities • Inter-relationships: Good correspondence for CPs conditional to heavy precipitation. Frequency errors (Sampling?). 30% 35% 35% HadAM3P 34% 29% 37% NCEP/OBS
HadAM3P: predictor validation • U-STUTT: • Lower-tropospheric (westerly) moisture flux overestimated in winter and underestimated in summer. DJF JJA
Will performance be degraded when predictors are taken from GCMs? • How do the statistically-downscaled changes in extremes compare with RCM changes? • Are the observed predictor/ predictand relationships reproduced by RCMs - & are they stationary? Iberia (16 stations): Spearman correlations for each of 6 models & season averaged across 7 rainfall indices – NCEP predictors http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/projects/stardex/