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Atmospheric Lead

Atmospheric Lead. A Success Story. The Natural State. Soil dust aerosols derived from rock weathering 0.010 ± 0.002 mg/ /year with some variation caused by changes in source For example: During the Younger Dryas (YD), background rates increased by a factor of 35. The Unnatural State.

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Atmospheric Lead

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Atmospheric Lead A Success Story

  2. The Natural State • Soil dust aerosols derived from rock weathering • 0.010 ± 0.002 mg//year with some variation caused by changes in source • For example: During the Younger Dryas(YD), background rates increased by a factor of 35

  3. The Unnatural State • Lead in Air • Petrol • Industrial Processes • Soil tillage and enhanced rates of soil erosion, thereby promoting the creation and release of soil dust • Lead Mining By 1979, the lead flux had reached 15.7 mg//year, exceeding the natural flux by a factor of more than 1500

  4. Pb EF (Pb levels normalized to Sc levels)

  5. Historic Lead Ratios (206Pb/207Pb)

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