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PD Team Meeting January 11, 2012. Webinar Protocol. PLEASE MUTE —your computer and we will move you to panelist so you can talk THANKS!. Webinar Protocol. Eliminate background noise as much as possible.
Webinar Protocol PLEASE MUTE —your computer and we will move you to panelist so you can talk THANKS!
Webinar Protocol • Eliminate background noise as much as possible. • Send messages through the chat window to all as needed; we may not monitor the questions bar. • Raise your hand on the dashboard if you can’t get into the conversation.
Meeting Outcomes By the end of this session, participants will.… • Understand the history of the DPI Roundtables • Review the DPI rules for email • Preview the most probable version of the SI 2012 agenda • Chat about the Team Celebration • Issues Bin
Norms • Respectful communication as allies. • Be actively involved • Focus on established goals • Assume the best of my colleagues • Thoughtfully involve others.
Note-Taker DeLea will take notes.
Michael Hickman History of the Roundtables
Eliz Understanding DPI Email rulesremember everything is public record
Yvette, Eliz & Robert Rationale and Design Protocol for SI 2012Summer-palooza
Rationale:Keep the educators of North Carolina grounded in the following questions: • What do we want students to learn? • How will we know if they have learned it? • How will we respond when they don’t learn it? • How will we respond when they already know it?
Rationale:In order to strengthen cross-divisional work at NCDPI, cross-division presentation teams will design and facilitate the sessions. The topics below will be embedded into each content session • Building Data literacy • (How will we know if they have learned it?) • Understanding RTI • (How will we respond when they don’t learn it?) • Reaching for Rigor • (How will we respond when they already know it?)
Design Protocol: • Operate with a co-teaching model, in a collaborative presentation mode (report pp. 31-32) The goal for SI 2012 is co-teaching. • Enable learning with authentically embedded technology tools and resources (recommendation #4 p. 11 report) • Fully engage participants, with activities that allow them to read, write, listen, and speak in order to reach a deeper understanding of the ideas and concepts of the session (report page 42)
Design Protocol: (continued) • Make specific connections that showcase alignment to the Professional Educator Standards • Include Kenan Fellows in the design and delivery • Gather formative data by providing a closing evaluation for participants at the conclusion of each session • Review data with presentation team; these will not be collected by the Leadership Team. • Set priorities and action steps for next session
In order to meet the goals, each team will • Determine team lead-this lead could be from any of the divisions represented – ERD, IT, or C & I • Establish group norms and strategies for enforcing the norms –recommendations from Learning Forward on how to do this are posted to the wiki. • Devote time to “getting to know each other” - • Establish a meeting schedule with dates, times, and locations; consider virtual meetings as well
DeLea PD Team Celebrationevening of February 23
Issues Bin • Note the important dates at the bottom of your agenda for today. • Robert and Eliz will contact you individually about reviewing your goals. We are trying to do all these meetings face to face. • We are continuing to interview for contract PD Leads. Be thinking of an orientation process for these folks as they join your regional teams. • Use your DPI Outlook calendar to record your trainings, meetings, etc. Show your travel time before and after the event. • LEA training needs spreadsheet due to Kristin by January 20, 2012. We will consolidate and forward to Maria. Add your region number to the title of the document when you save it. • Someone has asked for media permission and used the form on our wiki. The form has DeLea’s name on it but she did not ask for it. Is this you? The forms are on Eliz’s desk. • What else?