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Dairy Nutrition: Benefits for Health and Sports Performance

Learn about the nutritional importance of dairy, including traditional benefits and its role in sports, blood pressure, and calcium requirements. Discover serving sizes, sources of calcium, and the impact on body weight and bone development. Understand the connection between dairy, vitamin D, muscle recovery, and bone health. Explore how dairy influences blood pressure and the DASH diet. Find out about osteoporosis risk factors and the significance of nutrients like protein, magnesium, and phosphorus in maintaining bone health.

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Dairy Nutrition: Benefits for Health and Sports Performance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The nutritional importance of dairy

  2. Traditional Benefits • Sports benefits • Blood Pressure • benefits

  3. Calcium Requirements

  4. What is a serving? • 1 glass of milk (⅓ pint milk) • 1 matchbox-sized piece of cheese (1oz/28g) • 1 pot of yogurt (125g) • Make them low fat!

  5. Inadequate Calcium Intakes in Ireland

  6. Dairy sources of calcium

  7. Other sources of Calcium Dietplan 6

  8. Dairy and body weight “Those who meet the recommendations for milk, cheese & yogurt are less likely to be obese” (NOTF 2005)

  9. Fat content of Milk 1 200ml glass of whole milk = 7g fat 1 200ml glass of low fat fortified milk = 3g Total fat in a day – GDA woman = 70g

  10. Which milk at what Age?

  11. Bone Development 90% by late teens It’s never too late to maintain healthy bones!

  12. Calcium and phosphate in milk help to protect tooth enamel Casein (milk protein) is also protective Forms a thin protective film on the enamel surface which prevents loss of calcium and phosphate from the enamel when the teeth are exposed to acids Dental Health

  13. Dairy & Sports vs Physical activity helps to strengthen bones School milk programme – boost calcium intakes

  14. Milk & Rehydration • Water, sugar (lactose) and electrolytes (sodium & potassium) in skimmed milk make it a good recovery solution after exercise. • Skimmed milk more effective than water & sports drinks at rehydrating the body after exercise (1, 2) • Milk contains good quality protein and has been shown in studies to be effective in inducing protein synthesis and in reducing exercise induced muscle damage (1) Shireffs et al (2007); (2) Watson et al (2008)

  15. Carbohydrates and proteins in milk may help to prevent exercise-induced muscle damage Semi-skimmed milk or milkshake (for athletes) - effective Milk contains good quality protein and has been shown in studies to be effective in inducing protein synthesis and in reducing exercise induced muscle damage post exercise. Cockburn et al (2008) Milk & Muscle Recovery

  16. The Sunshine Vitamin D • “In the absence of vitamin D we cannot absorb more than 15% of the calcium we consume”.Prof R. Heaney, Prof of Medicine, Creighton Uni, Nebraska. • Low levels of Vitamin D linked to : • Rickets in children • Osteomalacia • Osteoporosis • Diabetes • Colon / breast cancer • High blood pressure • Peridontal disease • Chronic pain

  17. Low blood levels of vitamin D had twice the risk of a cardiovascular event in the following five years compared to those with higher levels of vitamin D Ref: Vitamin D deficiency and risk of cardiovascular disease. Circulation. 2008 Jan 29;117(4):503-11 Vitamin D Sources Sunlight Fortified Dairy products Fortified breakfast cereal Oily fish Eggs Importance of Vitamin D

  18. Vitamin D intakes in Ireland North/South Food Consumption Survey 2001 www.iuna.net National Children’s Food Survey 2005www.iuna.net

  19. Dairy & Blood Pressure

  20. Dairy & Blood Pressure The DASH diet • Reduced blood pressure within 2 weeks on a diet containing: • fruit and vegetables (8-10 servings / day) • low-fat dairy products (2-3 servings / day) • reduced sodium intake (3g / day) Appel LJ et al (1997, 2006).

  21. Blood Pressure & Adolescents • DASH-type diet also shown to lower blood pressure in adolescents with high blood pressure • Study encouraged adolescents to consume fruit, veg & low fat dairy (no specific calorie recommendation made) • Participants educated in reducing sodium intakes • 50% of participants achieved normal BP levels Couch et al (2008)

  22. Combination of factors: Fruit & veg intakes Low salt intakes Calcium in milk Milk peptides (1) May help to relax blood vessels What’s the magic ingredient? (1) Xu et al (2008)

  23. Bone Health Vitamin D Helps the body to use calcium Calcium Involved in bone formation Magnesium Phosphorus Helps with bone calcification Protein

  24. Bones = scaffolding for our body Skeleton allows us to move & provides a protective cage for our internal organs Known as a silent disease because, until a fracture occurs, symptoms can be absent Osteoporosis

  25. Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

  26. www.paulamee.com

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