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Hypothetical constructions

Hypothetical constructions. IF ONLY prezentare. + Past Simple pentru dorinte referitoare la prezent sau viitor. Situatie : I would like to be taller. If only I were taller… I could become a fashion model. Situatie : He will come tomorrow. If only he came earlier.

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Hypothetical constructions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hypothetical constructions IF ONLY prezentare

  2. + Past Simplepentru dorinte referitoare la prezent sau viitor. Situatie: I would like to be taller. • If only I were taller… I could become a fashion model. Situatie: He will come tomorrow. • If only he came earlier.

  3. + Past Continuouspentru dorinte cu privire la actiuni referitoare la prezent sau viitor. Situatie: We are going to Mamaia for the holiday. • If only we were going to Monte Carlo. Situatie: He is talking on the phone now. • If only he were listening to me.

  4. + Past Perfectpentru a exprima regret pentru actiuni care nu s-au intamplat in trecut. Situatie: I didn’t know about his problem. • If only I had known about his problem. (maybe I could have changed something.) Situatie: She didn’t keep her mouth shut and told him the secret. • If only she had kept her mouth shut.

  5. + would + verbpentru a exprima o actiune viitoare fara prea mari sanse de realizare. Situatie: I’m sure I’ll not receive a car for my birthday. • If only I would receive a car for my birthday. Situatie: He might learn more for his next exam, but I doubt. • If only he would learn more for his next exam.

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