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Career & Technical Education Carl Perkins Shared Services Arrangement Meeting May 15, 2012

Career & Technical Education Carl Perkins Shared Services Arrangement Meeting May 15, 2012. Chris Johnson, CTE Consultant—Phone 361-561-8516, Email chris.johnson@esc2.us. Agenda. Welcome and Opening Remarks Reflections for The 2011-2012 School Year

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Career & Technical Education Carl Perkins Shared Services Arrangement Meeting May 15, 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Career & Technical EducationCarl Perkins Shared Services Arrangement MeetingMay 15, 2012 Chris Johnson, CTE Consultant—Phone 361-561-8516, Email chris.johnson@esc2.us

  2. Agenda • Welcome and Opening Remarks • Reflections for The 2011-2012 School Year • Discussion Concerning Reallocation Monies And Deadlines • Declaration of Programs of Study • Discussion Concerning Processes and Procedures for 2012-2013 • Discussion Concerning Summer Workshops for SSA Members

  3. Reflections • What went well in the SSA this year? • What do you think we could have done differently? • What would you like to see next year? • Program Effectiveness Report • Follow up on “hubbing” critical need CTE courses/clusters/programs of study

  4. Funding: Expenditures and Reallocations • Additional funds released three weeks ago • Short timeline for expenditures • Acceptable uses for reallocated funds • Determination of distribution to SSA members • Letter of the law vs. spirit of the law

  5. Programs of Study • Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins Grant requires that all grant participants “Offer the appropriate courses of not less than three CTE programs of study in three different clusters.” • Declaration of Programs of Study Activity

  6. 2012-2013 • Membership in the SSA • Career Cruising • Mutually Beneficial • ESC and Salaries • Flow-through Money

  7. Summer Workshops/Conferences • July 16, 20, 2012: TIVA Professional Development Conference, Corpus Christi, TX • July 23-26, 2012: Texas Career Education Conference, Dallas, TX • July 30-August 3, 2012: FCSTAT Professional Development Conference, Dallas, TX • July 30-August 2, 2012: VATAT Professional Development Conference • ESCAPE will occur in August. See www.esc2.net for more information

  8. Possible Topics • Civil Rights Training • Special Populations Training • Integration with the Four Core Training • PEIMS Coding Training • CTE Advisory Council Training • Career Cruising Training

  9. Career & Technical EducationContact MeetingMay 15, 2012 Chris Johnson, CTE Consultant—Phone 361-561-8516, Email chris.johnson@esc2.us

  10. Agenda • Welcome and Opening Remarks • Issues in CTE • Follow up from Articulation Workshops • Follow up on registration in articulated courses for the 2011-2012 school year • Discussion concerning summer workshops for CTE

  11. Issues in CTE • Carl Perkins Application—June 3, 2012 • Master Scheduling • Highly Qualified • State Certified • PEIMS coding • Four year plans • Attendance at ARD meetings • Performance Effectiveness Report

  12. On the Radar Carl Perkins Application June 3, 2012 Master Scheduling Four Year Plans ARD Meetings PER Issues in CTE

  13. Four Year Plans • Impact CTE Coding • Impact Carl Perkins Funding • Required by Law • Coding by Intent • Coding up • Coding down • Changing of codes

  14. Articulation Workshops for Statewide and Local Articulation What Worked Progress Report Suggestions Articulation Workshop Follow-up

  15. Updates on the numbers Update What happens next Next Steps From here going forward Follow up Registration System

  16. Summer Workshops/Conferences • July 16, 20, 2012: TIVA Professional Development Conference, Corpus Christi, TX • July 23-26, 2012: Texas Career Education Conference, Dallas, TX • July 30-August 3, 2012: FCSTAT Professional Development Conference, Dallas, TX • July 30-August 2, 2012: VATAT Professional Development Conference • ESCAPE will occur in August. See www.esc2.net for more information

  17. Possible Topics • Civil Rights Training • Special Populations Training • Integration with the Four Core Training • PEIMS Coding Training • CTE Advisory Council Training • Career Cruising Training

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