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Health and Well-Being Board

Health and Well-Being Board. Operational Partnership Board update (3 rd Tier). Learning Disability Partnership Board. 15 th September 2011. The Aims. Make sure that the priorities of Valuing People Now are implemented in Ealing

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Health and Well-Being Board

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health and Well-Being Board Operational Partnership Board update (3rd Tier)

  2. Learning Disability Partnership Board 15th September 2011

  3. The Aims • Make sure that the priorities of Valuing People Now are implemented in Ealing • People with learning disabilities have the same rights, choices, and opportunities as everyone else • Bringing together local plans and partnerships • People with learning disabilities and family carers play an active part in planning, developing and checking services

  4. Meet 6 times a year including an annual review day 4 subgroups focusing on the priority areas of Valuing People Now Better Health Better Housing Make My Day (employment, day opportunities, workforce development and hate crime) Transition Carers Together Power Group The structure

  5. Local level Subgroups report progress to the board on an annual basis Annual review National level Partnership Board report Health Self Assessment 4 top targets and 25 sub objectives 3 levels of achievement Benchmark local progress against the national framework Measuring success

  6. Report on how we are improving services and working toward the 3 priorities in Valuing People Now: Health Housing Employment Our report submitted to the Learning Disabilities Observatory in June Observatory will collate and publish all reports, statistics, examples of good practice and common themes Annual Partnership Board Report

  7. Health – The self Assessment process

  8. Health – How well are we doing?Assessment Ratings

  9. Treat Me Right continue to work with WLMHT and Ealing Hospital to support them to make reasonable adjustments Learning Disability Awareness training Learning Disability Champions on most wards Discharge protocols with Ealing Hospital 353 Health Action Plans Health Action Plans for young people Think Healthy event Easy read information CQUINS for the hospital and local mental health services Exposure group and well women’s group Hanwell dental surgery and Featherstone Clinic A Fitness programme in partnership with Extreme Ability/Active Ealing. Health – what is going well

  10. Less than half of GP surgeries in Ealing are signed up to do annual health checks – only 59 completed last year No GP representation on health subgroup or the Partnership Board Better awareness of needs of patients with learning disabilities in primary care sector All new strategies and services need to include the needs of patients with learning disabilities More people need to access health screening Access to data about patients with learning disabilities – safeguarding, disease register Transfer of NHS commissioning body – commissioners will need to understand the needs of people with learning disabilities Health – what needs to improve?

  11. 70 people in part time paid employment (less than 16 hours) 42 people in paid employment (16+ hours) 164 people in voluntary work / work experience Apprenticeship scheme Ealing pathways pre-apprentice programme The Future Jobs Fund Disability Volunteer Scheme Accession social enterprise established as an independent company and is putting proposals to the local authority and West London Mental Health Trust to build local enterprises Employment – What’s going well

  12. Less jobs Public sector was one of the largest employers of people with learning disabilities Mainstream Back to Work schemes unlikely to benefit people with learning disabilities Less funding available to provide on the job support Employment – the challenges

  13. Housing – where people live • In Ealing - 715 • In other parts of London - 60 • Out of London -149

  14. Housing – What’s going well • New supported living service for people with challenging needs opened in August • Well established Shared Lives Scheme • New extra care scheme will offer places to older people with learning disabilities • 24 more people in supported living • 18 people are living in their own homes bought though shared ownership scheme

  15. Housing – the challenges • Access to social housing – introduce quota for direct lets for tenants with learning disabilities • Including the needs of people with learning disabilities in housing strategies, reviews and housing developments • Engaging with private landlords • Some staff in the housing department don’t understand the needs of customers with learning disabilities • Achieving value for money for residential and supported living placements

  16. Other developments • Day opportunities – planned shift from centre based to inclusive community based model • Links with adult learning • Increasing the number of changing places toilets in the borough • Improved inter-agency working to support young people in transition • Over 30 people trained as 3rd party reporters to support people with learning disabilities to report hate crime • Working with children’s services – approved provider list for play and recreation for children and young people

  17. How can the H&WBB help? • Support proposals to develop Accession Social Enterprise • Support inclusion of social capital requirements in procurement process • Support quota for social housing • Support appointment of a GP Champion • Support inclusion of needs of learning disabilities in mainstream strategies and service developments

  18. Any Questions?

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