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Health and Well-being

Explore the multidimensional aspects of health and well-being, encompassing biological, social, psychological, and cultural viewpoints. Understand the evolving definition and promotion of health. Deepen your knowledge of factors influencing individual and societal health.

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Health and Well-being

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Enriching Knowledge for the Health Management and Social Care Curriculum Series (9) : Individual Health and Well-being (Compulsory Part) (Refreshed) 27 Jan 2015 Health and Well-being Booklet (2)

  2. Curriculum Framework

  3. Round-up:Booklet(13)Health and Social Care Policies

  4. Learning Targets

  5. Learning Targets

  6. 2.1 Holistic concept of Health Curriculum and Assessment Guide • Topic 1 - Personal Development, Social Care and Health Across the Lifespan • 1ABiological, social, psychological, spiritual, ecological and cultural perspectives and dimensions • 1A1 -Definitions of health • To understand the holistic concept of health

  7. 2.1 Concept of health (WHO,1947) • A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being • Not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

  8. 2.1 Holistic concept of Health Curriculum and Assessment Guide • Responding to the Needs in the Areas of Health (care, promotion and maintenance) and Social Care • 3AThe notion and practice of health promotion, health maintenance, ill-health prevention, social care, welfare and community services • 3A1-Different aspects (social, psychological, emotional and physical) of health

  9. 2.1 Different Aspects / Dimensions Intellectual Emotional

  10. 2.1The interrelations of all the dimensions of health

  11. 2.2 Factors affecting Health and Well-being Curriculum and Assessment Guide • Topic 1 - Personal Development, Social Care and Health Across the Lifespan • 1DFactors affecting our health / illness experiences and personal and social well-being • To recognise the factors that influence personal and social health • To analyse the interrelationships between the factors that affect health and well-being • To realise that knowledge of the determinants of health serve to deepen our understanding of not just the problems but the interventions needed to address them

  12. 2.2 Factors affecting health and well-being

  13. Individual factors

  14. 2.2 Factors affecting health and well-being

  15. Socio-economic environment :demographic factors

  16. Socio-economic environment :Social and economic factors

  17. 2.2 factors affecting health and well-being

  18. Living Environment Living environment

  19. 2.2 Factors affecting health and well-being

  20. Global Environment Global environment

  21. 2.2 Factors affecting health and well-being

  22. 2.3Different perspectives of Health and Well-being Curriculum and Assessment Guide • Topic 1 - Personal Development, Social Care and Health Across the Lifespan • 1A Biological, social, psychological, spiritual, ecological and cultural perspectives and dimensions • Biological, social, psychological, spiritual, ecological and cultural perspectives • To understand that health can be examined by a range of biological, social, psychological, spiritual, ecological and cultural perspectives

  23. 2.3Different perspectives of health and well-being

  24. 2.3Different perspectives of Health and Well-being

  25. 2.3Different perspectives of Health and Well-being

  26. 2.4 Promotion of health and well-being Curriculum and Assessment Guide • Topic 1 - Personal Development, Social Care and Health Across the Lifespan • 1A Biological, social, psychological, spiritual, ecological and cultural perspectives and dimensions • Definitions of health • To understand the holistic concept of health

  27. Evolving Definition of Health Social Care

  28. Caring Citizenship and Social Care

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