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Dear Parents of school age children. If your child is eligible for school next year please read this newsletter .
Dear Parents of school age children If your child is eligible for school next year please read this newsletter . I have been asked by the Public Schools in this area if I can let all of you know that the schools would like you to call in and pick up an enrolment form and put your childs’ name down at their school by next week. This is so they can plan the orientation day sessions and apply for any funding if needed. Kororo Public School already have a Kindy Expo day planned for August 28th and need parents to provide their email addresses so they can send this invite out at the end of the week.They invite you to call in and pick up the form IN PERSON. It does seem to be getting earlier and earlier to enrol so I apologise for not reminding parents before now as I was surprised how soon this has come about! Preschool is hosting the VISION steps program on Wednesday 7 th August. All children going to school are encouraged to attend at 9am at Bucca for a simple eye sight test (even if its not your day you can attend for a quick eye test). Your local doctor can also carry out the Healthy Kids Check in combination with the 4 year old needle . If you do not have your child vaccinated it is still important to book this appointment as the doctor will check ears, speech, general health and send you for a referral if anything is needed.
Getting Ready for ‘Big’ School at Lower Bucca Community Preschool
What age should my child start school? • If your child turns 5 on or before the 31st July, they can enrol for Kindergarten in a NSW Public School. However, some children benefit from being a little older when they start school. By law, all children must start school by their sixth birthday. A general guide, if your child’s birthday falls in: August to December Start school when they are 5 years old. January to April Unless there are identified problems (physical, social, language) start school the year they are turning 5. May to July Each child should be assessed individually. (Seek advice from your Local School, Preschool and Carers.
My child turns 5 before the 31 July, but how do I know if they are ready for school? SOME CONSIDERATIONS FOR DETERMINING SCHOOL READINESS • Is my child emotionally ready for the challenges of school? • Can my child mix well with others? • Does my child separate from me easily? • Will my child flourish in a structured environment? Or does s/he need a more relaxed, unstructured one? • Does my child listen well and respond appropriately to instructions? • Does my child communicate effectively? • Do I want my child to go to school because it will be more convenient for me, or because s/he is ready? • Will another year in preschool be more beneficial for my child? • Will my child cope with the tiredness of five days at school? ] School Readiness Check out www.lowerbuccapreschool.com.au and under parent resources there is a wide range of school readiness information plus two books to read to your child.
Getting Ready for a Smooth Transition In addition to specific preschool transition activities, getting prepared at home before school starts will help you and your child feel confident and excited about starting school. The following guide has been prepared by the NSW Department of Education & Training to assist with the transition to Kindergarten: For great Information on School Readiness Check out www.lowerbuccapreschool.com.au and under parent resources there is a wide range of school readiness information plus a book to read to your child. We have produced a slideshow showing photos of Sandy beach public School and a social story. This is a useful tool to help acquaint children with what a school may look like.
Preparing for Kindergarten You will probably find that you are already preparing your child for school, particularly if they are already attending preschool. Attached is a list of skills that will be useful for children starting Kindergarten. Remember that this is only a guide as all children develop at a different pace. Nana Glen Primary School suggests most of the following on their school website. • Before School Screening to check hearing, vision and small and large muscle development. [This can be done through your local GP when you arrange the 4 year old immunisations so that immunisation certificates are up to date. Under Medicare you can claim for a Healthy Kids Check. • Enrol at your preferred school during term 2 or at latest term 3 if possible. • Visit the school and be involved in orientation and/or transition Programs. • Develop routines at home, such as bed times. • Read together regularly. • Play family games to develop turn taking and sharing. • Talk positively about school. • Help your child to visualise themselves at school. • Help your child to feel positive and self confident. • Practise using lunch boxes and caring for their belongings. • Learn to recognise and write their name. • Learn about personal hygiene: going to the toilet, washing hands, blowing noses. • Label all belongings. • Talk about stranger danger and road safety • Children learn better when they are well rested and have a nutritious breakfast
The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment Children enter Kindergarten with different skills and experiences. The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment is a tool to help teachers find out each child’s skills and tailor teaching to their individual needs. Teachers will sit with your child early in the school year to assess your child’s early literacy and early numeracy skills so that they can develop an appropriate teaching program catered for your child. You will hear more about this when you attend school orientation and transition programs. To learn more, check out the following links on the Bucca website: Best Start Literacy – A Parent’s Guide Best Start Numeracy – A Parent’s Guide
What will my child learn at school? As the parent of a primary school student you will want to know what your child is learning so you can help them along at home. You and your child’s teachers will be the most important influence on your son or daughter’s education This following guide is provided by the NSW Board of Studies to help you follow your child’s early learning and to help you talk with teachers about day-to-day classroom activities and your child’s progress. A Parent’s Guide to the NSW Syllabus A Guide to NSW Foundation Font Staff are focussing on school readiness skills this term to ensure children are confident, independant., able to regulate their behaviour and have the necessary practical skills . We are also fine tuning their pencil skiils, literacy and numeracy skills. Sam, Naomi and Giselle attended a Transition to School seminar last Thursday evening and were very reassured to see that the skills we focus on at Bucca are exactly in line with what Teachers are looking for in school readiness in a child. Teachers stress that social competence and self regulation skills are much more important for survival in school than learning ABC’s as that will come easily if children are confident and ready to learn.
You may find the following resources helpful on our website under parent resources • A Special Place – A book you can print and read with your child about starting school. • Enrolment Application for NSW Public Schools • Helping your child with numeracy • Helping your child with literacy • Please ask Sam Birch if you would like me to attend a meeting at the school with yourself and the Principal to discuss how best to transition your child into the school.