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Year 10 GCSE PE Lesson 5. Motivation. Aim & Objectives. Aim: By the end of this session students will: Define motivation and the different types of motivation. Learning Objectives: By the end of this session student will: Describe motivation and how it affect sport.
Year 10 GCSE PE Lesson 5 Motivation
Aim & Objectives • Aim: By the end of this session students will: • Define motivation and the different types of motivation. • Learning Objectives: By the end of this session student will: • Describe motivation and how it affect sport. • Identify the different types of motivation. • Explain how motivation can affect sports performance. • Key words: motivation ,guidance
Starter Activity Q1. There are 4 different ways that skills can be learnt name all 4 methods? Q2. Look at the 2 pictures below what type of method practice would be used to teach/learn these skills?
Answers to Starter • Question 1: • Part Method • Whole Method • Variable Practice • Fixed Practice Question 2: Tennis Serve PART PRACTICE Dive in competitive Swimming: WHOLE PRACTICE
Task 1 What is motivation? In pair discuss what you think it is and write down a definition…
Motivation Definition Level A ‘Motive – The desire to fulfil a need’ (Cox, 1988) ‘The internal mechanisms and external stimuli which arouse and direct behaviour’ (Sage, 1977) Definition Level B ‘Motivation is the driving force that compels people to do something’
Motivation • Why does someone prefer rock-climbing to hockey? • Are there different reasons for competing? • Why do marathon runners continue despite pain? • Why do people want to improve their skills? • In other words, what motivates people?
On the following pages are Sporting examples of what motivates sports stars ?
“ Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is. -Vince Lombardi ”
SPORT PS CHOLOG “ At half-time I thought it was a mountain to climb, but we did it. -Steven Gerrard ” MOTIVATION
Different types of Motivation Two types of motivation: Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY MEAN? ( discuss in pairs)
SPORT >Intrinsicis motivation that comes from within you. > You have a personal desire to perform to the best of your ability. > It is internal and intangible. PS CHOLOG love of country/club/sport beating your personal best MOTIVATION
SPORT > Extrinsic is motivation that comes from outside you. > You have an external desire to perform to the best of your abilities. > It is external and tangible. PS CHOLOG money/sponsors trophies/prizes Fans/coach MOTIVATION
Task 2 • What motivated you to start playing sport? • Why do you still play your sport? Is it because: - • You want to win medals? • You want to reach your full potential? • You want to play in a good team? • You like the feel of when you are winning.
What do you think motivates these players?DISCUSS WITH A PARTNER
‘Those who are intrinsically motivated engage in an activity for the pleasure and satisfaction they experience while learning, exploring or trying to understand something new.’ Weinberg and Gould, 2003.
Extrinsic Motivation • Extrinsic motivation comes from a source outside of the performer. These are things which can encourage the athlete to perform and fall into two groups: Extrinsic Motivation Tangible RewardsIntangible Rewards
Tangible Rewards Physical rewards such as medals and money. These should be used sparingly with young athletes to avoid a situation where winning a prize is more important than competing well
Intangible Rewards • Praise, recognition and achievements. • These should be used on a regular basis to encourage the athlete to repeat the behavior which earned the praise.
Motivation. • Sir Alex Ferguson is one manager who is an excellent example of a motivator of players. • Man United were losing 1-0 in the 89th minute of the 1999 UEFA Champions League Cup. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED?
Task Level B Consider each of the following statements made by athletes as to why they are motivated, and decide whether it is intrinsic or extrinsic motivation factor . • I want to win medals, • I want to earn an England cap, • I want to reach my full potential, • I want to make money, • I want to play in a good team, • I want to play in front of large crowds, • I want to give the public enjoyment, • I want to feel good about my performance, • I want to be recognised by the public for my ability. • I want to feel mastery in my own ability.
Motivation Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation I want to win medals, I want to earn an England cap, I want to make money, I want to play in front of large crowds, I want to be recognised by the public for my ability. • I want to reach my full potential, • I want to play in a good team, • I want to give the public enjoyment, • I want to feel good about my performance, • I want to feel mastery in my own ability
SPORT The Importance of Motivation > It is important to be motivated in sport in order to perform well. If a sportsman or woman is not well motivated then they will not perform to the best of their abilities. > When the whole team is motivated you have an environment that encourages people to all perform to the best of their abilities rather then just having individuals performing well. > This is vital to success in sport as it is a team that wins matches rather then one or two individuals. PS CHOLOG MOTIVATION
Extension Task ‘Nothing happens in sport that is devoid of motivation’ (Cox, 1991) For each of the following individuals/teams write down what you think may motivate them:
Plenary Activity • In pairs partner A reads out the words in the yellow box and partner B has to guess the word. PERSONALITY Outgoing Character Act Shy