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Connecting with the SPP/APR. Kansas State Personnel Development Grant. Kansas SPDG (2007-2012).
Connecting with the SPP/APR Kansas State Personnel Development Grant
Kansas SPDG (2007-2012) Goal 1: Improve the systemic capacity of the Kansas professional development system to recruit and retain highly qualified special educators by establishing an induction and mentoring program. Goal 2: Improve the systemic capacity of the Kansas professional development system to produce an adequate supply of teachers and provide effective instruction for children with low incidence disabilities. Goal 3: State adoption and increased district implementation of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) in academics and social competencies within an integrated state system of school accountability.
SPDG/SPP/APR Connections When we can embed we do. It is not a question. It is how we do our work and how the work gets done right. What types of SPDG/SPP/APR connections have happened in Kansas? Shared people and partners Shared processes and systems Shared accountability and outcomes
Shared People: Roles & Responsibilities SEA special education staff and administrators are leads or co-leads of SPP/APR indicator(s), including SPDG staff. Indicator 8: Parental Involvement (John) Indicator 4: Suspension/Expulsion (Jillian) SPP/APR Indicators are clustered and staff work as a team on: indicator data collection ongoing implementation, evaluation, and reporting of improvement activities. Assistant Director (SPDG Project Director) guides SPP/APR report compilation and writing process, ensures OSEP reporting requirements are met, carefully edits APR and SPP & ensures submission by the deadline.
Shared Partners: Improvement Activity Implementation SPDG subcontractors, sub grantees, external to KSDE are identified in SPP/APR as “resources” Examples: • Families Together (State IDEA PTI) • Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (ESEA Parent Center) • SE and SW Kansas Regional Behavior Teams (SE KS Service Center and High Plains Education Cooperative)
Shared Processes: Improvement Activity Implementation SPDG staff have helped develop the processes the KSDE is using to: Assess impact and monitor progress Evaluate improvement activity effectiveness Data collection and reporting by providing examples, tools and resources from SPDG activity evaluation and performance measures and incorporating use of logic model.
Shared Systems: Tools for Plan & Report Production SPDG staff have assisted with… Creating an online database for report compilation and tracking Sharing knowledge and insights of technical report writing and the how-to’s and have-to’s. It is all project management
Shared Accountability & Outcomes • SPDG Performance Measure reporting uses SPP Indicator target data as data source, when appropriate • SPDG Goal 3 uses state indicator level data from Indicators 2, 3, 4a, 13 for six performance measures... Objective 3.4 Improve capacity of school staff to facilitate student engagement and parental involvement as a means of improving academic and behavioral achievement. See page 19-20 of the 2010 Kansas SPDG Perf. Report for details http://www.spdgkansas.net/resources
SPP/APR Impr. Act. with SPDG as Primary Partner… two examples SPDG Partners: Families Together and KPIRC Indicators 1,2,4a,13,14: • “Development of guidance materials and trainings that reflect family issues for Cluster 1 Indicators “ Indicator 8: • “Provide individual & focused TA for strategies to improve parental involvement as requested ” For more detail go to the KSDE 2008 APR: http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=2037
Reflection on the SPP/APR and SPDG connection… Scaling-up, implementation fidelity and sustainability are more likely to be achieved on a statewide level with… • Shared People and Partners • Shared Processes and Systems • Shared Accountability and Outcomes
The Kansas State Personnel Development Grant is funded through the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) & administered through the Kansas State Department of Education under the leadership of Colleen Riley, State Director of Special Education. John Green is the project coordinator and Jillian Pattison is the PBIS coordinator, both of the KSDE Special Education Services team. The KS SPDG is evaluated by Dr. Amy Gaumer Erickson, an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. Kerry A Haag Assistant Director & SPDG Project Director Special Education Services, KSDE 120 SE Tenth Street Topeka, KS 66612 khaag@ksde.org 785-291-3098