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Zone Tracker - Bunker. S tatistik & rapporter för ökad försäljning. Agenda. Tracking Data Our Business model & Offer. Tracking & statistics – Competitors. Tracking of vessels meeting up with other vessels . Tracking competitor bunkering . Reports as mail. Future feature?
Zone Tracker - Bunker Statistik & rapporter för ökad försäljning
Agenda • Tracking • Data • Our Business model & Offer
Tracking & statistics – Competitors Trackingofvesselsmeeting upwithothervessels. Trackingcompetitorbunkering. Reports as mail Future feature? Monthly statistics report showing accumulated lightering time and utilization Tracking the bunker vessel and the customer vessels meeting up
Tracking & statistics – Terminals Trackingofvesselsentering a specific terminal Reports as mail AIS receiver Brofjorden? Zone definitions like yard tracking?
Tracking & statistics – Ocean zones Trackingofvessels in different ocean zones (seesamplebelow). Youcantrack the vesselsmoving in eachzone , who is the commercialoperator and howmanypercent the vesselspend in a specificzone. Based on thisyoucanspecifyreports and diagrams in order toprioritize the right customers. Reports as mail
Agenda • Tracking • Data • Our Business model & Offer
Data (1) (1) (1) Operator/owner/bunker capacity fields are presently NOT included in our offer
Agenda • Tracking • Data • Our Business model & Offer
Our Business model Taylor-made solutions with max focus on supporting the development on your business • An extreme focus on fast deliveries to support you developing your business • Your improvement requests displayed in prototyped visual way within a short timeframe • Our offer based on subscription only Value ? Zone tracker feature idea You test the idea in a prototype Zone tracker feature added YES NO It shall be easy, and fast for you to prototype a new feature in the tool developing your business. Once you know what you want to go for, the feature is added to the offer and an addition is made to the monthly subscription fee.
Offer suggestion Our base offer is the current mail report, offering daily information on Bunker tracking You can track your own vessels as well as competitor vessels assigned by you. The daily bunker tracking report is sent to any mail subscribers within your company, assigned by you. The base offer subscription price is SEK 12.000/month, Commitment is made for 6 months . If you decide to add a new feature, subscription fee is increased. E.g adding terminal tracking to Daily report as extra package to base -> 1.200 SEK in Subscription per month on top of base subscription. An extra package can of course be unsubscribed to if/whenever you say so, maximizing your business value. If prototype drives high cost new investment (e.g hardware not our dev hours), we need to set a special agreement. Operator field is not yet included in our offer